But Jin Fengchen ignored it at all, he went straight to the door.

   This is a rare opportunity to negotiate with Jin Fengchen alone, and Fang Cheng didn't want to miss it. He quickly got up and followed him.

   also kept talking, trying to persuade Jin Fengchen.

What    said is undoubtedly that although the project needs to invest huge amounts of money in the initial stage to support it.

  However, once completed, there will be many rewards and so on.

   But Jin Fengchen was completely unimpressed.

   can lead Jin's group to the present level, how could his vision be so short-sighted.

   Will be attracted by a little bit of profit?

  Although this is not just a small profit.

   Until Jin Fengchen walked to the elevator, Fangcheng still followed like a fart.

   "Mr. Fang." Jin Fengchen stopped and stopped in front of the elevator, then leaned his head and looked down at Fang Cheng.

   Fang Cheng's face had a smile flattering, "Jin Dong, I'm right, right? Do you think about it?"

   "It's a sincerity to talk about business, but I don't think you think so, Mr. Fang, so our conversation today can be over."

   Jin Fengchen politely smiled, and then restored the expressionless expression, and added a sentence: "In addition, if there is anything else, you can find my brother."

  Finally, Jin Fengchen did not give Fang Cheng the opportunity to speak anymore, and walked straight into the elevator that had been reached.

   When Fangcheng came back, the elevator doors had been closed slowly.

   stared at the elevator door for a long time, Fangcheng finally had no choice but to leave the Jin's group.

   Back to the hotel, Fang Cheng sat by the bed, and took that contract for a while.

   went back to the office of Jin Fengchen and saw Jin Fengyao sitting at his desk boldly.

   "Brother, how is it, did you agree with that project?"

   Jin Fengyao was worried that his brother would be soft-hearted, and he promised to cooperate on Jiangse's face.

   That risky project.

   Jin Fengchen glanced at him and strode to the desk, "No."

  Jin Fengyao was relieved, and then looked solemnly with Jin Fengchen about the matter he specifically investigated.

   "I heard that SA Group is under investigation..."

"I know."

  Not waiting for Jin Fengyao to finish speaking, Jin Fengchen interrupted his words, Shen Sheng answered.

   Because of this, he was so vigilant.

  A company, if something goes wrong, shouldn’t we first think about how to solve it?

  Not only did SA Group, but also jumped out at this juncture to find Fangcheng for cooperation.

   If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

   "Hey, brother, do you know? Then tell me about it."

  Jin Fengyao also questioned curiously.

   Jin Fengchen said a few words about the contract with him yesterday, but it was only taken in one stroke, without elaborating.

   saw him at this moment and asked again, so he thought about it for a while, and roughly spoke it in a few sentences.

  It's nothing to tell Feng Yao.

  Jin Fengyao was very surprised, "This is the rhythm of doing things."

   Jin Fengchen raised his eyebrows recklessly.

  Even if it is a problem, it is necessary to measure whether it can pass him.

   And the side of Fangcheng.

   Fangcheng came back, put down the contract, directly opened the computer, and called his son, Fang Yiming, on a video call.

   Soon, Fang Yiming's face appeared on the screen.

   "Dad? Did something happen?"

   Fang Yiming asked with a puzzled expression.

   Fang Cheng sighed heavily, "I have been talking to Jin Fengchen about the contract these two days, and I met him today, but he doesn't seem to have the intention to cooperate with us."

   Fang Yiming was very surprised.

  In his opinion, those conditions are enough to be exciting.

  Unexpectedly, since Jin Fengchen can still be completely indifferent?

   "What did he say?" Fang Yiming asked curiously.

   So, Fang Cheng retold the words asked by Jin Fengchen to Fang Yiming in detail.

   He has to admit that his son is better than blue.

   In the business world, Fang Yiming is more at ease than him.

   After listening, Fang Yiming was completely silent.

   "Yiming, shall we tell him?"

   looked at Fang Yiming's thoughtful expression, Fang Cheng couldn't help but ask softly.

  He is aware of this matter.

   When Fang Yiming gave him a contract, he asked clearly.

  It was just that, without consulting with Fang Yiming, he was not sure if he could tell Jin Fengchen.

   "Well, then tell him, it's no big deal."

  Thinking halfway, Fang Yiming made a decision.

   SA Group's request is that they need long-term supply of this aconite drug.

   "That line."

   Fangcheng nodded and talked about this matter. He asked the doubts that had been in his heart. "You said, are the aconites in the Western Regions not highly toxic drugs? What is the use of SA Group for this?"

   Fang Yiming shook his head and said: "I don't know very well."

   "Come on, I'll see Jin Fengchen again tomorrow. Pay attention to rest, don't get too tired."

After telling Fang Yiming, Fang Cheng hung up the phone.

   The next day, early in the morning.

   Jin Fengchen got up early. After washing, he saw that the little woman in bed was still sleeping soundly. She walked over and tucked in the quilt for her before turning around and leaving.

   arrived at the company, and at a glance saw Fangcheng waiting at the door, knowing that he was waiting here early in the morning, fearing that he would have to discuss the contract with him again.

   Fangcheng saw Jin Fengchen's figure, and immediately greeted him with a smile, "Jin Dong, you can count, I am here from seven o'clock."

   Jin Fengchen stopped and said quietly, "Mr. Fang, is there anything important?"

   "Jin Dong, today I want to talk to you about cooperation again. After I left yesterday, I asked why Yiming SA Group gave such a large profit margin..." Fang Cheng stopped forward without hesitation.

   "Go to the office and talk about it in more detail."

   Jin Fengchen originally didn't want to talk to him any more, but when he heard his second sentence, he changed his mind.

   He wanted to know what kind of medicine was sold in the SA Group's gourd.

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