What secret is hidden in this door with a password?

What is it inside?

Faced with the question of Feng Jinchen, John just said apologetically: "This place is an important research place, and outsiders cannot easily step in. It is mainly worried that if you accidentally encounter important drugs, in case of infection, you will lose the reward. Please seal it. Mr. Understanding."

   heard the words, Jin Fengchen nodded, "Of course safety first, I can understand."

  John saw that he did not care, and he was relieved, "Mr. Feng understands just fine."

   said, as if he remembered something, he looked down at his wrist watch, "It's almost almost noon now, don't know if Mr. Feng has time to stay and have a meal together?"

   "Mr. John invited, I certainly have time." Jin Fengchen responded.

   Both sides smiled before leaving the research room.

   Jin Fengchen and John and Pierce went to another Chinese restaurant. John looked at the Chinese decoration style, "This Chinese food is very good and should meet Mr. Feng's appetite."

   Jin Fengchen smiled and said, "I have a heart."

  After eating Chinese food, he said goodbye to John and Pierce.

   On the way back to the hotel, Gu Nian looked at Jin Fengchen through the rearview mirror, and asked with some doubt, "Master, that lab with a password, should there be something that is hidden?"


   Jin Fengchen responded lightly, his eyes narrowed, "It seems that all the secrets are in this research room."

   "Do I need to arrange someone to check it out?"

   "Naturally you want to see. You asked He Shuhan to transfer a few people from the agent squad, and enter the research room at night to investigate, do something secretly, don't be noticed."

  Gu Nian got the order and immediately responded, "Yes, I will contact He Shuhan immediately."

   Late at night, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the night was thick like splashing ink.

   On the rooftop of the SA Group building, there are two mysterious people in a black night clothes, with a rope tied around their waist, and the other end of the rope is a very strong hook, which firmly hooks the edge of the rooftop.

   The two quickly prepared properly, turned over the roof railing cleanly, and slid silently from the top of the building.

   Underneath is a stream of vehicles and bright neon lights, everything is going on without knowing it.

   Their figure is almost integrated with the night.

   Soon, they successfully reached the window of the research room, which was the seventh floor, according to the floor and descending height confirmed in advance.

   The windows are locked, but for their agents, they are a piece of cake, and they are almost useless.

  After confirming that there was no one in this research room, they took out a folded bar tool and inserted it into the gap of the window.

   Less than two seconds later, he opened the window and sneaked in silently.

  Although it is already midnight, you can still see through the single-sided glass that several areas outside are still brightly lit.

   In other words, there are still people in this institute, but the two agents did not stop.

   They looked up at the surrounding surveillance cameras and alarms. On the surface, they seemed to have no dead ends.

  However, they are not worried about this problem. Avoiding the monitor is the most basic training for an agent on weekdays.

   Not to mention, they are elite agents specially dispatched by He Shuhan.

   They easily evaded surveillance and quickly started investigating.

  Although there is no one in this research room, there is a light on. This light is enough for them both to do the right thing.

  In the critical moment of their secret investigation, the direction of the door suddenly heard a "drop" sound.

   Agents looked at each other, hiding behind a cabinet with agility.

   explained that this action could not be noticed, so they dared not act rashly.

   Fortunately, the light is very dim at the information cabinet where they are, and with their black clothes, the other party will not easily find them.

   Therefore, one of the agents went out with extreme caution to check the situation outside.

  At the same time, the door of the laboratory was pushed open, and two people wearing lab coats came in, two men.

   "How is it, the bacterial strains that have been cultivated in the past two days..." The man walking outside first spoke, but his voice was getting lower and lower, making people unrealistic.

   said the man, opened the drug freezer, took out a glass test tube to view.

   Another person answered quickly, "Not yet, the total number of germs has not reached the standard."

   "Really? Go and ask Dr. Chen."

  Finally, the man put the test tube back in his hand, closed the freezer, and the two left here together.

   Watching the figure they left disappearing at the door, the two agents immediately came out and opened the freezer very quickly, taking a glass test tube out of it.

  To ensure foolproof, the two quickly took two other test tubes and some drugs.

   Then, the original road returned to the rooftop and reached the tall building opposite with a zip line. Soon, it was completely hidden in the darkness.

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