Jin Fengchen listened to her quietly, the corners of his lips deepened, and when he was about to speak, there was a sweet and soft voice.

   "Is Mommy calling Daddy?"

   Jin Fengchen heard the words, smiled, and said nothing.

   only listened to Jiang Sese softly replying: "Yes, how do you know?"

  Tiantian is lying on her lap, leaning on the small face of carved jade Zhuo said with a smile: "Of course, Mommy is so happy, must be talking to Daddy, right?"

   Jiang Sesur didn't know that Tian Tian observed so carefully, she nodded, "Why are you so smart, eh? It's almost like Holmes Jr."

   "Hey, Tiantian also wants to talk to Daddy!"

   said sweetly, climbed into Jiangse's arms, and grabbed Jiangse's hand with a short hand, took the phone, "Daddy! I'm sweet, when will you come back? We all miss you!"

  Jin Feng Jin's heart was instantly soft and unreasonable, he coaxed: "Go back when Daddy is busy, okay? Sweet, listen to your mother's words."

   "Okay! Daddy must remember to bring Tiantian back with delicious food, and bring his brother..."


   Sweetly turned on the mobile phone, and chatted with Jin Fengchen in childlike words, and Jiang Sesur listened to the conversation between the father and the daughter with a gentle smile.

  Sweetly said a lot, before returning the phone to Jiangse, and then ran downstairs to play.

  Jin Fengchen's tone remains the same. He still coaxes children to talk to Jiang Sesur, "Surse, you and the children must wait for me to come back, do you know?"

  Jiangsu nodded and said, "I know, we will all wait for you to come back."

   "Also, if you are uncomfortable, just look for Moxie and Hanyu in the first place, and you must not delay..."

  Jin Fengchen said in a serious voice.

   What he worried about the most was Jiang Sesur's body, especially now that he was not with her.

Jiang Seshou made a long "um" and responded softly, "I know, my own body will of course take good care of you, don't worry about me, feel at ease with your work, and come back soon after you are busy. ,good or not?"

  Jianse Se knew that Jin Fengchen went to Italy to discuss business. She didn't want to distract Jin Fengchen because of herself.

   Listening to the soft voice from the phone, Jin Fengchen nodded and said, "Okay, I will."

   In fact, how can Jin Fengchen not worry about her?

   It's just, don't want her to worry.

   Unconsciously chatting for a while, they both hung up the phone reluctantly.

   hung up the phone, and Jangse Se was about to get up and go downstairs. Unexpectedly, he hadn't stood still, and a feeling of dizziness struck.

   She quickly held the back of the chair, and the things in front of her were a little blurry. She closed her eyes for a minute or two before her eyes became clear.

   She ran into the bathroom in a panic, facing the mirror and pulling the collar of her collar a little.

   Her gaze was stuck on a red spot above her shoulders. After seeing it clearly, her gaze became dim, and her fingers shook her clothes slightly.

   The heart sank almost instantly.

   In fact, she just got up this morning, and when she changed clothes, she noticed some red spots on her body.

   However, at that time she just thought she was allergic and didn't care too much.

   However, now that the erythema is spreading, it seems to verify her conjecture.

   She didn't disclose half a word when she just called, but the original one was a fluke, and it's broken now.

  How dare she tell Jin Fengchen?

  The most feared thing about Jiang Sesur is to make him worry. What's more, now that other people are abroad, it's useless to say things, and he still has a lot of troubles.

  Once you tell her family, the result is the same, she doesn’t want to worry them.

   Jiang Sesur looked at herself in the mirror a little helplessly. She hurriedly washed her face with cold water, and the whole person seemed to be more sober.

   There was a firm look in her eyes.

   Then, he turned out of the bathroom, walked to the cloakroom, and found a coat with a relatively high collar to put on. Then he drove out of the house alone and drove in the direction of the institute.

  She was going to find Mo Xie and Han Yu, but if they were allowed to come home, then Jin Jin and Jin Mu would definitely know.

   So she had to go find them herself, so it would be safer.

  Jiangse soon arrived at the institute where Moxie was located. After she stopped the car, she walked in.

   As soon as Mo Xie and Han Yu saw Jiangse, he noticed something in his heart.

   She cannot appear here for no reason.

   "I found a red spot on my shoulder this morning and it was still spreading."

  Hanyu and Moxiewen both spoke in a single word. They said in unison: "Come here for a check first."

   They didn't dare to delay at all, and Jiang Cersei followed them into the laboratory, letting him sit on a bed first.

When    was about to go in for inspection, Jiang Sesur couldn't help but confess, "You don't want to tell the vassal about this matter first."

   Moxie and Hanyu nodded and agreed. Under such circumstances where time cannot be delayed, what other requirements cannot be agreed?

   After a while, Jiang Sesu was pushed out, and she sat awaiting the result.

  Mo Xie and Han Yu looked at the test results, frowning.

   The situation is not optimistic.

  Jianse Se also guessed something, but she made the worst plan for herself and worked hard to prepare herself mentally.

Mo Xie and Han Yu walked over and looked at the calm Jiang Sesel, Mo Xie said: "Now your body has produced antibodies, but the virus is too diffusible, and a small part has defeated your resistance, so this situation occurs. ."

   Jiang Sezhu nodded, which was much better than she expected, at least not without medicine.

  Mo Xie saw that her emotions were still calm, so she and Han Yu thought about how to deal with them.

   For a long time, the two of them walked back again, holding a transparent glass bottle in their hands.

   Inside was a white pill, which was handed to Jiang Sesur.

  Mo Xie said: "After taking this medicine, the erythema on the body should disappear within two hours."

   "Okay, thank you."

  Jianse Se nodded slightly, took it, opened the lid without hesitation, put the pill into his mouth, and swallowed it directly.

After   , he went back in the same way, so as not to doubt.

  Jiangsu went to the shopping mall, originally intended to buy something casually, but involuntarily went to the children's clothing area, bought some clothes for Xiaobao and Tiantian each.

   Actually, there are many new clothes in the wardrobe of these two little guys.

  Every month, someone will be sent to the house, but Jiang Sesur still wants to choose clothes for them personally.

  Looking at the extra favorite clothes, Jiangsebu bought several sets for the two little guys in one breath.

   When Jiang Sesur came out of the mall, she was already much calmer, as if she was really only on a whim, before going out to shop.

  Jiangsezuo took a shopping bag and walked a lot lighter.

  In the laboratory.

  Mo Xie and Han Yu wore the same white coats, and the expression on their faces was very dignified.

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