Adorable Baby: the Miracle Doctor is So Awesome

Chapter 416: : If you don’t believe me, try it.

Both A, D, and A were successful in attracting the porcupine. Min Tianyou watched from the side and felt that it was not that difficult. When it was his turn to play, he was very complacent.

Although he was unable to practice, he still practiced boxing and kicking a lot on weekdays, and his skills were still very flexible. He felt that he was no worse than the two of them, and he went away in high spirits.

However, the porcupine soon taught him how to behave.

When Min Tianyou ran back, he was in a mess, and there was not just one porcupine behind him, but a group of them!

 “Help! Help me quickly!”

Min Tianyou shouted with a frightened face.

Shen Yizhi turned away his eyes expressionlessly, let a few people get on the boat, steered the sky boat past the group of porcupines, and slipped Min Tianyou up.

 The moment he was almost taken away, a herd of porcupines roared past his original position.

 “Phew, you scared me to death!” Min Tianyou patted his chest with lingering fear, reached his head and looked down carefully.

If it weren't for Shen Yizhi just now, he would have been trampled into a pulp by the porcupines.

Suddenly realizing that something was wrong with the situation, he slowly turned his head and saw Shen Yizhi and others staring at him with indifferent and accusatory expressions.

His heart trembled and he scratched his forehead, "Well, I, I originally wanted to lure a porcupine over, but I accidentally disturbed the other porcupines. As soon as they saw me, they all rushed over. I could only fight with all my strength. Run, run..."

His voice became lower and lower, his head lowered, and he knew that he had messed up.

Shen Yizhi took a sip of mint tea to calm down the fire, "According to the plan, we could lure the porcupines over one by one and kill most of them. The rest would not be a concern. By then, all the contribution points of this whole group of porcupines would be It’s ours. One porcupine is 180 contribution points, how many do you think there are in this group?”

Min Tianyou has not been good at arithmetic since he was a child. How can he understand it? Ten fingers pulled it apart for a long time, and my head was dizzy.

“But now, it’s all gone!” Shen Yizhi slapped the table.

Min Tianyou was so frightened that his neck shrank and he wanted to get in right there.

Shen Yizhi pressed his forehead. Is it too late to throw this guy off now?

As if aware of her intention, Min Tianyou was so frightened that he rushed in front of her and grabbed her sleeves: "Sister, aunt, ancestor, you must not abandon me! Otherwise, my life will be at stake. Tell me this!"

These are all messy names.

 Shen Yizhi rolled his eyes helplessly.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Min Tianyou racked his brains: "Look, I'm still useful. For example, my ability to squeeze shoulders and beat legs is absolutely top-notch. If you don't believe me, try it."

He is not bragging when he says this. At home, he often uses this trick to deal with a number of female members of the family.

He turned behind her in an extremely flattering manner and gave her a gentle squeeze on the shoulder.

"Go, go, sister Zhizhi, does she need you to pinch her shoulders and beat her legs? Where do you put me?" Cui Yue pushed him away and stared at him unkindly.

He actually wanted to take her place, which is really deplorable!

Min Tianyou shrank to the side without feeling aggrieved, looking very pitiful.

After all, Jia Er still missed some old feelings and came to his rescue: "I think the group of porcupines have probably gone back to the cave. Why don't we go to the cave and wait for them?"

When Shen Yizhi flew Tianzhou back, he happened to see the last two porcupines swinging their thick buttocks into the hole.

“A, A, A, A, two, you two are responsible for digging a hole in front of the hole. The deeper you dig, the better, speed!”

"Min Tianyou, take the incense and fan it into the cave." Shen Yizhi took out the incense and asked everyone to take the antidote.

“Yue’er, throw this smoke bomb into the hole.”

Smoke bombs release a large amount of thick smoke as soon as they hit the ground, accompanied by a pungent smell that rises to the sky, hence the name.

The four of them got the order and worked hard.

Shen Yizhi used the Qingfeng technique to blow the incense and smoke into the cave in waves.

 The incense of ecstasy mixed with thick smoke poured into the cave where the porcupines lived.

The porcupines had eaten and drank outside and were ready to have a good sleep when they came back. Unexpectedly, waves of thick smoke came in, making the pigs almost suffocate.

 There is no other way, they can only get up and run outside.

“The porcupine herd is out! Min Tianyou, Yue’er, you can retreat!”

Min Tianyou threw the unburned ecstasy incense in his hand into the hole, and Saya ran towards Shen Yizhi.

Cui Yue threw the two remaining smoke bombs in his hand and ran in front of Min Tianyou in a flash.

 She made a face at him and ran to the boat first.

Min Tianyou: Humph, I don’t care about a little girl!

 “Jia Da Jia Er, you guys also come up quickly!”

When the herd of porcupines appeared in front of them, Jia Da Jia Er finally put the sharp weapon away, used the vines dropped by Shen Yizhi to spin up, and was pulled onto the boat by her.

The hole opened by the porcupine group was not large and could only accommodate up to three porcupines entering and exiting at the same time. When the three porcupines in front of them rushed out, they stepped into the hole without any surprise.

The first one to fall was stabbed into a sieve by a sharp weapon. Before it had time to struggle, it was crushed to death by the second one, and its body turned into dots of light and disappeared.

Shen Yizhi and others were not allowed to take action.

 The porcupine underneath was used as a meat pad, and the second head was stabbed through with a sharp weapon.

Just like this, one after another, dozens of them were killed in the blink of an eye.

 The porcupine behind saw such a big hole in front and wanted to stop, but how could the porcupine in the hole allow it? He kept running out and pushed the porcupine in front of him that couldn't brake into the pit.

 At the back, the sharp weapons inside were all sharpened.

 There is no way to kill a porcupine in one go.

Shen Yizhi was replenishing his arrows at the side, and he was calling out the golden archery, wind blade, and fireball techniques at the same time.

A, A, A, II and Cui Yue are not far behind either.

  Anyway, after the spiritual energy is used up, there is still spiritual liquid to replenish!

 They beat him very hard!

In the process of performing spells over and over again regardless of consumption, they became more and more skilled in the use of spells, and in this cycle of consumption-replenishment-consumption, the barriers in their bodies were washed away thinner and thinner. It's getting thinner and thinner, and it only takes a slight impact to advance to the next level!

  But they did not realize this while they were outputting like crazy.

 As for Min Tianyou, he is just a salted fish shouting 666 next to him.

 And kept busy, serving tea and water.

Jia Dajia Er dug the hole deep and big, but it happened to be right in front of the entrance of the hole. The porcupine couldn't fly or jump across it. It could only move backwards.

However, the smoke bombs contain ingredients that can make porcupines irritable and crazy. They have all inhaled some of it. At this moment, they have no reason to think at all. They have all turned into irritable pigs and only know how to run rampant.

 The Ecstasy Incense also played its role, making their movements gradually become sluggish and stiff.

 In the end, the group of porcupines either fell into the pit or fainted in the hole.

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