Jin Fengchen hooked his lips, "Naturally."

  John took a blue folder from his subordinates.

   "Mr. Feng, this is definitely the most efficient cooperation I have ever talked about."

   he said, compared to a thumb.

   Then, he conveniently signed his name and handed it to Jin Fengchen.

   Jin Fengchen gathered his thoughts and smiled, "Mr. John is very cheerful, I believe this cooperation will be very successful."

   He walked in the clouds and the water generally dropped a signature on the contract, the font has a unique style, with a little sharp edge.

   in duplicate, Jin Fengchen left one of them and gave it to the side of Gu Nian.

   Seeing this, he nodded with great satisfaction, "Wish us a happy future cooperation!"

   Immediately, and praised Pierce, "Pierce, you did very well this time. I didn't expect that you brought me such a big surprise."

   Pierce seemed to be flattered, "It's also because Mr. Feng is good enough and reliable that things will go so smoothly."

   Pierce and John smiled at each other, Jin Fengchen also smiled, but the smile was not up to the bottom of his eyes.

   Such a harmonious picture of cooperation, who can think of it, is actually doing a criminal transaction of poison?

   Jin Fengchen extended his right hand and smiled, "Then I would like to take advantage of Mr. John's good words and wish us a happy cooperation. By the way, I have long heard of SA Group's reputation and hope to have a chance to visit?"

   Jin Fengchen's inquiries were polite and casual, and no one would think that this was his real purpose. Only by breaking into the SA Group, it is possible to learn more information and find a way to save Thurse.

  After hearing the words, John took his hand back and immediately agreed, "Since it is Mr. Feng who wants to visit, what's wrong with this. If you don't mind, will you go to the group with us later?"

  Just finished the drug test and confirmed the cooperation, John seems to trust Jin Fengchen very much.

   For them, it is not easy to find a reliable partner. Especially, as powerful as Jin Fengchen, John naturally intends to work in the direction of long-term cooperation.

   Jin Fengchen smiled, "Then I'm welcome."

   "Of course you are welcome, now we are partners, let you look at the size of our SA Group, you can rest assured." John's mouth raised, there is no lack of pride in his expression.

   "Okay, it is also an honor to meet such a frank partner with Mr. John."

   The atmosphere of the three people's conversation was very harmonious for a while.

   Then, a group of people drove in the direction of SA Group.

   Jin Fengchen closed his eyes in the back seat and seemed to be taking a nap.

   The shadow of the tree quickly reversing on the roadside sparsely fell on Jin Fengchen's expressionless face.

   looks calm, only Gu Nian on the side understands how complicated they are to do this time.

  Unknown for how long, Gu Nian followed John and their car stepped on the brakes, and slowly stopped in front of a building.

   is surrounded by large flower beds, and further away is the road, and the surrounding buildings are all towering floors.

   is just this piece of land, which is very valuable. In this kind of downtown area, it is not too much to say.

   Jin Fengchen also opened his eyes, swept a sharp edge in his eyes, and quickly converged.

  Gu Nian first got out of the car, and then walked to the door of this building with Jin Fengchen.

  John led the way for Jin Fengchen, and made a please gesture while saying, "Mr. Feng, this is the building of our SA Group. I will take you in to see it."

   Jin Fengchen smiled and nodded, "I'm tired."

   He looked up at the tall building in front of his eyes. In the narrow and long eyes, he passed a bit of chill and was too fast to catch.

   Pierce obediently followed behind John like an obedient subordinate.

   However, through these few contacts, Jin Fengchen clearly noticed that Pierce was ambitious and uneasy about the status quo.

   and his party walked into SA Group. The floor was covered with ink-colored marble, which clearly reflected the figures of several people.

   There are many expensive decorations in the hall, and even domestic antiques, all of which are not ordinary products.

During   , there were employees coming and going. Everyone hung a work card on his neck, but not all were the same.

   The most strange thing is that there is no front desk job here.

   Jin Fengchen had some doubts, but did not ask, he seemed to really just come to visit.

   After a while, through the luxurious hall, a group of people entered the elevator, and John directly pressed the button on the seventh floor.

  John took the initiative to say, "Mr. Feng, you will be absolutely interested in this place later."

   Jin Fengchen raised his eyebrows gently and asked with interest: "Oh? Where is it?"

   "You will know when you are there."

  John smiled meaningfully.

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