He is going to throw the marriage certificate in front of the old man and see what the old man has to say!

Of course Xu Lin knew what he was thinking. He stepped on the accelerator, turned the front of the car, and drove towards the Shen family's old house.

When they arrived at Shen's house, it was lunchtime.

Seeing her son who was pushed in by Xu Lin, Wang Juanping immediately ran over with red eyes: "Jing Han, didn't you leave the hospital tomorrow? Why did you come back today?"

The son has become like this. As a mother, she is the saddest.

Shen Jinghan looked at his mother with some guilt: "I'm fine, the doctor said that there is no point in being hospitalized again, so I'm discharged, come back to see you!"

Sitting in front of the dining table, Shen Sen said angrily: "Jing Han, you're leaving the hospital so soon, aren't you afraid that Big Brother will take the opportunity to steal your power in the company!

Don't worry, big brother is not that kind of person. I have my father at home. I believe that for the sake of the Shen family, my father will make a wise decision that is beneficial to the Shen family after careful consideration. is not it! dad. "

The old man Shen glanced at the eldest son and ignored him, but said to the younger son Shen Jinghan indifferently: "Since you are back, let's come and have dinner together!"

Xu Lin hurriedly pushed Shen Jinghan to the dining table, and then withdrew respectfully.

Old Shen's sharp eyes fell on Shen Jinghan's leg: "Is there really nothing your leg doctor can do?"

"Yes, an important nerve has been injured. At present, there is no better way to restore nerve function in medicine!" Shen Jinghan's voice was still indifferent.

The old man was silent for a while: "Where is the Lu family in Yucheng! The medical level of Chenxiao General Hospital is now one of the best in China. The third young master of the Lu family is a medical genius who became famous as a teenager, and the fourth is a proud student of the domestic Chinese medicine master.

If Chinese and Western medicine are combined, will they be able to cure your leg? "

After the old man finished speaking, Shen Jinghan didn't say anything!

Shen Sen's son, Shen Juncai, couldn't help but say, "Grandpa, aren't you? You really want to beg the Yucheng Lu family for my uncle!

I'm telling you, I'm afraid not now. The Lu family hated our Shen family to death. Even if you came forward in person, they couldn't let the third and fourth young masters of the Lu family join forces to heal the uncle's leg. "

Shen Juncai's words made the old man a little unhappy, and slapped his chopsticks on the table: "Why do the Lu family hate our Shen family? Their family runs a hospital, isn't it the hospital's responsibility to treat patients?

As long as I can afford the money, they should have no reason to die. "

Shen Juncai curled his lips: "Grandpa, do you really not know? That girl, Zhao Yue from my aunt's family, robbed the fiance of Lu Zitian, the youngest princess of the Lu family, some time ago. At the engagement banquet, the video was put on the big screen.

At that time, it became a hot search on the domestic Internet. You old man should not know anything! "

Shen Sen glared at his son: "Shut up, you talk too much!"

"Dad, I'm telling the truth, it's useless for you to hide it for your aunt. I just called Zhao Tong, Zhao Yue and Li Bo are getting married soon.

You can't hide this from Grandpa! However, I really didn't expect that this girl Zhao Yue was quite capable. The Li family's strength in Yucheng is not bad! "Shen Juncai said indifferently.

After listening to her son's words, Gao Xiaozhen didn't know what to think, and suddenly asked: "Then, what about Lu Zitian! I met her twice at your aunt's house before, that girl is cute and cute, very beautiful.

She and Zhao Yue are still good friends. This time, she was stabbed by a good friend. Is she okay? "

Shen Juncai thought for a while: "I heard that it is very sad and has left Yucheng. She is studying interior design, and it seems that she has come to the Rongcheng branch.

But I just heard about it, I don't know the specific situation! "

Gao Xiaozhen patted her son's arm: "Juncai, you are so stupid! Didn't you tell your mother that Lu Zitian looks cute and sweet, do you like her?

Now is the chance God gave you, why are you so careless! "

If his son married the little princess of the Lu family, what would the Shen family's fortune be in the future?

With regard to this precious daughter, Lu Chenyu will definitely leave all the shares of Lu Group and Xingyue Media to her daughter.

At that time, they just don't do anything, and the dividends alone are enough for several lifetimes.

After thinking of this, Gao Xiaozhen couldn't help laughing happily.

Shen Jinghan heard her words, his eyes flashed, and a cold snort came from his nose, but he just lowered his head to eat and didn't say anything.

Shen Juncai listened to his mother's words and sighed: "Mom, I did like Lu Zitian once, that girl is very beautiful, gentle and well-behaved, it is best to be a wife.

However, Zhao Tong also likes her, and has been chasing her for six or seven years since high school. Anyway, I'm also Zhao Tong's cousin, how can I do something like competing with my cousin for a woman? "

After he finished speaking, before Gao Xiaozhen opened his mouth, Shen Sen said to his son, "Now, what are you thinking about? If Lu Zitian liked Zhao Tong, he would have agreed to his pursuit.

She didn't agree for six or seven years, indicating that she didn't like Zhao Tong at all. She's not Zhao Tong's girlfriend, why would you be robbing a woman from your cousin when you go after her?

Son, at this time, you should show the courage of a man. I believe that my son is very good, and Lu Zitian will definitely like you. "

Gao Xiaozhen also hurriedly said: "Yes, my son is so good, and he is so handsome. He is a talented person, many times stronger than Zhao Tong, Lu Zitian will definitely like you.

Mom supports you! After eating, you hurried to inquire to see if Lu Zitian really joined Rongcheng's branch. "

The encouragement and praise from parents made Shen Juncai instantly full of confidence: "Okay, after eating, I will ask someone to investigate to see if Lu Zitian really came to Rongcheng.

Dad, Mom, don't worry, within a month, I will definitely catch her and make her your daughter-in-law! "

When speaking, Shen Juncai straightened his hair proudly, and then gave Shen Jinghan a provocative look.

As long as he catches up with Lu Zitian, with the support of the Lu family, his uncle will not dare to compete with the Lu family no matter how capable he is.

Everything about the Shen family, as well as everything about the second room of the Lu family, will belong to him!

Looking at the family of three who were daydreaming in front of him, Shen Jinghan's lips twitched, he slowly put down his chopsticks, and looked at Mr. Shen.

"Dad, I'm done, I have something to tell you about my marriage!"

His voice was light, he put his hand in his pocket, and gently held his and Lu Zitian's marriage certificate, the little girl's cute and soft face appeared in his mind again.

An unprecedented sweetness and warmth slowly rose in my heart.

From now on, the little girl will be his little wife, and he will hold her in his hands forever, and no one will try to **** her away.

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