Afterwards, Gu Nian, who had been silently following Jin Fengchen, took a step forward, drove the car over, and slowly stopped in front of Jin Fengchen.

   Jin Fengchen and Fangcheng father and son greeted, and then left.

   On the way back to the hotel, Gu Nian looked at his young master through the rearview mirror while driving.

   "Master, do you think SA Group will give up working with us?"

   "Give up? Not necessarily."

   Jin Fengchen seemed to smile, looking out the window and thinking about something.

   Although Pierce did not give a clear reply just now, judging from his reaction, he was still very interested in it.

   "Master, what do you say?"

  Gu Nian frowned slightly, puzzled.

   Jin Fengchen did not answer the question, "What do you think of Pierce?"

   "I feel that he is a very deep man in the city and can't easily see what he is thinking."

   Gu Nian's honest answer, he always said anything in front of Jin Fengchen, never concealed.

   Jin Fengchen leaned on the seat and rubbed his temples, trying to relieve the dizziness after drinking. "People who can get into the position of the general manager of SA Group will not be easily seen through.

  Gu Nian has followed him for so many years and experienced so much, naturally he will not doubt his master's ability.

  Just faced the mysterious SA group, but also a little more thought.

   He frowned and thought for a while, and asked: "So what do you think is the chance of him cooperating with us?"

   "Presumably he will take the initiative to come to the door within two days, you wait and see."

   Jin Fengchen once again turned his head to look out the window, looking at the crowded streets, and couldn't help thinking of Thur and his two children.

   Wen Yan, Gu Nian nodded, "Yes."

   Back to the hotel, Jin Fengchen couldn't take off his jacket, and couldn't wait to make a video call to Jiangse.

   "Wife, what are you doing?"

  Because he drank some wine, Jin Fengchen's voice was very lazy, and the speed of speech was a little slower.

  Jiangseul heard it at once, "Did you drink?"

   sounded like he wanted to settle accounts with Jin Fengchen, but everyone with clear eyes could see that she was distressed to Jin Fengchen.


   Jin Fengchen wanted to deny, but still did not want to lie to her. As soon as her voice changed, she admitted helplessly, "Drink a little."

   "You deceive people, if you only drink a little, you will not be uncomfortable."

  Jianse Se looked at the man's drunken red eyes and couldn't help feeling distressed.

   For them, for this family, he had to entertain.

   Jin Fengchen smiled and comforted, "Good boy, I am not uncomfortable, I really only drank a little."

   "You're not a little bit, are you uncomfortable? You won't even take off your coat when you go back."

   Jiang Sesur complained in a coquettish tone.

   is more worried, it would be nice if he was by his side right now.

   heard the words, Jin Fengchen glanced down, it really did not take off.

  In order not to worry about Jiang Sesur, he got up and changed the subject, "Xiaobao and Tiantian, are you asleep?"

   In fact, I usually get used to the two little guys making trouble, and suddenly leave, I am really uncomfortable.

   "Daddy, I'm here!"

   "Daddy, I'm here too!"

  Jin Fengchen's voice fell, and Xiaobao and Tiantian immediately appeared in front of the camera.

   Jin Fengchen froze for a moment and smiled, "When did you two little guys learn to be scary?"

   Usually heard the playful sound of the two brothers and sisters across the screen. He didn't hear it today. He also doubted whether the two guys were sleeping.

   didn't expect it to deliberately hide to try to scare him, it was getting worse.


   Xiaobao and Tiantian smiled with a smile of Xiaomi teeth, and his face was full of vigor.

   looked at his children so happy, and Jin Fengchen felt more relaxed.

   outsiders would never have thought that Jin Fengchen, who was so popular in the mall, had such a soft side in his heart.

   Jin Fengchen looked at it softly for a while, and then asked abruptly, "Xiaobao, how are you doing your homework?"

   Xiaobao's smile stiffened in the face instantly, which pot really didn't open.

   "Then... Daddy, I just remembered that I haven't brushed my teeth yet. I'm going."

   After hearing the words, Xiaobao was ready to go without saying anything.


   had not taken two steps, Xiaobao was called back by Jin Fengchen.

  Jianse Se and Tian Tian looked at them with a smile, looking like a movie.

   "Several questions were wrong today, but Daddy, I promise that tomorrow's homework must be all right." Xiao Bao extended three fingers, compared to the gesture of taking an oath.

   heard this, Jin Fengchen decided to let him go.

   "Daddy, do you know what I did today?" asked Tian Tianrou's voice, and Jin Fengchen's heart was almost melted.

  He was very fond of his little princess, and his voice answered gently, "What did we do sweetly?"

   "Dang Dang Dang! I did this."

  Tiantian slowly took out a small flower basket from the back, which she had done for a long time today.

   "Good-looking, sweet and awesome."

   Jin Fengchen smiled and praised.

  Xiaobao rolled his eyes in an instant, which was also due to his sister. Instead, it was him. Daddy would definitely say without hesitation: really ugly.

   Alas, my daughter is the pearl that daddy holds in your palm.


  Unconsciously, the family chatted for a while.

   Jin Fengchen glanced at the time, it was not early, and told Xiaobao, "Xiaobao, take your sister to the room to sleep."

   "Okay, go right away."

   Finally can not be questioned homework, Xiaobao is desperate.

   talked about taking her sister out and obediently returned to their respective rooms.

  After the two children went out, Jiangse Se looked at Jin Fengchen and sighed softly, "Faint, don't be so strict with Xiaobao in the future."

"it is good."

   Jin Fengchen's mouth appeared a gentle smile, looking at the little woman over the screen, his heart was so soft.

   "Okay, you should go to sleep well now, don't drink so much wine, take care of your body." Jiangse Se couldn't help but ask a few words.

   finally felt distressed in his heart. He would feel uncomfortable after drinking.

   "I know, you have to rest early, well."

   hung up the phone. Despite some dizziness, the temple suddenly jumped, but the corner of Jin Fengchen's lips raised the arc of happiness.

  No matter how tired he is, as long as he hears the voices of Jiang Sesur and the children, he instantly has strength.

  All irritability will also be easily dispelled.

  The three of them, mother and son, he wanted to cherish and care for all his life.

   Jin Fengchen was a little tired, but thought that Jiang Sesel didn't like the taste of wine.

  Xiaobao Tiantian doesn't like it either.

   Then he didn't like it either.

   Without delay, he stood up decisively and took a shower. After dispelling a little alcohol, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

   early the next morning.

  Jin Fengjin just got up and finished washing, then there was a rapid knock on the door.

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