Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 886: Can't understand his mind

However, although Fang Rui was anxious, it was not easy to ask anything, and now he had to wait and see how it changed.

   Kyoto, Madeleine restaurant.

   Fangcheng and Fang Yiming were sitting opposite each other, and they were all frowning.

   Long time, Fangcheng said: "Yiming, do you say that Jin Fengchen will come?"

   "I have already sent him the address, and I am not sure if he will come." Fang Yiming was also very confused.

  No one can guess what Jin Fengchen thought.

   Just then, the door of the private room was pushed open, and Jin Fengchen wore a tall suit and walked in with long legs.

  For the invitation of Fangcheng's father and son, Jin Fengchen was originally not prepared to come over.

   However, he did not forget the purpose of his trip, so he had to contact the person in charge of SA Group through Fang Cheng and his son.

   So, had to come.

   saw King Feng, the heart hanging in Fang Cheng finally had a landing, and he smiled and said happily: "Faint, you can be counted, sit down and sit down, just waiting for you."

   "Yeah, the vassals will sit down." The aunt Lin Lan on the side also followed.

   Jin Fengchen responded faintly and sat down.

   "Look, vassal, we don't know your taste preferences, so we ordered all the signature dishes of this restaurant. Do you think it is suitable?"

In the discourse, Fang Cheng walked to Jin Fengchen's side deliberately, preparing to help him pour red wine.

   Jin Fengchen stretched out his hand to block it, and refused: "Surther does not like me to drink, sorry."

  Speaking, Fang Cheng retreated a little embarrassingly, smiling, "It seems that Tse and you have a very good relationship."

   mentioning Jiang Sesur, Jin Fengchen's expression did not consciously soften, and he smiled and responded, "Well."

   "Thurse really found a good husband."

   "Isn't it? If our family can produce such a person, it won't be so troublesome."


  The family's deliberate flattery made Jin Fengchen a little impatient.

   He glanced at Fang Yiming and cut to the point, "How did you get in line with SA Group?"

Being stared at by Jin Fengchen suddenly, Fang Yiming was nervous for a moment, and he quickly reacted, "I was on a business trip abroad before and met by accident. After that, I talked a few times, and I got to know it almost like this, and then later Is there any problem in business cooperation?"

   Wen Yan, Jin Fengchen frowned, if it was the same as Fang Yiming said, then things don't seem to be complicated.

   Is he thinking too much?

   "Then do you know the background of SA Group, or have you ever been inside SA Group? How much do you know about them?" Jin Fengchen asked.

   Fang Yiming can be asked here, he does not have a deep understanding of SA Group.

  So, he raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose. "I usually meet the general manager of their company. The cooperation is handed over by him and me. Is there anything wrong with this company?"

   Seeing that Feng Feng Jin's face was not good, Fang Yiming was really frightened.

  After he finished speaking, Jin Fengchen's brow furrowed tighter, and his doubts rose again.

  Seeing that Feng Jinchen was silent, Fang Yiming couldn't help speaking again, "Jin Dong, is there anything wrong?"

"It's nothing."

   words fall, Jin Fengchen will not say anything.

   On the dining table, Fang's family kept showing good intentions, and wanted to deepen the favor in Jin Fengchen's heart.

   Jin Fengchen thought about SA Group's affairs, and he was a little absent-minded.

   "Father, please try it quickly. This is a new dish. You haven't eaten anything tonight." Fang Cheng picked up the male chopsticks, picked up a piece of ribs and put it in Jin Fengchen's plate.

   This restaurant is really good, the dishes are full of flavor and fragrance.

  It's just that Jin Fengchen couldn't mention any appetite.

  After the dinner, the group walked to the door of the restaurant.

  Jin Feng Jin said goodbye to them, then stepped into the car and left.

   Fang's family looked at each other, looking at the limousine that was going away. Fang Yiming asked, "Dad, what the **** do you mean? I can't understand his mind."

  Fangcheng is also inexplicable, pondering for a moment, "Wait first, no matter what he intends, he is not a person we can offend."

   Today, Jin Fengchen’s approach is to make Fang Cheng guess what he thought, and his casual attitude made him dazed.

On the way back to the hotel, Jin Fengchen was inexplicably upset.

   pulled the collar and lit a cigarette.

  He just arrived at the hotel with his forefoot, and his hind foot came.

   "Master, a person who claims to be the second uncle of the young lady, wants to invite you to dinner at home tomorrow."

  Thinking about Fang Rui who met at the birthday party of Grandpa Fang that day, Jin Fengchen raised his hand and said: "Go to reject him, I will not be free tomorrow, and call Fang Yuchen, I have something to tell him."

   Fang Rui and Fang Cheng belong to the same raccoon dog. Jin Fengchen naturally doesn't want to contact one more.

   "Yes, young master."

  Guinian leads the life.

   Half an hour later, the door of the hotel was knocked again, and Fang Yuchen came.

   Jin Fengchen personally went to open the door, welcomed Fang Yuchen in, and ordered Gu Nian, "pour two cups of tea."

   Fang Yuchen sat down, looking at Jin Fengchen with doubts in his heart.

   Today, Jin Fengchen came to Kyoto and Fangcheng to eat and meet with his family. He all knew it.

  Although he had some questions to ask Jin Fengchen, in the end, he still suppressed it.

  Feng Jin took a document from the table and handed it to Fang Yuchen, "This is some reliable customer resources, which should help you. At present, you still need long-term and stable customers to lay the foundation."

  The current situation of Fang's family, Jin Fengchen understands, since Fang Yuchen now wants to take power, he can only do a good job.

   Only by making achievements can they block the mouths of those people and gain the right to speak.

   Fang Yuchen took over and opened a few company names. He couldn't help but surprised and asked doubtfully, "Why? Are you not planning to cooperate with Uncle?"

   Jin Fengchen expected that he would ask this question, after considering it, he said: "Well, it is a compelling matter to cooperate with them, and it is related to the safety of life."

   Hearing this, Fang Yuchen couldn't help but wonder, eagerly said: "My cousin? What happened to her?"

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