When Mo Xiaodie led Dudu and Momo to the door of the room on the west side, the mother and daughter Wang Qi, who were rolling on the large and new bed, discovered her.

Wang Niannian quickly got off the bed, ran over, and took Momo and Dudu's little hands.

"Dudu, Momo, come and see, this is the room my mother prepared for me, is it beautiful?"

In the room less than ten square meters, against the north wall was placed a double bed measuring 1.8 meters and a cabinet with two sets.

The walls should have been recently painted, very white. Without any decoration.

The concrete floor is covered with newly purchased wood-colored children's floor leather. On the south side by the window, there is a small desk and a simple pink bookshelf.

The curtains are also pink.

The overall look of the room is warm and clean. It can be seen that Luo Guangqi is also very attentive.

The little princess Momo, who has been held in the hands of the Lu family since she was three years old, is very despised when faced with such a room.

However, the empathetic she did not say anything.

Just a suggestion with a smile: "Niannian, didn't you and Sixth Brother make a lot of landscape paintings with leaves? I think it might be better to hang your landscape paintings in this room."

Life was hard since childhood, but he clapped his hands and jumped into the room, praising: "Beautiful, beautiful!"

After Momo's reminder, Wang Niannian remembered the landscape painting in his backpack.

She quickly took it out and put it on the desk in front of the window: "Sister Momo, help me see how to hang it to look good!"

At this moment, Luo Mu's voice came from the courtyard outside.

"Whose children are you, why did you come to our yard to steal apples?"

Mother Luo heard that Wang Niannian was coming, and just looked for the paintbrush she specially bought for Niannian in the room! She heard that Wang Niannian likes to paint, so she specially asked someone to go to the town to buy paintbrushes.

Who would have guessed that she had just rowed a wheelchair out of her room when she saw several well-dressed children stealing apples from the apple tree in their yard!

Mo Xiaodie and Wang Qi heard the sound, and when they ran out, they saw their sons.

Erbao Lu Zili has already climbed to the apple tree, and is sitting on the branch of the tree eating apples with relish!

Liu Bao Lu Zibai is standing on a high stool under the tree, picking apples on tiptoe!

The youngest daughter, Ranran, helped Lu Zibai to hold the stool, and kept giving instructions: "Sixth brother, don't want that, that one is too small, I want to eat the one next to me, the one that is the biggest and most popular!"

The other three babies, Zi Zhong, Zi Xun and Zi Qian, stood by and watched them, applauding, cheering, and chatting.

When she came out, she happened to hear Lu Zixun pointing at the branch of the tree where Er Bao was sitting: "How can you say that such a small branch can bear the weight of the second brother!"

Mo Xiaodie looked up, and sure enough, the branch that Lu Zili was sitting on was very thin.

Her heart suddenly raised in her throat: "Er Bao, come down quickly!"

However, with her cry, the tree branch under Erbao Lu Zili's little **** suddenly snapped with a "click".

"Er Bao, be careful!" She rushed over to catch her son.

However, at this moment, Lu Zibai, Liu Bao, who was standing on the high stool and tiptoed to pick apples, was yelled so loudly by her, and he fell off the stool in shock.

Mo Xiaodie didn't know which son to save for a while.

Fortunately, her two sons had learned kung fu since childhood. Erbao reached out and grabbed another branch at the moment when the branch broke. Then, he turned over on the tree and jumped down neatly.

However, the back of his clothes was successfully scraped with a big hole by the branches.

Six Treasures Lu Zibai was about to fall down and have a close contact with the earth. The three brothers, Lu Zizhong, who were closest to him, rushed over and almost caught him.

It all fell down, and the little fat man was holding a big red apple in his hand!

Seeing that the two sons were safe, Mo Xiaodie was relieved.

When Mother Luo saw her, and Wang Qi and Nian Nian who ran out together behind her, she immediately realized that this was the wife of the president of the Lu Group who was hotly debated in the village these days.

And the boys who were going to steal her apples just now should be the children of the lady who gave birth to Nine Treasures.

So, Luo Mu quickly and politely said: "If you want to eat apples, you can just pick and eat them, just be careful, don't drop them."

Mo Xiaodie stared at these worrying sons: "Who asked you to go up the tree to pick apples?"

The three treasures, the three treasures, and the five treasures, who did not climb the tree, pointed to Lu Zili, the second treasure, who had just jumped down from the tree.

Then, Erbao Lu Zili's little hand pointed to Lu Zibai, the sixth treasure.

Lu Zibai's small eyes rolled, and then, holding a red apple, he ran in front of Wang Niannian diligently: "Sister Niannian, I'll give you something to eat, this is what I specially picked for you from the tree, the biggest and the best. red apples."

Then, Little Fat Six looked proudly back to Mo Xiaodie: "Mummy, I'm going to give it to my sister Nian Nian."

In this way, Mommy will definitely not criticize him again, and maybe even praise him for his friendship with his little sister!

However, Ran Ran, who had been waiting to eat the big red apple, gave up, landed Zibai with his finger, and said angrily: "Sixth brother, you are too much, you lied to me. What you just said, as long as I'll help you hold the stool, and you'll give me the reddest and biggest apple to eat!"

Lu Zibai hurriedly winked at her and gave her a wink, but Ran Ran, who was so angry, didn't see it at all.

She walked over and took Mo Xiaodie's hand, and acted like a spoiled child: "Mummy, sixth brother, he bullied me!"

Mo Xiaodie only felt that her blood pressure increased and her head hurt.

She pointed at her sons: "Can't you stop for two days? It's a rabbit? Can't stop for a while?"

Wang Niannian walked over to Ranran kindly and handed the apple in his hand to Ranran: "Sister Ranran, this apple is for you!"

However, she felt a little embarrassed at this time, she waved her small hand: "No need, this is given to you by my sixth brother, you can eat it yourself!"

At this moment, Lu Zili twisted his body and came over: "Mommy, what should I do? My clothes are torn. How can I go out like this!"

"Did you not expect to scratch your clothes when you just climbed the tree?" Mo Xiaodie asked her son.

Lu Zili's beautiful peach blossom eyes blinked innocently: "No, such a low apple tree, if you hadn't come out and screamed at me, that tree branch might not have broken! I have the confidence to jump safely and safely. down."

"You mean you're blaming Mom for scratching your clothes?"

These sons really need to clean up!

Mo Xiaodie stared at Lu Zili and moved her wrist.

Lu Zili hurried forward with sharp eyes and a quick mouth, and put his arm around her, his soft voice full of coquettishness: "No, it's all my own carelessness, how can I blame you, Mommy! You heard it wrong, Mommy. now!"

Later, Wang Qi found a needle and thread to help Lu Zili sew the clothes in a simple way.

At noon, they ate a hearty peasant meal at the village chief's house.

It's just that after lunch, these cute babies couldn't be idle, and they had to go to the surrounding stockades and play on the hillside.

Afraid that they would get lost, the village chief specially arranged for Luo Guangqi to accompany them.

A few little guys were like runaway foals, rushing towards the cottage happily.

Lu Chenxu and Mo Xiaodie followed behind.

Prevent these boys from causing trouble again!

There are several persimmon trees on the mountainside not far away. At this time, it is autumn, and the red persimmon trees form a beautiful scenery in the autumn sunshine.

There was an old man with a three- or four-year-old girl under the tree, picking up persimmons with a bamboo pole!

The little girl followed the old man and obediently picked up every persimmon that fell on the ground into a bamboo basket not far away!

Lu Ziqian frowned slightly.

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