Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 901: Not suitable for drinking with opposite sex

The Seven Kills couldn't help widening his eyes and was surprised: "Why do you want to burn it? Don't you say cooperation, what's going on here?"

   Faced with a series of questions asked by the Seven Kills, Jin Fengchen did not interrupt.

   Since Jin Fengchen asked her for help, he did not intend to hide her, and admitted frankly: "My cooperation with SA Group is that I provide medicinal materials to them and they make medicines..."

   Jin Fengchen roughly talked about his cooperation with SA Group, and the Seven Kills quickly figured out Jin Fengchen's plan.

   She could not help touching her jaw, and said: "Jin Fengchen, you are really a shameful person."

The word    is not a compliment, or even a derogatory term, but Jin Fengchen listened to it only as an ordinary word.

   "As you think." Jin Fengchen said, his index finger tapping lightly on the edge of the window.

  The Seven Kills snorted softly, and then asked: "You still have to burn after you sell it. What is the reason why you want to buy and sell? Is it worth your trouble?"

  Although she has the strength to do this, she still wants to find out the reason.

   Jin Fengchen glanced at her, saying: "They buy poison."

   The seven kills were stunned for a while. These dark transactions have always been there. I haven't seen Jin Fengchen contaminated before. Why should he go this muddy water now?

  The eyes of the Seven Kills flashed, and she looked at Jin Fengchen a little bit complicated.

   Jin Fengchen did not pay attention to the idea of ​​the seven kills. Now she is looking for the seven kills because she is very familiar with it.

   Moreover, there are many intelligence organizations in the Seven Kills, so she is the best guide.

   Jin Fengchen pondered for a moment, "As far as you know, there has been some viral liquid such as bacterial drugs flowing out of the underground exchanges here?"

   Jin Fengchen's eyes seemed to have the power to penetrate people's hearts, as sharp as a leopard, staring straight at the seven kills.

  The face of the Seven Kills couldn't help but asked in astonishment: "How could you know this?"

  Just as Jin Fengchen said, the underground exchange has indeed circulated some shameful things recently.

  Unfortunately, not long ago, a very important eye liner around Seven Kills was injected with this liquid, and he died without treatment.

   Seven kills thought of this matter, and the anger in his heart came out.

  I think she is the master of the door of no martyrdom after seven kills. The power and reputation in this area are not covered.

  However, those people so boldly moved her men, she had written down the account in her heart, and she must make those people pay the price.

  Now it seems that the other party is the enemy that she and Jin Fengchen share.

   Jin Fengchen looked down, "If my guess is correct, SA Group is likely to participate in the research and development. The toxic drugs in this cooperation may be one of the raw materials."

  Wen Yan said, where the Seven Kills can hold up, she said angrily: "Leave it to me, I guarantee that there will be no ash left!"

   Jin Fengchen slightly nodded.

   "Anyway, you can rest assured. Recently, my people have been investigating this matter, and there have been some movements. When the time comes, they will make them think that we have done it without any trouble."

   Jin Fengchen didn't expect that she even helped him out, and nodded: "In this case, then you can go."

  After ordering, order to evict customers?

  What kind of thing is this?

   The seven killers were stunned for a while, she moved her lips but did not make a sound, but only a pair of eyes stared at Jin Fengchen tightly.

   Two seconds later, he gritted his teeth and said, "You are so ruthless, right?"

   Jin Fengchen looked at her neatly, not only did not apologize, but also smiled, "Are you still going?"

   Seven Kills felt that he would be mad at Jin Fengchen sooner or later, but he had a good, cool skin, otherwise the Seven Kills would not be so forgiving.

  She tried to exhale and complained: "Anyway, you should drink two glasses? Just drive me away when you are done? Is Jin Fengchen so ruthless?"

   Anyway, did she help?

  However, Jin Fengchen has not changed, just like a thousand years of ice.

  At this time, the sun setting outside the window turned into a soft halo, and through the floor-to-ceiling windows, a room was sprinkled.

   only saw the blurred shadow of the man reflected on the wall, and outlined the outline.

  Inexplicably, Jin Fengchen's expression suddenly softened a lot, "Sorry, I have a wife and children, and it is not suitable to drink alone with the opposite **** in a room."

  When he talked about Jiang Sesu, his mouth turned up uncontrollably.

   And the seven kills standing in front of Jin Fengchen, I really did not expect that she was so beloved!

   Seven kills a delicate face is about to be twisted, she feels that she will be crazy sooner or later.

   If her eyes can kill, the man sitting in front of her should have died many times now.

  The seven killers turned their heads angrily, and said with resentment: "Are there great objects? Damn, I will find one another, I will kill you!"

   finished, leaving only a breathless back, and the door was also banged.

   Jin Fengchen only lazily glanced at it, and then took back his eyes unconsciously.

   A smile appeared on his lips, took out his phone, found the number he knew well, and dialed it out.

   The phone was connected almost instantly, and his voice was full of gentleness, which was completely different from the previous one, "My wife, I have arrived safely."

  Jiangse heard the words and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He kept his mobile phone all day and waited for the call.

   "That's good, you must pay attention to safety when you are abroad, and remember to take care of them when you go out, you know? Also pay attention to diet..."

  Jiangse's brain started to tell, and he said a lot.

   She is always worried about what will happen to her.

   Moreover, Miss Jin Fengchen was almost uncontrollable.

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