On the table in front of them were some instruments with glass test tubes. Mo Xie sighed, "That virus is more terrible than we thought. Fortunately, this time it was only a small area outbreak. If it is bigger next time, I am afraid it will be bad. It's over..."

   For a time, the atmosphere became more dignified.


   But in Italy on the other side, Jin Fengchen didn't know about it at all.

   He didn't even know that he had been told, he was treated as a whisper by Jiang Sesur, and also made his subordinates hide the truth.

  Jianse Se returned home, carrying the shopping bag in her hand, and walked in all the way.

   Two small figures ran towards her, and one of them hugged one of her arms.

  Jiangse, who was hit by left and right, squatted down, and the next second, two loud kisses were printed on her cheeks at the same time.

  Jiangse cuddling Xiaobao and Tiantian in his arms, right and left, his heart was soft.

   "Are you obedient at home?" Jiang Sese said, and heard Tian Tian and Xiao Bao replied in unison: "We are very good."

  Jianse Se smiled and nodded, praised: "Awesome! In order to reward you, Mummy also bought a gift."

   As soon as he heard there was a gift, the eyes of the two little guys seemed to glow, and he asked cheerfully, "Really? What kind of gift is it?"

Jiang Sese got up and took two little guys to the sofa and sat down, took the shopping bag to the coffee table, "Mommy bought you new clothes, parent-child clothes, so that others will know that we are a family People."

   "Okay, this dress must be beautiful." Xiaobao was lying on Jiangse's knee, very popular, a pair of big flickering eyes looked at her as if he could talk.

   Jiang Sesur couldn't help laughing: "Xiaobao's mouth is really sweet."

  When she bought it, she was actually not sure if the two children would like it.

   Moreover, it is still parent-child...I don't know if Jin Fengchen will like it.

   "Parent-child costumes wait for your father to come back, let's wear them together, OK?"

  Under the eyes of Tian Tian and Xiao Bao, Jiang Sesur took out all the clothes of the two of them. "These are not parent-child outfits. You can wear them whenever you want."

   "Great! Mommy, when will Daddy come back?" Sweetly fiddled with her clothes and asked expectantly.

  Jianse Se smiled, "You will be back in a while, you guys are good, so Daddy will come back soon."

   Xiaobao and Tiantian agreed in unison, hopping to try on clothes.


   Night falls, the sky is starry.

   Jin Fengchen walked down from a black Maybach, and immediately walked into a brightly lit restaurant.

   walked through the revolving glass door, and came to the luxurious hall inside, and the carpet with complicated patterns spread all the way to the end of the corridor.

  The lights hanging above the head glow warmly, which makes the atmosphere of the whole restaurant softer, not too bright, but also makes people feel relaxed.

   Jin Fengchen did not let the bodyguards around him follow, he only took Gu Nian alone.

  Jin Feng Jin entered the box, and several people were already seated in it.

In addition to Pierce,    also brought a strange man, Jin Fengchen's eyes swept away.

As soon as Pierce saw the figure of Feng Jin Jin, he stood up and stretched out his right hand and said, "Mr. Feng, you have come to Italy in person. It really makes this place flourish!"

   Jin Fengchen looked at Pierce, raised his lips, and took back the hand extended by Pierce. "Mr. Pierce, you are too polite. I am just a small businessman."

  After hearing that, Pierce didn't agree, saying: "Eh, Mr. Feng, you just laughed."

   The two greeted for a while, as if they were old friends who had a good relationship.

   said that Jin Fengchen was sitting next to Pierce, and Gu Nian was standing behind Jin Fengchen.

  It seems to be quiet, but the two sides are not watching each other.

   Started a dinner.

   Opposite Jin Fengchen, sitting in a gray suit, Fang Yiming, he looked at Jin Fengchen, with a smile in his eyes, Jin Fengchen nodded slightly.

   Pierce stood up, walked to a blond foreigner, and introduced generously: "This is the president of SA Group, and he is also the responsible person this time. You can call him John."

   After listening to Pierce's introduction, Jin Fengchen thoughtfully looked at the foreigner named John, his eyes dark and unclear.

   Immediately, John stood up and said in Chinese with a foreign tone: "Hello, my name is John."

   It sounds awkward, but it's quite fluent.

   Jin Fengchen returned his gaze, as if he had just been curious just like everyone else.

  Jin Feng Jin politely said hello to John. Afterwards, he remained quiet and just talked to Pierce from time to time.

   However, there was a strong line of sight, which always fell on Jin Fengchen and looked up and down.

  The master of this gaze is John.

John confronted Jin Fengchen, holding a red wine glass in his hand, and stood up, "Mr. Feng, thank you very much this time. It is really helpful for us to provide such a large amount of medicinal materials. This glass of wine, I will do it first. Respectfully!"

  Finally, he looked up and drank the red liquor from the glass.

   "Mr. John is polite, this is just normal trading, and there is no need to thank you?"

   Jin Fengchen raised his glass and gestured, and then drank it.

  John nodded, his face full of joy.

   It was a harmonious and pleasant meal.

During the crossover of planning, Jin Fengchen offered to propose: "It is better to go to the warehouse for inspection after eating. If there is no problem, sign the contract. Mr. John, what do you think?"

  John saw Jin Fengchen say this, he nodded slightly, and was somewhat satisfied with the style of action of the Chinese businessman in front of him.

  At least, he is refreshing enough.

  However, John was not so anxious. He smiled and said: "Don't worry, tonight to entertain you well, wait until you have enough to eat and drink. It won't be too late to see tomorrow."

  Seeing John say this, Jin Fengchen did not force it, anyway, the result was the same.

   Jin Fengchen nodded slightly, said: "It's fine."

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