Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 885: We don't need this thing

Hearing the question in Fang Yiming's words, Fang Cheng raised an eyebrow and said: "Of course it is true, this is Jin Fengchen's personal assistant told me personally, but Jin Fengchen has a condition that he wants to be with SA Group. The person in charge met, Yiming, look at this..."

   The words fell, and Fang Yiming on the other end of the phone was lost in contemplation.

After a long while, he made a decision, "Just when the head of SA Group will come to the country in the next few days, Jin Fengchen can come to Kyoto to meet him as the head of the cooperative group."

   "Okay, let me tell Jin Fengchen."

   Hang up the phone, Fang Cheng did not call Gu Nian, but directly dialed the phone number of Jin Fengchen.

   "Vampire, the head of SA Group will come to Kyoto these days, you see when you have time to meet him?"

   Fangcheng didn't call Mr. Jin, of course, he wanted to get close to him through this relationship.

   Jin Fengchen heard the words and thought about it for a while: "Tomorrow, I will go to Kyoto when things are done here, and I would also ask Mr. Fang to contact the SA group."

   is about Jiang Suther, he will naturally not delay.

   "Vote, you don't have to be so rusty with me, we are all a family. I will be free tomorrow, and since this is the case, we might as well go back together." Fangcheng continued to wrap up almost.

   Jin Fengchen did not agree with his words, "Mr. Fang joked, the family person that Tseul agreed with is my family. I will let my assistant book the ticket, if Mr. Fang wants to be together."

  Although Jin Fengchen did not say anything excessively, Fang Cheng's face felt a bit hot, and he had to laugh and said: "Then trouble Jin Dong to ask the assistant to send me the flight number."

   "Well, I still have something to say to you, goodbye."

   hasn't waited for what Fang Cheng said, Jin Fengchen has simply hung up the phone.

   looked at the black screen, Fang Cheng could not help but clenched his palm.

   Jin Fengchen left his mobile phone on his desk, Shen Mi thought for a while, and then began to process a pile of documents that Gu Nianshi sent in.

   In the evening, Jin Fengchen drove home, went to a nearest dessert shop, and picked some sweet tastes before returning to Jinzhai.

  Sweetly saw Jin Fengchen, quickly ran over with short legs, hugged Jin Fengchen's legs, and shouted softly, "Daddy!"

   "Obe, dad bought the cake for Tian Tian."

   Jin Fengchen said to squat down and handed the bag to Tian Tian.

   After the little girl got the cake, she left a kiss full of saliva on Jin Fengchen's cheek, and then took Jin Fengchen to the dining room.

   happens to be a meal.

  Jin Fengyao and a large family were all sitting at the dining table. Jin Fengyao smiled and took Jin Fengchen's shoulder and said, "Come on, brother, just wait for you."

  After Jin Fengchen sat down, Jin Jin brought the boiled soup over and placed it in front of Jin Fengchen. "This is a good tonic soup, which is good for you and Thurse."

  The people who were present in the words were instantly clear, and Jiangse's cheeks were instantly red like blood.

Seeing the blush on the little woman's face beside him, Jin Fengchen answered, "Mom, we don't need this thing."

   is a simple rejection, but several others have expressed different meanings.

  No need...

   It seems that the two couples are harmonious in some way.

  At first, a few people smiled, and finally Jin Fengyao couldn't help but laughed out loud.

  Jianse Se didn't think much, but when she saw the smile on their faces, her cheeks suddenly turned red again.

   There are only two people beside Xiaobao and Tiantian, completely unknown.

  However, looking at everyone's happy appearance, the two little guys also giggled.

  After dinner, Jin Fengchen led Jiang Sesuo to walk in the yard. This was a rare and pleasant time for them.

  Breezes hit Jiangse's hair.

   Jin Fengchen reached out his hand to smooth her messy hair, "Surther, I'm going to Kyoto tomorrow."

  After hearing the words, Jiang Seser raised his eyes and asked, "Are you going on a business trip? Why didn't you hear you say it before?"

   Jin Fengchen hesitated, and casually said a reason, "Well, there is a temporary problem with a project that requires me to go over."

  He didn't tell her the truth. If she knew it, she would inevitably worry about something.

   Jiang Sesur showed a reluctance on his face, grabbed his thin waist, buried his head in his chest, and asked in a muffled voice: "How long will it take?"

  Feeling Jiangse's emotions, Jin Fengchen tightened her shoulders and said: "About three days, I will come back after the matter is processed, be good."

   The words fell, Jiang Sese didn't answer, but just hugged him more and more.


   The next day, Jin Fengchen woke up and got out of bed lightly.

   unexpectedly awakened Jiang Sesur. She got up sleepily and walked to Jin Fengchen. With a lazy voice just waking up, she asked, "Come back early and pay attention to safety."

   "Relax, I will."

   left a kiss on her forehead, Jin Fengchen rinsed, and left the room.

   came to the airport and met Fangcheng.

   Fang Cheng's face was full of smiles, "Your vassal, I have notified Yi Ming, he will come over to pick us up when we get off the plane."


   Jin Fengchen replied lightly, and went straight to the waiting room.

   Fangcheng saw this and quickly kept up, keeping pace.

   got on the plane, Fang Cheng intended to say a few words with Jin Fengchen, no matter what his seat, they were not in the same cabin with Jin Fengchen.

Seeing what Jin Fengchen meant, Fang Cheng couldn't help being displeased.

   However, I dare not show anything.

   After all, this is a very critical moment. If something goes wrong with Jin Fengchen, everything they do will be abandoned.


  Jincheng and Kyoto are not far away. It takes two minutes by car and the plane will be faster.

   After a short flight, the plane landed smoothly after crossing a long trailing cloud in the sky.

   Fangcheng could not wait to go to the cabin where Feng Feng Jin was, and got off the plane with him.

   left the airport, Fang Yiming was already waiting outside. After seeing Jin Fengchen, he quickly smiled and greeted him: "Jin Dong."

   said that he held out his hand, but Jin Fengchen didn't hold back, but responded faintly.

   For a time, Fang Yiming's hand was left hanging in the air and could not stand, a little embarrassing.

Seeing this, Fangcheng quickly opened the door of a car and hailed Jin Fengchen to get on.

   Before closing the door, Fang Cheng smiled again and asked: "Faith, this plane is bumpy, we will not disturb you to go back to the hotel to rest, I wonder if you can enjoy a meal with your face later?"

   Jin Fengchen's voice was very quiet, "I'll talk about it later."

   His attitude is ambiguous, and Fangcheng is not too hard to force, "This... also succeeds, you lord, you have a good rest first."

   The words fell, and Fangcheng explained that the driver sent Jin Fengchen to the hotel.

  Back to Fang's house, Fangcheng immediately arranged to determine the best restaurant in Kyoto.

  Although Jin Fengchen has not agreed, Fangcheng still wants to make all preparations in advance.

   At this time, Fang Rui received the wind here, knowing that Jin Fengchen and Fang Cheng were getting closer, and immediately became anxious.

   If President Jin was drawn into Fangcheng's lineup, wouldn't they have no hope at all?

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