Lu Chenxu stared at his three sons for a long time before sighing heavily.

These little guys, with small mouths, are more reasonable than him.

"One person writes a note explaining his mistakes and reflections in this accident, no less than 300 words."

After he finished speaking, he pulled Mo Xiaodie and turned back to the front yard.

These bear children are really worrying!

The three brothers behind them looked at each other and smiled. than a victory gesture.

The next day, early in the morning, Lu Chenxu and Mo Xiaodie set off for Luozhaigou with their nine children.

Why bring nine children!

Because when the little guys heard that they were going to the country, they had to follow them, and none of them would stay at home honestly.

Yucheng is 50 kilometers away from Luozhaigou, which is less than an hour's drive.

They left home early in the morning and arrived around nine in the morning.

Lu's employees, the village chief, and some cadres in the village such as Luo Guangqi were already waiting for them at the entrance of the village.

Although everyone has heard about the first child of nine treasures, the president of the Lu Group, when they saw the nine children who jumped out of the extended Rolls-Royce, everyone in Luozhaigou was still shocked. mouth.

These nine first-class-looking, similar-sized little guys got out of the car, and the mighty aura of coming towards them was too shocking!

The bright sunshine in the late autumn morning poured on them, the little guys were handsome and threatening, and the girls were sweet and moving.

The temperament and appearance are much higher than those of the children of the same age in the village.

Seeing Luo Guangqi, Wang Niannian was the first to run over with a little red and swollen hand: "Mom, where's mom!"

However, the bluestone road in the village was a little bumpy, and she tripped and almost fell.

Fortunately, Lu Zibai followed her with quick eyes and hands, and held her in time.

Luo Guangqi also hurried forward and supported Wang Niannian: "Niannian, don't panic, mom is cleaning up your room at home! Uncle will take you to find mom later."

About Wang Qi's situation, some village officials in Luozhaigou also know a bit about her, she graduated from a prestigious school and has a six-year-old daughter.

However, these are all Luo Guangqi's private affairs, and it is inconvenient for them, the villagers and villagers, to intervene.

In order to welcome the staff of the Lu family, the village deliberately requisitioned a family's idle house to temporarily house them.

After Lu Chenxu came, he had a few polite words with the village chief, and then went to listen to the project manager's report.

According to the plan, the project manager has already started site selection in the village to prepare for the construction of a resort hotel. Later, if things go well, the resort will be expanded.

In addition, they have found researchers in geology, and the soil around Luozhaigou is very suitable for planting fruit trees.

At this time, it is autumn, and experts in agriculture and forestry say it is the most suitable season for planting fruit trees.

In late autumn, fruit trees grow slowly, and damage to the roots can be minimized during planting. At the same time, it can accumulate the nutrients needed for the growth of the second year.

The project manager has discussed with the village head, Luo Guangqi and others, and led the villagers to repair the land on the stockade and half the hillside.

At the same time, the Lu Group has contacted the relevant farms to order a batch of high-quality, high-quality fruit tree seedlings. There are peach trees, pear trees, apples and other varieties suitable for growth in temperate regions.

Mo Xiaodie has taken the children to Luo Guangqi's house.

The unique scenery of the countryside quickly attracted the attention of these little guys.

"Wow! The river here is so clear! You see there are small fish!" Ran Ran stood by the Baishui River in admiration.

"Look, there are two white swans on the water over there!" Momo, who had never been to the countryside, pointed at the two white ducks on the water and screamed.

The rest of the little guys laughed.

Lu Zizhong glanced at Momo: "Momo, that's a water duck, not a swan."

Lu Zili also said with a smile: "That is, the swan has a thin and long neck and a beautiful figure, how can it be so fat!"

"Duck? Is it the roast duck we eat on weekdays?" Momo asked curiously, tilting her head.

Lu Zibai nodded: "Yes, Momo, it's the delicious and crispy roast duck we eat on weekdays."

Just as he was talking, behind the two white ducks on the water, another group of fluffy and cute little ducks swam.

"What a cute little duck, I will never eat duck meat again!" Momo looked at the little duck on the water and said with a small mouth.

However, seeing the little duck, she also took Mo Xiaodie's hand and said, "Mummy, the little duck is so cute, how about we raise one?"

Lu Zizhong: "Sister Ranran, do you want to raise these little ducks before roasting them?"

Ran Ran glared at him with a small mouth: "Brother, what are you talking about, such a cute little duck, do you have the heart to roast it?"

Several little guys came to Luo Guangqi's door noisily.

Wang Qi was standing at the door looking around.

Wang Niannian saw his mother flying over: "Mom, mom"

It should be a mother-daughter connection. This time, Wang Qi did not push Wang Niannian away like last time, but stretched out his arms and hugged his daughter.

"Niannian, you're finally here. Come and see, the room my mother prepared for you!"

Having said that, Wang Qi took his daughter's hand and walked into the yard, leaving Mo Xiaodie and his mother outside.

Lu Zibai pointed to the open door of Luo Guangqi's house: "Well, this Auntie Wang Qi didn't forget us, did she?"

Then, looking at Luo Guangqi's house, his small brows furrowed fiercely.

"Mummy, this house is too dilapidated, what is this, red bricks?" After speaking, the little fat man pointed to the courtyard wall of Luo Guangqi's house and the three unpainted red brick bungalows.

Lu Zili also looked disgusted: "Here, there is dust everywhere, can people live here?"

Lu Ziqian gave the two of them a blank look: "Why can't we live here? I've lived here for two days!"

Lu Zizhong pointed to the open door: "Mummy, why don't we go in and have a look?"

Mo Xiaodie nodded: "Okay, let's go first!"

Although Wang Qi is recovering, his brain is still somewhat different from that of ordinary people. Since she left their mothers out, then they will go in by themselves.

The house in the countryside has a big yard. There is an apple tree in the middle of Luo's yard. At this time, it is autumn, and the tree is covered with red apples.

Ranran and Zibai, the two foodies, stared at the apple tree as soon as they entered the door.

Mo Xiaodie heard the laughter of Wang Niannian's mother and daughter coming from the room to the west, and dragged Dudu and Momo over.

Behind her, Ran Ran glanced at Lu Zibai: "Sixth brother, the apples on this tree look delicious! I want to pick one and try it!"

Lu Zibai leaned into her ear: "Wait, my second brother and I will find a chance to pick it for you later."

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