After hearing this, Jin Fengchen skipped a little curiosity in his eyes, "Where is it?"

   In fact, he knew exactly where it was.

  However, he didn't mind playing with John, just cooperate, as if he really didn't understand at all.

   is purely a businessman who works with them.

   As the elevator went up, it quickly reached the seventh floor.

  'S eye is a wide and long passage. Unlike the marble in the hall, the white tiles here will glow like a mystery.

   There is no such luxurious feeling in the lobby. Jin Fengchen guessed that this should be the place for drug research.

  John saw Jin Fengchen's puzzled expression and touched his chin. He was a little proud. "Here is the institute at SA headquarters."

   Jin Fengchen's pretend thought suddenly realized, "No wonder it looks so sacred, I did not expect it to be a research institute, Mr. John really opened my eyes."

  John laughed loudly, "Where and where."

   Then, John took the lead and led Jin Fengchen to the end of the passage. Two transparent doors inlaid on the wall, similar to glass materials.

  A man in white overalls appeared inside, his eyes looked at them calmly, opened the door from the inside, respectfully said: "Mr. John, hello!"

  John smiled and nodded, "Working hard!"

   They walked in, and Jin Fengchen looked like he was visiting, but looked quietly.

   The research room is bigger than they expected, and it is not comparable to the research institutes of Moxie and Hanyu.

   also has various advanced research equipment and medical instruments.

   Jin Fengchen carefully found that the walls not far away were filled with small holes, similar to sound-absorbing devices.

  The staff here, Jin Fengchen does not have a detailed count, but roughly estimate, there are hundreds of them.

   And, this is just the number of staff on one floor of this building.

   Jin Fengchen is not sure whether there is only this laboratory here.

  Vice King Jin looked at him and said to John: "The scale here is really big."

  John smiled, "That's natural. Our group has an absolutely excellent technical team. Each of them is hired by us. We really need to do research. Equipment, venues and talents are indispensable."

   Jin Fengchen echoed a few words, and then asked casually, "Mr. John, may I allow me to visit for myself?"

   raised his eyebrows and nodded without hesitation, "That is of course, since you are brought here, you have this right."

"it is good."

   Jin Fengchen began to watch from side to side. The curiosity in his eyes was unstoppable. Of course, he remembered that he would do a full set of acting.

   He visited with Gu Nian, looked at the researcher's operation, but could clearly feel that there were always two eyes behind him.

   Jin Fengchen sneered. John promised to let him visit, but it was only polite.

  He really wants to dispel their doubts and vigilance, it is difficult, at least not now.

   He took a few more steps, looking at the purple liquid with bubbles in a measuring cup in front of him, wondering the opening, "What is this?"

  Researchers were about to pour another liquid into it, heard the words, and the action paused, "This is a mixture of juice and medicine of perilla leaves for purification."

   Jin Fengchen nodded thoughtfully, did not continue to ask, he did not intend to really ask anything.

   Then, he walked forward. On the right hand side, there were layers of iron shelves. There were a few layers of various utensils concentrated in it, and a few layers of stacked Chinese herbal medicines.

   Jin Fengchen was the same as before, simply asked.

   was answered without exception.

   However, all of them know nothing about it, only tell him a message, that is, the effect of these herbs is good. For the rest, only ambiguous words remained.

   Don't think about it, this is John's pre-arranged statement.

   Jin Fengchen looked back and looked at John and Pierce who followed him all the way. "I don't know much about researching drugs. I don't know if you can ask Mr. Pierce to give me a brief introduction?"

   He seems to be a student, but he must also be well controlled.

  Not only did his curiosity not excessively curiosity, but not at all, Jin Fengchen had to be true and natural.

   Otherwise, it is easy to cause the two old foxes John and Pierce to doubt.

After hearing that, Pierce narrowed his eyes and replied: "Most of the extracts we take now are mainly health supplements, which are very good for daily health care, but they are three-way poisoning, so the step of "filtering" is very important... …"

   heard the word "poison" from his mouth, Jin Fengchen only felt ironic.

   Jin Fengchen seemed to listen carefully to Pierce's half-truth.

   He can naturally feel their caution, which is also normal, after all, this is just beginning to cooperate. While they were still under observation, how could it be possible to fully enclose the secrets of the institute?

   finished his visit, and when he was about to leave, he swept his eyes, and in a humble corner, he saw a door with a cryptographic device.

   He slowed down and pointed to the door, opening at will, "Is this also a research room?"

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