As soon as his words came out, the old man didn't say anything.

In a good mood, Gao Xiaozhen, who fantasized about being Lu Zitian's future mother-in-law, actually spoke first: "Dad, I was also about to tell you about Jing Han's marriage!

Jing Han was in a car accident and became like this. As the eldest sister-in-law, I was really sad and worried for him. Alas, before, in the past three years, his marriages went wrong one after another. When he was healthy, girls from a slightly better family in Rongcheng were reluctant to marry him. Now that he's disabled again, it's probably even harder to get married.

As a sister-in-law, when I think about this, my heart feels blocked. "

Gao Xiaozhen was babbling on and wanted to continue to be sensational, but the old man was already a little impatient: "What do you want to say, just say the main point directly, don't be long-winded."

After listening to the old man's words, Gao Xiaozhen paused and put away the sensational words: "Oh, Dad, it's like this, everyone should remember my niece Gao Qiqi. She was engaged to Jing Han before."

The old man's brows furrowed: "You're talking about Gao Qiqi, who was found to be two months pregnant before marriage and gave Jing Han a green hat!"

Gao Xiaozhen's face was a little embarrassed, and she sneered: "Yes, Dad's memory is really good. Qiqi was bullied so she had a child, she didn't know it herself, she didn't intend to deceive Jinghan.

She is sincere to Jing Han. Even if Jing Han is now disabled in a car accident and cannot walk, she does not dislike it and is willing to marry Jing Han and take care of him for the rest of his life.

That girl is so infatuated, I hope Dad can agree to this marriage when she is infatuated with Jing Han. After all, in Jinghan's current situation, it is really difficult to marry a wife and have children.

Missing Qiqi, I'm afraid you will all regret it! "

Her words made the old man shake for a moment: "Jing Han, have you heard what your sister-in-law said? What's your opinion?" The old man looked at him and asked.

Shen Jinghan glanced at Gao Xiaozhen lightly, and the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked: "I don't need to worry about my marriage, I still say that. I don't like drinking green tea, and I don't like wearing a cuckold. Dad, I'm waiting for you in the study, it's very important I want to tell you something."

After speaking indifferently, he controlled the electric wheelchair to turn around and walked towards the study on the first floor.

Gao Xiaozhen was a little unwilling, and shouted from behind him: "Jinghan, Qiqi is sincere to you. If you miss her, you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

It's just that Shen Jinghan didn't seem to hear it, and he had already controlled the electric wheelchair to the study on the first floor.

Wang Juanping quickly helped the old man up: "Go and see Jing Han! He must have something to discuss with you."

The old man nodded, and was supported by her to the study on the first floor.

Shen Juncai looked at the closed study door in the distance, and asked curiously, "Uncle looks very serious, what does he have to do with grandpa?"

Shen Sen snorted coldly: "What else can happen, it's just that I'm disabled now, and if you want to sell badly, take the opportunity to beg your grandfather to marry her mother, and then hand over the power of the Shen Group to him.

But don't worry, your grandpa is smart! He is now crippled, and it is impossible to reuse him! It's you, don't make trouble lately, just chase Lu Zitian well.

Let me tell you, if you marry Lu Zitian, with the support of the Lu family, your grandfather will definitely hand over the power of the Shen family to you! "

Gao Xiaozhen also hurriedly said, "Your dad is right. Now, the most important thing for you is to quickly marry Lu Zitian back. Zhao Tong doesn't have that ability. I believe my son will be able to do it."

After listening to his parents' words, Shen Juncai was immediately full of confidence, stood up from the chair, and wiped his mouth: "Okay, Mom and Dad, don't worry, I'm going to inquire about Lu Zitian's situation now, and it will definitely be in the shortest possible time. Nei caught her and married her back home."

After he finished speaking, he was full of fantasy and longing for the future, raised his head and left the restaurant.

In the south-facing study on the first floor of the Shen family, Mr. Shen glanced at his son in a wheelchair, and his heart was filled with regret.

He knew very well in his heart that all of the Shen family's existence today was earned by this young son's hard work and hard work.

In fact, in his heart, he was also willing to hand over everything of the Shen family to his younger son.

It's just that the old man knows very well that the younger son's growing environment was not good. Since he was an illegitimate child, he was bullied by his elder brothers and sisters, and even scolded by his family's servants.

In those years, he still pinned his hopes on the eldest son, believing that the younger son was too young and his mother was weak, he must be like his mother, unable to take on big responsibilities in the future.

Therefore, he never took him to heart, and acquiesced to the humiliation of the eldest son and daughter to their mother and son.

It was only five years ago, when the family business went through life and death, that the old man really realized that the only person who could save the Shen family and grow the Shen family's business was his youngest son.

The eldest son's family has limited intelligence and ability, and is selfish and short-sighted. If the Shen family is handed over to him, it will soon be the same as five years ago. Bankruptcy and liquidation.

However, he was also afraid that his younger son would never get married because of his growth.

In that case, no one will inherit the future of the Shen family.

Therefore, after his 75th birthday, when he felt that his body was not as good as before, he made a request to his youngest son, Shen Jinghan, that as long as he was willing to marry and have children, he would hand over everything in the Shen family to him.

Wang Juanping, a woman who has followed him all his life, endured humiliation and took care of him without any regrets. He felt ashamed of her for a long time and wanted to give her a name.

But for the future of the Shen family, for the younger son to get married and have children, and to ensure that the family business of the Shen family would be inherited, he could only continue to grieve this woman temporarily.

It's just that although the old man calculated very well, he didn't expect that his younger son, who was going to be entrusted with the important responsibility, had an accident and became disabled.

Therefore, his heart was full of contradictions and struggles at this time, as well as infinite regret for his younger son.

"Jinghan, in fact, that girl Gao Qiqi can be considered a good one. People, how can you not make mistakes when you are young. I heard your sister-in-law said that after you had a car accident, she took the initiative to go to the hospital to see you several times, but you were all rejected by you. turned away.

You are already like this, but that girl doesn't dislike it at all, but instead insists on marrying you, which shows that she is sincere to you. look--"

The old man was babbling and wanted to continue talking, but Shen Jinghan took out the marriage certificate from his pocket and threw it to him: "I have already obtained the certificate and got married, and you don't need to worry about my marriage in the future!"

"What? You are already married?" The old man and Wang Juanping were surprised at the same time.

"Yes! I just got married this morning!"

The old man looked at the marriage certificate in his hand, shocked, surprised, and angry.

"Shen Jinghan, let me tell you, if you get married with Manman, I'll kick you out of the Shen family, a woman like Manman—" Next, when the old man saw the woman's name and photo on the marriage certificate , was speechless in surprise.

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