Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1034: Go to jail, rescue.

Chapter 1034 goes to jail and rescues.

Lingshang gave Beiming, Ji Ruchen, Liuyun and others a detailed introduction to the approximate location of the Death Trench on the map. Immediately, Feng Jinxuan continued to add:

"Because this sea area is a natural and mysterious area with a high mortality rate, the Death Trench has never been discovered, and the highest secret prison in the Three Realms is located at a depth of 12,000 meters in the Death Trench. The entire prison is secretive. The natural prison formed by the movement of seabed plates, volcanic eruptions, Haiti earthquakes, and submarine methane explosion zones formed over trillions of years was not built, but the entire prison is divided into three major areas, the bottom of the trench at the bottom of the core magma area, where At present, Chiyou, the most powerful demon **** in the ancient prehistoric period, is trapped; in the middle of the earthquake-prone area of ​​Haiti, the four great ancestors of zombies and four of the ten great demon gods and countless demon and ghost felons are trapped there; In the shallow section, the prisoners are the felons of the Three Realms in the past, as well as the black shark tribe who has been guarding the secret prison in the depths of the death trench for generations."

"Mairen? Isn't it a mermaid? That kind of beautiful mermaid." A Luo suffocated the idea of ​​catching a mermaid and going home to raise, knowing that it is not the time to say this, and immediately suspicious, "Axuan, you and this People who look a lot like Anai, say so many, when are we going to save Gong Siyu?"

Ye Mei entered the temple and heard the words, Lingshang’s slender and magnificent purple eyes were filled with a faint worry, "Now there are three major obstacles in front of us. If we don’t solve them, even if I can rescue Gongsiyu, I’m afraid it is. Can't reach the sea."

"How do you say?" Liu Yun asked with a frown, puzzled.

"One difficulty, each of the spiritual circle has an independent key, and there are three people responsible for managing the unlocking code of the spiritual circle. One is the executive officer of the highest secret prison of the General Administration. This person has always been irritable and rigid. Flexible, but fulfilling my duties, beating invincible hands all over the prison, the three felons are afraid of him; one is me; the other is Feng Jinxuan, and I will record all the keys to the spiritual ring that Feng Jinxuan and I keep in a while. , But if the codes of the spiritual circle of Gongsiyu and Baiwuyou are sealed, they are the batch kept by Wild Hunt, you know, things will be in trouble."

"The dilemma, the black shark tribe is not the mermaid tribe, but the primitive shark tribe who has advocated killing and **** for generations. It is extremely cruel. Once they smell the criminals fleeing, tens of millions of black sharks gathered in the depths of the trench will swarm. Until it is torn apart, I am not afraid that they will be hurt, but once the sharks are alarmed, the entire prison will be alarmed. By then...the depth of the trench more than 10,000 meters deep will be difficult to fly."

"The trilemma, plus Gong Siyu, I want to save a total of 15 people. Not enough time and too many people will make the goal too big. The people in the highest prison of the Three Realms are definitely not stupid people. They will definitely notice... "

"Why do you want to do so much? Just serve it in one pot, create chaos, and take the opportunity to escape. We will meet you on the sea, it's easy!"

A Luo's little head has always been simple, feeling that Lingshang and Feng Jinxuan think too much. If they think too much, they will think too much, but they will shrink and hesitate.

"To create chaos? Then if the repeat offenders trapped in the highest secret prison of the Three Realms see the light of day again, create a crisis again and endanger the Three Realms..."

"Stupid, aren't they all imprisoned by the spiritual circle? Even if it creates chaos and can't solve the spiritual circle, it is useless? Without spiritual power, how can it be possible to go from a trench more than 10,000 meters deep in a short time Li Fu was born?"

"Lori makes sense! Why don't we just do it like this...Brother go down and save people, we..."

"Okay! That's the decision! Without further ado, let's go now!"


In the early morning, above the quiet black sea, the night sky is starless, and the sea is thick with fog. There is only a looming first quarter moon, hidden by thick clouds.

The sea is a silent world.

Under the sea, the dark depths like an endless abyss seem to be another terrifying and suffocating claustrophobic deep-sea world.

Below the seabed, 6000 meters is a limit.

After the 6,000-meter line, you will enter the "ultra-abyss water zone", which is commonly known as "ultra-abyss water zone". The sun cannot reach here. It is dark all year round. The water temperature is 0° all year round. The water pressure is extremely high. One hundred thousand were stressed.

At 8850 meters, it is the height of Mount Everest and the highest peak in the world. If this mountain is sunk into the sea, even the top of the mountain will not be exposed to the sea.

At this moment, the dark, terrifying and dull Death Trench in the trench area as deep as 12,000 meters suddenly lit up with ghost-like blue fluorescent lights.

This is a very ancient plankton. Because it has lived on the seabed below 10,000 meters for hundreds of millions of years, they have the ability to light up and can illuminate small-scale trenches.

The narrow trench is composed of an unfathomable and winding seabed rift valley. At this moment, at the end of the rift valley, a huge door of black rock formed by precipitation after the eruption of seabed lava slowly opens. Several people riding black sharks and wearing white uniforms of the General Administration of the Three Realms came out, and they disappeared into the sea in an instant.

The Heiyan Giant Gate is the entrance to the highest secret prison in the Three Realms.

The shallowest level of the three major areas of the prison is in a dirty, messy and dark room called the "disinfection zone".

Humanized are divided into male and female.

Limbs and necks are all wearing a sacred ring. The 13 male members of the Heavenly Dao League headed by Bai Wuyou, referred to as the Three Realms Heihu, are undocumented masters of the Heihu Heaven Realm, all in shackles.

The clothes and weapons on their bodies were stripped and confiscated, and after they were destroyed and seized, they were completely deprived of spiritual power. The black sharks who were in charge of the custody drew them into the dark and unknown liquid pool one by one, and washed them all over their bodies.

In the female disinfection area, Qingyin, the only female member of the Tiandao League, was also taken into the pool.

After all the 14 members of the Tiandao League were disinfected, they were thrown into the shallowest felon gathering area. There were thousands of independent prisons, each of which was an impenetrable stone chamber.

Quiet, deadly quiet.

Quietly, even feel depressing and suffocating.

After Bai Wuyou they were detained.

A group of black sharks lined up neatly appeared at the door of the office of Wild Hunt, the commander of the highest secret prison of the Three Realms General Administration.

These sharks have long cheeks on both temples, their mouths cannot be spoken, and their sharp mouths and fangs are extremely ugly.

Upon hearing the sound, the door of the office opened strangely.

A wild hunter, he was burly and sturdy, with five big and three thick wild hunters, glaring at the awkward man imprisoned by the shark.

He was imprisoned with no less than 40 spiritual rings.

It is conceivable that the General Administration fears this person.

And after entering prison, the man was dunked with a shot the size of two basketballs behind the spirit ring on his neck.

(End of this chapter)

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