Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 891: Pull into our camp

This was something that was expected. Jin Fengchen was not surprised in his heart, gently raised his eyebrows, and pretended to be pleasantly surprised: "It turns out to be Mr. Pierce, what's wrong, is there anything wrong?"

   "How about we have a meal together at noon?"

  After hearing the words, Jin Fengchen knew that the fish was about to be hooked.

However, he did not show anxiety, but apologized: "I'm so sorry, Mr. Pierce, I should not be able to eat lunch. I have an ad hoc meeting, which will end at about two o'clock in the afternoon, and you have time after two o'clock. ?"

   In fact, during the noon break, the company generally does not arrange meetings.

  He just wanted to dry Pierce for a while.

   "Mr. Feng, I want to talk to you about our cooperation. I really didn't expect you to be so busy as a medicine dealer."

   Pierce was dissatisfied with seeing him push the time, but he still agreed, "Forget it, just two o'clock."

   "Then trouble Mr. Pierce for a while."

  After the phone hung up, Pierce could not help but clenched his palm.

  Every time I collaborate is someone else catching up with myself, like this situation that requires him to wait, it is the first time.

   Assistant Aaron saw Pierce's displeasure and said, "Mr. Pierce, do we really have to wait?"

   Pierce solemnly said: "Wait, this list is particularly important to us, you can't make a mistake, you go down and prepare."

  Aaron led the order, set a coffee shop, and then sent the address to Jin Fengchen.


  At two o'clock in the afternoon, Jin Fengchen went to the address sent by Pierce without any trouble.

  After seeing Pierce, he said with a little apology: "Sorry, Mr. Pierce, there is a traffic jam on the road."

   Pierce smiled and waved his hand: "Mr. Feng does not have to blame himself, but Mr. Feng seems busy recently, but what big list did he take?"

   Jin Fengchen sipped his coffee slowly and smiled, "No, business is the same as usual. What is it that Mr. Pierce asked me for today?"

It is said that Pierce did not turn around. "Since Mr. Feng mentioned it, I will not go around. You said last night that there are other medicinal materials similar in nature to the aconite in the Western Regions. I want poinsettia and horse money. I don’t know if you can Can't supply in large quantities?"

  Poinsettia and horse money are two highly toxic substances.

   Jin Fengchen immediately narrowed his eyes, and purchased toxic medicinal materials in large quantities, the use of which can be imagined.

  Although all three kinds of medicinal materials have medical value, with his knowledge of SA Group, Jin Fengchen would not think that they are going to save people.

   Jin Fengchen frowned slightly, so he said: "Mr. Pierce, I don’t hide from you that this medicinal material can be obtained, but it is not always available. It takes time to buy it before it can be provided.

   Plus these two medicinal materials are highly toxic substances, when sold, it will be a bit troublesome. "

   Seeing Feng Jin Jin's face is hard to see, Pierce has an empathetic look, "I know what Mr. Feng said, so this time I came to cooperate with you with sincerity."

   Pierce's voice paused a moment, from taking a check and putting it on the table, "This is 50 million, just prepayment, after the event is completed, you will not be mistreated."

   He was very sure that Jin Fengchen would take it away. If they do business like them, they would never have trouble with money.

   However, to his surprise, Jin Fengchen just glanced lightly and then looked away, which surprised him.

"Mr. Feng, I heard from Fang Cheng that you are one of the major domestic medicinal herbs vendors. The source of medicinal herbs comes from all over the world. Any medicinal herbs you want should not be difficult for you, so I hope we can cooperate happily this time. "

   The words fell, Pierce pushed the check forward again.

   Jin Fengchen smiled, his eyes were a little playful, and he didn't just take the check, and didn't even look at it with an extra eye.

He looked at Pierce, "It's not impossible to cooperate. But I have a requirement that you need these two medicinal materials in such large quantities, as well as aconite in the Western Regions. You have to tell me what you are doing and what they are used for. There are family members, wives and children who will not ask for trouble and would rather earn less."

   Jin Fengchen paused, and said firmly: "Otherwise, I will not provide you with medicinal herbs."

   Seeing this, Aaron gave a look to the bodyguard beside him.

   Jin Fengchen's side suddenly surrounded four strong men.

   However, he didn't even frown, still calm.

  The two sides confronted each other, and Pierce snapped: "Come on! When is your turn to take the lead here? Leave me!"

  After scolding the bodyguard, Pierce smiled at Jin Fengchen, trying to persuade him.

   "Mr. Feng, please be assured of the whereabouts of the medicinal materials. Our SA Group has always done things brightly and never acted in secret.

   What's more, we are a large pharmaceutical group, and we will certainly have a lot of demand for certain medicinal materials. Like what you can provide, there are only a few of them. "

   Jin Fengchen smiled, "Everyone knows people, you don't have to fight me sloppy."

   said, standing up, "Since Mr. Pierce has no sincerity, I'm sorry, we can't talk about this business, say goodbye."

   Seeing that King Feng was going, Pierston was anxious.

   He thought that Jin Fengchen was a kind of ordinary small businessman. When he took out tens of millions, he would surely agree with a smile.

  Whoever thought it was useless, Jin Fengchen didn't even see it in his eyes.

  No, it would be hard, so Aaron greeted the bodyguard to scare him.

   is actually useless.

   He was the first to meet someone who was soft and hard to eat.

   "Mr. Feng, please stay!"

   Pierce stood in front of Jin Fengchen and said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Feng, wait a moment, wait for me to ask your superior to reply to you immediately."

   "Okay, I'll wait for your reply."

   Jin Fengchen nodded and sat down again.

   Pierce found a secluded place and dialed the phone.

   "Boss, there is a problem here. The partner wants to know the purpose of buying large quantities of medicinal materials. Can these tell him? If he is not told, he may not cooperate with us."

There was a few seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, and a cold voice came out, "He wants to know what he can tell, but the premise is that he must be drawn into our camp. What we need is not a short-term partner, but a long-term unlimited People who provide poisonous herbs, get it?"

   "Okay, boss, I understand, I will tell him." Pierce replied.

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