Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 892: Happy cooperation, Mr. Feng

"Pierce, this cooperation is very important to us. There must be no mistake! Otherwise, I will ask you!"

   finished talking over the phone, then hung up the phone directly.

   At this time, Pierce's back could not help but sweating coldly.

   He doesn't want to mess up this matter more than anyone else, otherwise, what he has to face back to may be more torture than death.

   Afterwards, Pierce came to the bathroom, washed his face with clean water, and arranged his manners before returning to the table.

  Pierce has adjusted the state, pulled out the chair and sat down, said: "Mr. Feng, for our better cooperation, I can tell you the use of our medicinal materials."

   Jin Fengchen looked at him casually, nodded slightly, and motioned him to continue.

   Pierce cleared his throat, "The reason why I bought this batch of medicinal materials is because our group has been developing a virus.

  Used well, it can help improve people's immunity, and even have the effect of transforming cells. You also know that there are many incurable diseases now, and the first thing the bacteria can overcome is the human immune system.

  The bacteria we developed happens to be the nemesis of some toxic bacteria. It can change the role of toxic bacteria in the human body, so as to achieve the desired effect, which requires some ingredients of toxic medicinal materials.

   But we only added a little bit, but it is still in the research stage, it will certainly require a large amount of medicinal materials. Once the research and development is successful, this is a big savior for many diseases and will definitely benefit mankind.

   Therefore, Mr. Feng can be assured of where the herbs are going. "

  Speaking of words, Jin Fengchen was silent for a moment, his thumb fell on the mouth of the cup, rubbing slowly, and pondering what Pierce said was true or false.

   Xu Yu, he concluded that the study of viral bacteria is true, and the rest of what benefits humans are all lies.

   Jin Fengchen collected his guess and smiled lightly, "It seems that your group is dedicated to the benefit of mankind."

   Pierce said with a smile: "Mr. Feng is well-known, we just want to do what we can to help more patients. After all, it is too painful to be tortured by the pain."

   he said, glancing at Jin Fengchen's indifferent expression, and he was a little confused.

   worried that Jin Fengchen would still reject him.

  Thinking, he said: "If Mr. Feng has no objections, I can take you back to our research institute to see, you know what I said is true or false."

   Hearing the words "Institute", Jin Fengchen suddenly moved his heart, almost hesitating, and agreed to it, "Then it is so decided, I wish us a happy cooperation."

   Pierce saw him agree, smiled, and extended his hand: "Happy cooperation, Mr. Feng."

   had a false smile on Pierce. Jin Fengchen shook it back and released it.

   "I have something to do in the afternoon, say goodbye."

After the words fell, Jin Fengchen picked up the check on the table and left the cafe.

   staring at Jin Fengchen's back, Pierce frowned.

   The identity of this man is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface, but it seems to be more careful.

When    came out, he asked with confusion, "Master, do we really want to provide such a large amount of poisonous medicinal materials, what if they are used to harm people?"

  Gu Nian, Jin Fengchen also considered.

  However, if you do not cooperate with them this time, you will not be able to reach their research institute, so the germs on Thurs cannot be removed.

   Therefore, he had to agree.

   Jin Fengchen rubbed his brows with pain, and said: "The provision is still to be provided, but it is destroyed in the end, so that they can not use it."

  The most important thing for him right now is to enter the research group of SA Group. Since the bacteria in the body of Thurs contain the aconite of the Western Region, it should be inseparable from SA Group.

The structure of the bacteria that even Moxie has headaches must have been very complicated during the SA Group's research.

   Only by sneaking into their nest and finding a way to bring out the research materials, maybe the germs on Thurse can be truly solved.

  Gu Nian nodded, "Then where are we going now, are you going back to the hotel?"

   glanced at the sky outside, Jin Fengchen's mind could not help but the appearance of Jiang Sesur and the children, and immediately said: "Buy a ticket to go home."

  After so many days leaving Thurso and the children, he was really not used to it.

   At this time, a ringing sound rang, it was Fang Yuchen's phone, and Jin Fengchen answered it.

   Fang Yuchen said, "Thank you, brother-in-law."

   Jin Fengchen naturally knew why he thanked him, and smiled, "You are welcome, you are the family of Thurse, that is, my family, I should help you."

There are very few people who can be called family by Jin Fengchen.

   Fang Yuchen was shocked for a moment when he heard Jin Fengchen's words.

   quickly responded and said: "Yes, we are family, when are you busy with that vassal, how about we have a meal together?"

   Jin Fengchen raised his hand and squeezed his brow, "No, I booked the ticket for the afternoon and went back."

   "Alright, say hello to my aunt and Thurso on my behalf."


  The sky was getting darker outside the window, and the twilight was at four o'clock, and the hour hand of the clock pointed at eight o'clock.

  In Jin's house, the family had just finished dinner, and Jin and Jiangse were playing with Tiantian and Xiaobao.

  The doorbell rang at this time, and Jiang Sesu was a little puzzled. The family had all returned home. Who would go to the door so late?

  Jianse Se got up and walked away, opened the door, and did not see anyone outside, went out and looked around, and found no one.

   "Eh? No one?"

  As she muttered to herself, turning around and going to enter the door, she suddenly encircled her sturdy waist with her hands, and led her into a large, warm chest.

   She was in a panic for a moment. When she was about to struggle, she felt the familiar breath that wrapped her, and she knew who it was.

   She turned around in surprise, seeing the handsome face she thought of day and night, couldn't help but tightly wrapped around his thin waist.

   "Why did you come back suddenly, don't tell me, I can pick you up at the airport!"

   Hearing the strange meaning in her words, Jin Fengchen smiled and squeezed her cheek, "I miss you so much, I just want to go home quickly, and I have no time to tell you."

   Jiangse's cheeks couldn't help but red, took his hand into the door.

   Tian Tian is playing hard, hearing the sound of footsteps from the gate, she looks away and her eyes light up.

  With short legs, he rushed towards Jin Fengchen, "Daddy!"

   saw Jin on the side, smiled and asked Jin Fengchen about a few business trips, and went upstairs back to the room, trying to leave the living room downstairs to their family of four.

   Jin Fengchen replied one by one, and then, sitting on the sofa with Tian Tian, ​​deliberately said: "I remember who was disobedient before? Daddy is going to punish."

  Sweet news, quickly hugged Jin Fengchen's neck, coquettishly said: "Daddy, sweet without disruption, has always listened to Mummy!"

  Seeing her flattering appearance, Xiaobao couldn't help but dismantle the stage, "I don't know who it is, so I spilled the soup on my skirt on purpose."

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