"In this case, then drink a few more toasts for our cooperation!" John still uses the foreign tone to speak smooth Chinese.

   Jin Fengchen also toasted.


  The face of Qingjun is softer under warm-colored lights. Although his facial features are deeper, it just highlights the beauty of oriental faces.

Seeing that Feng Feng Jin and John had a great conversation, Pierce was also smiling. He narrowed his eyes and watched Feng Feng Jin drink a glass of red wine without changing his face. He praised: "I didn't think of Mr. Feng's amount of wine. so good!"

  Compared to Jin Fengchen, John's face was already red, and his neck was red.

  John leaned back in his chair, half drunk and half awake, "Yes! I want to give you another drink, come! Continue."

   It is obvious that John is already drunk.

   Jin Fengchen raised his eyebrows and drank the red wine in the glass. The red wine crossed the throat and poured into layers of burning.

   In the end, only Jin Fengchen's reason remained on the whole table.

   He glanced at John and others lying on the table, got up and said to Gu Nian behind him: "Let's go."


   Gu Nian saw that Jin Fengchen had drunk so much, and was not surprised.

   Jin Fengchen's wine volume dare to say second, no one dare say first.

On the way back to the hotel, Jin Fengchen opened the car window, and let the night wind flow in, letting off the undispersed alcoholic taste.

  He didn't feel anything just now. Now, the wine is coming up, and he feels dizzy.

   So he commanded aloud: "Give me some sober soup after going back."

   "Good..." Gu Nian was surprised, after all, Jin Fengchen rarely had this demand.

   Jin Fengchen rubbed his brows, and drove all the way to the door of the hotel.

  Jin Fengchen was washing time, Gu Nian brought in a bowl of sober soup, this thing he went to the hotel kitchen to cook.

   Jin Fengchen wiped his wet hair with a towel at will, and drank the sobering soup with just the right temperature.

   After that, he lay half on the bed and made a video call to Jiangsesur as usual.

  Jianse Se was a little sleepy, but as soon as she saw the familiar face, any sleepiness dissipated.

  At this time, Jin Fengchen had dispelled most of his alcoholic drinks, and it could be seen that it was a hangover.

  He didn't delay Jiangse's sleep time, just did not talk a few words, and said: "Go to bed, night owl."

  Jiangse sneered at him. Wasn't she staying up because of him?

   However, nothing was said.

   hung up the phone after saying good night to each other, and Jiang Sesu went to sleep peacefully.


   The next morning, the sunlight outside the window spilled into the room.

   Jin Fengchen was bathed in the morning light. He buttoned the button at the end of the cuff with one hand. Outside his white shirt was a dark gray suit jacket.

   At this time, the door was knocked.

   "Please come in." Jin Fengchen's voice was calm and waveless, and his body stood in front of the window, leaving a blurry silhouette.

  Gu Nian walked in and looked at Jin Fengchen, "Master, Pierce and John are already downstairs, and we will inspect the goods later."

   Jin Fengchen nodded, "Got it, let them wait a moment."

  When they want to watch is the same for Jin Fengchen.

  Jin Feng Jin washes a bite, ate a few bites of breakfast, and took the elevator downstairs.

  John and Pierce sitting on the sofa in the hotel lobby, as soon as they saw Jin Fengchen come down, they stood up directly and greeted Jin Fengchen.

   Jin Fengchen said with a little apology: "Sorry, let you wait a long time, let's go to the warehouse now."

  John shook his head in disapproval, "It's okay, we just arrived shortly anyway."

   Pierce also smiled, "Yes, Mr. Feng, you are too kind."

  Three people walked out of the hotel door together, Gu Nian followed behind.

   Then, the four people got into one black and one white car respectively.

   The black one is Jin Fengchen's car. He is sitting in the back seat, and a pair of long and narrow eyes gaze interestingly in front.

   He was quite satisfied with this beginning.

  About twenty minutes, the car stopped at the door of an abandoned factory, and it looked a bit crooked from the outside.

  Gu Nian's warehouse location is relatively hidden, but it is not in the suburbs, the distance is just right.

   Jin Fengchen got out of the car, and after seeing John and Pierce's car, he also followed a car, and the people who came down also carried a tool box with them.

   Jin Fengchen glanced past, and roughly guessed their identity.

   Pierce ordered to one of the people in white clothes: "Okay, you go in and see."

  With Pierce's order, they walked in one after another.

   "Mr. Feng, the results come out, we immediately sign the contract." Pierce is very satisfied with the speed.

  After all, if this batch of medicinal materials can be settled so early, then the time to make medicines will be faster.

   Jin Fengchen looked at Pierce with a faint expression, "Yes."

   He stood there calmly, as if he were a landscape.

The few people who came in properly should be professionals brought by both John and Pierce. However, even professional is useless.

  The quality of his batch of medicinal materials could not be found out.

  Father Jin and John and Pierce walked slowly into the warehouse, only to see a person in white clothes, took samples from several of the bags, and then carried out some drug testing procedures.

   After a while, one of the leaders came to John and Pierce and reported: "After testing, there is no problem with this batch of drugs."

   said that he passed the test results in his hand.

  After John and Pierce personally confirmed, they looked at Jin Fengchen who was on the side.

  John nodded with a smile, "Medicinal herbs are qualified."

   Jin Fengchen was clear, "the expected result."

   Pierce laughed and said: "Mr. Feng is really confident in the medicine he supplied!"

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