Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 890: Some people rejoice and others worry

Outside the door, Fang Cheng knocked several times in a row before taking back his hand and pacing back and forth anxiously.

   Early this morning, he went to the Fang Group to hold a shareholders meeting and heard that the whole group was talking about Fang Yuchen.

   Several female staff get together and gossip.

   "I heard that Xiao Fang has directly won a billion-dollar project this time, which is really amazing."

   "No, it's just that Xiao Fang's general looks handsome, and he is so capable. If anyone can marry him in the future, he will simply pick up an invaluable treasure."

   "If we have half of Xiao Fang's brain, we don't need to be a clerk here."


   twitter's words fell into Fangcheng's brain, he was in a moment of stunned spirit.


  Which Xiaofang President?

   If it is said to be Fang Yiming, then he cannot fail to know.

   Panicked in his heart, he quickly walked to the conference room and saw Fang Yuchen and Fang Fangzheng talking with a smile on their faces.

   Fang Yuchen saw Fangcheng and greeted, "Uncle, you are here."


   Fang Cheng thought about a billion projects, nodded absently, walked over and sat down.

Before waiting for him to sit firmly, Grandpa Fang began to praise: "Fangcheng, Yu Chen really faced our Fang parents this time, and signed more than one billion projects, so it is time for you to let Yi Minghe Yu Chen should learn more from contact and do not stick to the rules."

  The small square in the staff's mouth is always Fang Yuchen? !

   Fang Cheng clenched his teeth secretly, his hands clenched in angrily under the table case, strongly suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and said with a smile: "Yes, what Dad said is, I must call Yiming and Yuchen to learn."

  He has been busy cooperating with Fang Yiming and SA Group for a while. How can I think that in such a few days, Fang Yuchen mumbled out of a billion-dollar project!

Fang Yuchen from the side hurriedly said, "Uncle's words are heavy, and his cousin is still stronger than me after all."

   Fang Cheng suppressed his emotions and wanted to inquire about the project, he smiled and asked: "Just, I don't know when this billion-dollar project is..."

   Unexpectedly, before he finished, some shareholders came in one after another.

   If he had many questions, he wouldn’t be able to ask so many people again, it seemed that he knew nothing about the other party.

After a while, Grandpa Fang saw everyone, and he smiled and said: "This meeting, I want to highlight Yu Chen, I won such a big project at a young age, he is a hero of our company, I I also believe that our Fang Group will become better and better in the future."

  Make money for the company, of course, every shareholder can't do anything.

   Then, as soon as Master Fang's voice fell, some shareholders answered the call.

   "Yeah, all of us are aware of Yuchen's ability, and we also believe that Fang Group will take it to a higher level."

   "Yu Chen is so old that he has already surpassed the old guys here, which is really great."


   Fang Yuchen heard the words and humbly said: "Everyone has won the prize, the other party also sees our Fang's strength to do this project, they will choose to cooperate with us, and Fang's today, can not do without the credit of everyone here."

   These words are just right.

   was not too humble, and he lauded these shareholders.

   And the person who can sit in this position is naturally not a fool, and will not really take credit for himself because of Fang Yuchen's remarks.

   Looking at Fang Yuchen's straight back, Mr. Fang nodded happily. If Fang was handed over to Fang Yuchen in the future, he would be relieved.

   However, some people rejoice and others worry.

  'S side city heard these words, and it was a bit uncomfortable.

  After the meeting, Fang Cheng quietly pulled a shareholder aside and asked: "Which company did the billion-dollar project cooperate with, why don't I know?"

  The shareholder heard the words and pushed the glasses on the nose bridge, "I heard that this is a project introduced by Jin Dong of Jin's Group. Don't say, it's a big deal..."

   As soon as I heard about the project introduced by Jin Fengchen, Fang Cheng couldn't sit still.

   So I arrived at the hotel early in the morning and wanted to ask Jin Fengchen to ask clearly.

   While his anxiety was burning, the door opened from the inside, Jin Fengchen was a little surprised, "Mr. Fang, why are you here, is there anything?"

   Fang Cheng originally had a call to question him, but when he saw Jin Fengchen, the gas field was a bit empty again.

  He rubbed his hands, "Actually, it's okay, just to see if you have anything you need and whether you live in a habit."

   "There is nothing needed. Mr. Fang has something to say directly, saving each other's time."

   Jin Fengchen had roughly guessed why he came.

   Fangcheng heard the words, smiled, and said: "A vassal, we are also a family anyway, why do we get such a living, and, are we still talking about cooperation?"

   Jin Fengchen knew that Fangcheng was in a relationship, but he did not have the patience and said softly: "I always don't like to confuse public and private, I just talk about business in Kyoto, and I don't like to have any personal feelings."

  Finally, he turned and entered the room.

   "Yes, yes, we need to distinguish between public and private,"

   Fangcheng also went in, pretending to be casual: "However, did Mr. Jin cooperate with Yiming and I this time, why did he suddenly introduce a big business to Yuchen?"

   "Why, Mr. Fang is interested in this business? Or is there any problem with this business?" Jin Fengchen's tone was careless, but there was a natural cold field.

   Fangcheng Yilin, quickly said: "Of course no problem, but we are not a good cooperation now? If you have any good things in the future, you should also think about your uncle."

  Despite this, Fang Cheng didn't think so.

  He originally thought he had boarded a boat with Feng Feng Jin, and the good thing was to think of them, but he did not expect that now he is cheaper than Fang Yuchen.

   Fangcheng certainly didn't dare to say this. Now he still has to rely on Jin Fengchen, how dare he easily get angry.

   After listening to Fang Cheng, Jin Fengchen frowned slightly, said softly: "This is natural, this time the project of cooperation with Fang Shi, was demanded by me, I just followed her will."

  As soon as I heard it was requested by Jiang Sesu, Fangcheng immediately began to approach it, "Since it was requested by Sesu, I have nothing to say.

   However, the vassal, when you come next time, remember to bring Thurse with you. She is also my niece anyway. My uncle hasn't entertained her well, and there are two young children. They are so cute. I have been thinking about it since I saw him last time. "


   Jin Fengchen did not know the abacus in his heart, this man, Fang Cheng, was too utilitarian.

   Therefore, Jin Fengchen also completely lost patience. He picked up the suit jacket on the back of the sofa and said to the other city: "Is there anything else with Mr. Fang? I'm going to the company."

   Seeing that the vassal Jin meant to send off guests, if there were more Fangcheng, he could only hold back his stomach and smiled and said: "There is no more, that vassal is busy, I will not disturb you."

   left the hotel, Fangcheng completely lacked the appropriateness and randomness of the talents, and put on a proud expression.

  If he didn't rely on Jin Fengchen to fight for Fang's inheritance, he wouldn't be so quiet as to please someone.

   looked up and glanced at the direction of Jin Fengchen's room, and left with disdain.

After Fangcheng left, Jin Fengchen went straight to the company and approved a number of documents personally sent by General Manager Liu Dong.

  It wasn't until noon that the phone rang so loudly that Jin Fengchen put down his pen and glanced at the caller ID.

   picked up the phone, a slightly familiar voice came, "Is it Mr. Feng? I am Pierce, I don't know if you have time at noon?"

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