At night, the hotel.

   Jin Fengchen sat quietly in a chair with a laptop in front of him, and on the screen were some materials from the Italian Institute of Underground Research.

   And sitting on the sofa on the other side is Gu Nian, beside Gu Nian, there is another person, it is He Shuhan.

   The room was brightly lit, so quiet that even a needle falling on the ground could be heard clearly.

   At this moment, a clear knocking sound came from the window.

   Jin Fengchen clearly heard the sound, but as if unheard of, he still looked at the information on the computer screen without any thought.

   It was Gu Nian. He quickly got up and pulled the curtains away, and he saw people wearing black clothes outside. He was climbing on the window. At first glance, he was a bit cautious.

  Gu Nian was very calm, opened the window, and took two steps back, and the two men in black jumped in and untied the ropes around their waists.

   is the two agents who just sneaked into the SA Group Research Institute. The only difference is that one of them has a shoulder bag.

   The sight of Jin Fengchen was seen, and He Shuhan stood up, "How is it, is there any gain?"

   said that it was an inquiry, but He Shuhan's tone was faint, and he looked a bit tenacious.

   After hearing the words, the two reported together: "Captain, there is something to gain."

One of them put down his shoulder bag and took out a small box and handed it over, "In this box, there are the drugs we got from the laboratory and the bacteria that are being cultivated, because I fear that the temperature will break. Medicine, so I iced it up with a box."

  He Shuhan took the small box and nodded with satisfaction, "Then haven't you been found?"

   "No. However, we took their medicine and it is estimated that they will be aware of it at most tomorrow."

   Tomorrow morning, when the staff went in again to check the cultivation situation, they would definitely find out.

   However, SA group people dig the ground three feet, it is impossible to find them.

  He Shuhan nodded and agreed: "You have done a very good job tonight, it is hard!"

   heard the words, but bowed their heads respectfully, without any sense of pride.

   Their business, the most taboo is self-righteousness, proud capital may someday become the cause of death.

   "Master, take a look."

  He Shuhan turned and walked to the front of Jin Fengchen, and handed over to him.

   Jin Fengchen took the small box, opened the lid, and saw the cold air coming out, there were several test tubes and some drugs stored in it.

   Jin Fengchen glanced at it roughly, covered it directly, and returned it to He Shuhan.

   turned around, he looked at the two agents with cold eyes, and instructed: "You send this back to China and give it to Mo Xie and Han Yu for research."

   "Yes, the subordinates will not insult the mission."

   talked about it, and after seeing the two men in black, they walked to the window to tie the ropes, disappeared in the darkness with a leap, and the whole process was almost blinking, incredible.

   The room was calm again, and this matter came to an end. The rest was to wait for the research results of Moxie and Hanyu.

   Jin Fengchen turned his gaze to He Shuhan aside, his expression slightly cold, "He Shuhan, do you know what happened in Italy recently?"

  He Shuhan is very clear. The Italy mentioned by Jin Fengchen does not mean Italy, but Bergman’s actions.

   Berg hasn't even appeared recently, but Jin Fengchen has been watching him all the time.

  Beggar, under the guise of the company, is making waves in Italy and doing things that are inconspicuous.

  Now Bergen can still jump safely, because Jin Fengchen has not found the evidence. Once the evidence is found, it will be the day when Bergen will never turn over.

  He Shuhan replied with deep thought: "Recently Berg seems to have nothing on the surface, but his private actions are frequent."

   Jin Fengchen slightly bowed his head, and said: "He is very cunning. Presumably he has realized that he has been monitored, but he will not be divided for long."

   "That's true. By the way, there is an important thing to tell you, our people, from him, came the news that they found a very important research base in Bergen.

   It is estimated that the stronghold is also studying harmful drugs, but there is no specific investigation. "

   Jin Fengchen’s narrow and long eyes shone dimly and unclearly, making people wonder what he thought.

   "Since that's the case, send someone to investigate and find what I want as soon as possible."

  Heshuhan nodded, "Master, rest assured, this matter is already being deployed. But..."

   Jin Fengchen looked at He Shuhan's eloquent expression and frowned, "Why? Just say anything."

   Jin Fengchen has some doubts. He rarely sees such a look in He Shuhan. He Shuhan has never been a procrastinating character.

  He Shuhan had already closed his voice and did not intend to speak out, but to meet the sight of Jin Fengchen, he still spoke his own concerns.

   "If we can find what we want as soon as possible, it is of course the best. However, I am afraid that before we find it, Bergen will perceive something and destroy the institute first."

   Jin Fengchen's expression was awkward. With Bergen's handling methods, He Shuhan's concern was not impossible.

  Once the research institute is destroyed, their investigation will be directly at an impasse.

  More importantly, the method of removing germs in Jiangther's body will also become more difficult.

   When Jin Fengchen thought of Jiang Sesur, he became more cautious. He remained silent for a long time, and then he said in a deep voice, "It is okay to be careful and slow down, but don't be afraid of the snake."

   Bergen can sit in today's seat, he is absolutely alert.

  Although the people under He Shuhan have not been found, he has to be cautious just in case.

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