Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1035: Tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by a dog

Chapter 1035 Hu Luo Pingyang was bullied by a dog

His wrists were tied by a thick iron chain at the mouth of the bowl, and his ankles were even more chained by a wide and thick iron chain with a shot put. It can be seen that the people here don't treat him as a person.

But this man, despite his embarrassment, was arrogant and his eyes were absolutely cold.

Wild hunting is infinitely powerful. The sideburns of his chin are covered with a beard, which looks very vicious. He holds a document transmitted from the Three Realms Administration in his hand, with a lighted wood in his mouth as a cigarette. After glanced at the information, he threw it away, took a step forward, and fixed his eyes on the man's handsome but messy cheeks.

"Oh, I recognize you. Last time when we unblocked the spiritual circle for the underworld yin and yang officials and others, we saw that manor. We never thought that you turned out to be the former emperor's division. I heard your name long ago. Disrespectful!"


Wild Hunt didn't make things difficult for Gong Siyu, on the contrary, he fisted towards Gong Siyu very refreshingly, and immediately pulled the iron chain on Gong Siyu's wrist, pulled him towards the deepest part of the prison, and walked slowly.

"Brother, congratulations. You are arranged to be imprisoned in the deepest magma area of ​​the prison. Tell you about the inmates in the magma area?"

While talking, Wild Hunt pulled the iron chain that tied Gongsiyu.

The company and the company ignored him from beginning to end, just dragging the heavy shot on the ground with difficulty, step by step, heavy walking.

"Your cellmates have great backgrounds. I hope you get there, live with them friendly, don't make troubles, I hunt wildly and have a bad temper. Whoever makes troubles will clean up! There are not many extremely dangerous felons in the magma area. Chi You, the **** of death, died of silence, the **** of disasters, and the king of monsters Kanghui."

"..." Gong Siyu didn't hear him, lowered his head, and let the iron ball drag on the potted ground, making a harsh sound.

"Oh, yes, remember, Chi You, don’t provoke it. It is extremely irritable. Although it has been sealed with spiritual power, its power is infinite. When magma is drinkable as water, your spiritual power is sealed now, against the body of this mortal, to provoke Putting on it will probably bring you down."


Ernan and Jiying are even worse. Although they have been sealed with spiritual power, their mouths are just like opening light. The black sharks who have gone down to the magma area are not strange deaths. Even though there are many disasters and disasters, even I was rectified by them, married three daughters-in-law, and they all died. Sometimes I can choke when drinking water. You can stay away from those two broom stars, or you will be there. Accepted. "

Finally, Miyajiyu said.

"You're very long-winded." The hoarse and deep voice, no longer the magnetism of the past, like a piece of sandpaper, only made people feel uncomfortable.

Wild Hunt stopped, looked back fiercely, looked fiercely, and looked at Gong Siyu warningly, "Brother! I saw you before, when I went to your house, you also served me, this first time you ran into me, I don’t care about you, I have to have another time!” While talking, Wild Hunt clasped Miyajiyu’s back neck, forcing him to look at the dim tunnel, many criminals who were stuck into the wall.” These people! That's your end!"


Then, Wild Hunt continued to mutter: "Kang Hui is the demon king, but he has been detained for a long time, he is crazy, he is nothing, he is male, he likes male, you look so handsome, be careful of the backyard."

When Wild Hunt finished all the "nonsense".

It just so happened that it came to an end.

In front of him was a round hole with no bottom.

Without a second word, Wild Hunt kicked Gongsiyu, who was restrained and imprisoned, down the pit, and immediately, he jumped down.

The molten slurry poured down like a waterfall on all sides.

In the torn apart black rock, magma continuously seeps out and flows slowly.

The temperature is extremely high, and the air is thin and poisonous gas is permeated.

The top of the head is a layer of hard black rock that does not see the sky all year round, and underneath is an active submarine volcano, which is extremely dangerous.

Without the spiritual power, Gong Siyu lost the ability to fly over the walls, and fell heavily on the hot black rocky ground. The heavy iron ball hit the ground, and one of them hit his calf.

"Ka La", even the sound of broken bones can be heard.

The painful feeling can be imagined.

But Gong Siyu was silent, without any extra emotions.

After being sealed by the Spirit Seal, Gong Siyu, who had no spiritual power, even lost the ability to heal his wounds. He suffered a comminuted fracture of his calf, and he lost the ability to walk.

When the wild hunt landed steadily, I found that Gongsiyu’s calf was broken by an iron ball, as if I hadn’t seen it at all, and he shouted loudly towards the hot sun lava and the rolling magma imprisonment area.

"The new inmate is here! Wanger and others can live together peacefully! Remember! No trouble!"

The concise warning is over.

Wild hunting seems dead and reluctant to stay in this place.

As soon as the front foot was about to leave, the back foot heard a cold laugh in the thin hazy lava mist. Accompanied by a creepy laugh, a charming and sinister cold sound suddenly sounded——

"Crazy hunting, why did you come down again? All three daughters-in-law are dead, and you don't have a long memory?"

This voice inexplicably made Gong Siyu who was lying on the ground "playing dead" slightly startled, and suddenly opened the half-closed Feng's eyes, what a familiar voice!

Immediately afterwards, another voice sounded.

And this sound, like hitting death at close range, is terribly terrifying——

"Get out!"

Knowing that all the "ancestors" detained in this place, said to let go, the wild hunting kept rolling, disappearing without a trace.

After the wild hunt left.

Gong Siyu turned over with difficulty, facing up to the sky, feeling the hot black rock, which was burning the skin on his back. The sound of "Zila" seemed to scorch the skin on his back. The violent stinging pain of being scalded, he silently endured, held it, and looked tired.

Compared with the physical pain, he was more tortured to lose the heartache that Yuno was forced to endure.

At this moment, all of a sudden, Gong Siyu noticed that the light in front of him was dimmed, and an upside-down face appeared in front of his eyes as if enlarged.

The people snickered and gloated.

"Another Huluo Pingyang who was deceived by a dog, miserable, let me take a look, which hapless child is the new inmate? Do you know?" Eunanxie smiled and turned her direction. At first glance, Gong Siyu's scarred face appeared. He narrowed his narrow eyes, "Why do you look so familiar?"

Without waiting for Gong Siyu to speak, the nightmare Adé, who had been possessed into Gong Siyu's body earlier, turned into a black mist, and reappeared like a nightmare monster, and appeared beside Gong Siyu.

Adai squatted on the ground and poked Gong Siyu's fractured calf.

Immediately, the scarlet pupils shrank like a beast, and instantly murderous, grinning towards the disaster.

At the moment of seeing the disaster.

Adé suddenly recognized the man in front of him.

Without a word, he lashed at his limbs with shackles and iron chains and a large iron ring around his neck. He threw himself in ragged clothes, opened his mouth and bit, and hit with his hand.

"Why does this thing bite people? Jidie! Brother! Help!" The next second, seeing Adai's faintly visible human appearance at close range, he was shocked and reacted, "Adai? Are you? That nightmare?"

(End of this chapter)

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