Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1254: Hidden crisis, not over at all

Chapter 1254 is a hidden crisis, but it doesn't end at all

In the past, Bai Feiran was responsible for such matters.

Gong Siyu realized that the absence of Bai Feiran by his side was like missing a family member, missing a good brother, and missing a right hand man he could not live without. He started to be a little uncomfortable, and more worried and worried.

What happened to them?

"Farewell." Lingyu folded her arms and leaned on the back of the chair, her small face gradually covered with a layer of frost. When Lingyu showed this expression, it meant that someone was going to be unlucky and she was going to be true." You’re right, you’ll be monitored everywhere you live. It’s better to stay under their noses and wait until Gong Youen finishes explaining by himself, we will make plans."

After Miyajiyu and Lingyu reached an agreement, they divided the work and consulted the investigation data. Miyajiyu saw the thick pile of investigation results, and Miyajiyu copied several surveillance video files in the briefcase and imported them into the desktop computer in the room. , Looked at them one by one.

The backup video of the monitor records the images of the two of them taken by Liuyun and Bai Feiran after entering the lens, every place and every road section they have been to.

During this half month in New York, it can be found from the surveillance video that Bai Feiran took Liuyun to many places to play, such as Central Park, the zoo, the museum, the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, and one day he went to register for his marriage and received it. Marriage certificate, took pictures together, and took Liuyun to Fifth Avenue to go shopping all day.

These records are all before the fifth day of the new year.

After the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, the number of surveillance video recordings decreased. The last video of Bai Feiran and Liuyun appeared in a shabby and chaotic residential area in the Bronx ghetto, where most of the blacks and Mexicans are , There are often gun cases on the streets.

"Bai Feiran's credit card records show that they are staying at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel on Fifth Avenue and have not checked out so far because Bai Feiran has stayed for half a month, and tomorrow is just due."

Gong Siyu read too many dense English investigation documents. He had some headaches and a dull pain in his temples. He paused for a while and seemed to be thinking about what happened.

"The last time the surveillance captured the highlights of the two of them in the early morning of the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, it was still in the Bronx. How did Bai Feiran take Xiaoyun there? There seems to be no famous scenic spots in that area."

Lingyu didn't understand Bai Feiran's past.

It's just that I learned a little bit from Miyajiyu's mouth and Bai Feiran's own explanation.

Feiran Bai grew up in the United States and was once of Chinese descent. His English name is Reyn Reynolds. He served in the 16-year-old M Army. He participated in UN peacekeeping, fought, fought, killed, and later retired. He once owned a mercenary empire. Among the top 100 mercenaries in the world, 80 of them were his subordinates. He basically knew all the senior members of the M army.

In order to repay his favor, he changed his nationality, sold the mercenary group, and went to the imperial capital with Gongsiyu.

His profile is too gorgeous and the assets he sits on are quite staggering.

Obviously, Gong Siyu knew more about Bai Feiran.

"Bai Feiran grew up in the Bronx before serving at the age of 16. He should have taken the flowing clouds to the slums where he once lived and lived. The place where they last disappeared was the area where he lived in his childhood. When I first met Bai Feiran in the United States and saved his life, he took me to the shabby apartment where he lived. Even with countless wealth, he still lived in that shabby building. In his apartment, I have a deep memory, and it is still unforgettable, because the woman next door to his apartment died and the child cried for two days and two nights before being rescued."

It seems that Bai Feiran's childhood was not happy and extremely difficult.

"I only have one question right now. They must have encountered an attack, but even if Bai Feiran's flesh and blood body cannot resist, Xiao Yun definitely has the ability to resist all attacks. How could they be attacked? Missing at the same time?

"Unless Liuyun encounters an attack, crushing, and restraint, he has no room to fight back."

"Similar to the celestial circle? Nonsense, we have one Klingshi." Lingyu retorted. She felt that Liuyun was so powerful and should not be attacked, so what happened here?

"Could it be... In West Underworld, in this area we are not familiar with, there is another way to deal with talented abilities like Liuyun, who has high spiritual power and is extremely powerful psychic master? And this method has never been exposed, nor has it appeared with us, so we don't understand it at all?"

Gong Siyu twisted his eyebrows and guessed. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something he had always wanted to ask.

"Guil, what mission did Jiang Ziwen send you here to assist with Xi Ming Palace?"

During the Chinese New Year not long ago, while having dinner with Jiang Ziwen and Lingshang, Gong Siyu accidentally heard Ling slyly say that he wanted to ask, but later forgot.

"...Qing and suppressing the remaining forces of Donghuang Wuji." Ling hesitated for a moment, and then said again, "It is said that Donghuang Wuji has a fairly large-scale biological gene research and development group. On the surface, it studies biological genes, but actually produces various types. High-tech biochemical weapons. Do you still remember the incident of Ye Bing when I was a candidate for Yin and Yang officials last year? The virus he created finally reached the hands of Donghuang Wuji. He began to sell it on a large scale, although he is no longer there. , But his group is still operating normally, and its power has not been weakened."

"and so?"

"Xi Mingfu learned that Donghuang Wuji finally died in my hands, but they currently don't know where Donghuang Wuji's lair is or where the remnant forces are hiding. They thought I would know, so they asked me to come and assist in the suppression. ,but……"

After Linggui told the truth, he suddenly remembered what Donghuang Wuji had said to himself before he died, and he stopped talking, his expression suddenly became solemn and complicated.

"You have something to hide, you didn't tell anyone, did you?"

Gong Siyu's phoenix eyes were sharp, and he could see through.


"This matter is serious, so you are very cautious, don't think you can tell anyone?"

"Isn't I going to tell you..." Lingyu leaned back in his chair lazily, with a deep tone of unclear meaning, "In fact, Donghuang Wuji said something very strange to me before he died."

"What are you talking about?" Gong Siyu straightened up, approached Lingyu, and put his arm on the coffee table in front of him.

"Before he died, he told me that there was still someone behind him, and he said... it didn't end so easily, it was just the beginning.

Ling Jing meticulously recalled Dong Huang Wuji's weird and hideous eyes before he died, and that cold smile is still creepy.

"He said that hundreds of years ago, he was just a small underworld yin and yang official. Even if he is very talented, his spiritual power is beyond the reach, but he is alone, a small yin and yang official..."

Throw 70,000 first, continue with 10,000 during the day, and 2w tomorrow~~ remember to book all! Babies!

On the 12th of this month, the v group and the rich group continue to send big red envelopes and lucky draws~~~

(End of this chapter)

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