Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1255: Get out of our territory!

Chapter 1255 Get out of our territory!

Lingyu followed the above words, and then said again.

"He said he dared to challenge Emperor Ming, challenge King Jiang, and betray the Underworld. If no one gave him the courage, gave him courage and support, and gave him ten courage, he would not dare to do so, let alone even for hundreds of years. I learned of countless turbulences and powers all over the place, forming a huge dark web."

"He also said...Even if he is dead, there will be more existences like him and even more powerful than him. Compared with those behind him, Donghuang Wuji can only be regarded as a chess piece. , A plaything that was fancy and used."

"In other words, there is a larger force behind Donghuang Wuji hiding in the abyss, staring at us, staring at the Three Realms, staring at everything. This is a power that can support Donghuang Wuji using hundreds of In the year, he sprinkled the nets of the heavens and the earth, galloped across the Three Realms of the East, and acted as a tiger in the territory of the West Hades. His whereabouts are like ghosts, ghosts and mysterious existences. The person behind the Eastern Emperor Wuji, or this organization, only exists in the dark, and here. It has never surfaced before."

"In other words, all this is not over at all..."

When Lingyu finished speaking, the entire huge bedroom fell into a dead silence.

In silence, there was a trace of tension and depression in the air.

Gong Siyu's brows were furrowed, and the whole handsome and evil face appeared as cold as ice ball.

I thought that this time I came here, it was just a small task, I would finish it early, and I could go back with the two old men in a circle.

But at present, Gong Siyu feels...maybe he thinks too much.

"This is the situation. I'm afraid no one else knows except me and you now."

Lingsui sighed, suddenly felt very tired, and just stopped after the new year.

As soon as the voice fell, a little black lotus that hadn't appeared for a long time suddenly sprang out from the heart of Linggui's left hand, just like a baby who just woke up from sleep, lazily yawning, Lianlian's arrogant "hum" After a cry, "Lianlian knows it too!"

"Why haven't you been out to be a demon during this time?"

During the New Year, Lianlian never appeared, Lingyu felt that it had entered a short period of dormancy.

"It's the person you killed Xiaoguier last time. It's called Donghuang... His spiritual power is really dirty, just like having a diarrhea, but it didn't make me sick and bad. He should be converted into his own pure spiritual power by absorbing the spiritual power of others without knowing how to neutralize. Therefore, the spiritual power is very complicated. It took me a lot of work to purify his spiritual power into pure spiritual power. As soon as I woke up, I heard you talking..."

After reading a lot of documents, Hei Lian swayed like a fly in front of him, which annoyed Gong Siyu. He quickly reached out and grabbed it, threw Hei Lian on a pillow not far away, and looked at Ling Yu.

"It's early in the morning, and there are still 4 hours before dawn. We have a time difference, and we can't sleep anyway. Why don't we go to the apartment that Bai Feiran lived in the Bronx overnight? I remember the address, so I will check it out first. Look for clues."

On the side, Lianlian was angry and shook her petals. She rushed towards Gong Siyu and wanted to "desperately" with him, but she was stretched out by the spirit, with a burst of spiritual power from her fingertips, she forcibly sucked her back into the palm of her hand. Now that you are in a foreign country, don’t come out at all, you will frighten people like this."

"Well, but he threw me! Do you leave it alone!"

Lianlian stayed in the palm of the spirits with anger.

"I will hammer him for you!" Ling Yu was helpless, so he could only symbolically hammer down Gong Siyu's chest with his fist, and the matter was finished.


Together with Gong Siyu, I changed into a set of black sportswear that did not appear, Ling Yu wore a black fisherman hat, Gong Siyu wore a peaked cap, and said to Wutian and Hongjun, Gong Siyu He Linggui planned to go out overnight.

As a result, the two old men thought that they were going to secretly date in the middle of the night, and they had to follow everything together, and went out.

The moon is black and the wind is high at night, and the cold wind is bitter.

The entire Manhattan of New York was shrouded in darkness, a deep silence.

The city is like falling asleep, there is no hustle and bustle, no cars whistling, no bustling and lively during the day.

The four figures are ethereal, as fast as a ghostly shadow.

The bright full moon in the night sky, under the lead of Miyajiyu, leaped over skyscrapers and galloped in the sky. It didn't take long to reach the northernmost Bronx slum in New York from the center of Manhattan.

This is one of the most criminally responsible areas in the United States, gathering tens of millions of African and Latino residents.

A few plump and drunk foreign women in **** clothes collapsed on the side of the street, unconscious.

On the corner of the crossroads, on every section of the road, there will be several black people in hip-hop costumes and braids who are talking swearing and smoking cigarettes, looking heinous.

There are also some Latino men who gather in dark corners and set fire to things.

Robbery, shooting... will be staged here every day.

Confetti was flying in the street, there was no car, all the shops were closed, no one was open and it was dark.

Only the street lights and neon bar hotel signs every ten meters along the street illuminate the road in the dark.

It's messy here.

And just at an empty crossroads, when a group of dirty blacks gathered on the side of the road to smoke and drink, and molested the women walking by...

Four figures in black costumes descended from the sky and landed steadily. The dangling black shadows fell on the ground and appeared in the middle of the dirty road, mysterious and unpredictable, and giving people a feeling of oppression and deterrence.

The black people with dirty braids on the street were stunned for an instant.

One of the courageous, tall and strong black man, speaking in jingle-like English, walked quickly to Gongsiyu and Lingyu four, and kept talking fiercely: "Hey, man! Who are you? Not here? Where you should come, get out of our territory!"

In the Bronx, many small gangs will divide the territory. Fortunately during the day, the behavior of strangers suddenly breaking into the territory at night will be regarded as a provocation.

Gong Siyu was holding a mobile phone in his hand and was using satellite positioning and navigation to find the apartment where Bai Feiran lived in his childhood. Hearing that, his phoenix eyes were cold, with a terrifying dark glow, and he slowly raised his eyes and turned sideways. His face coldly glanced at the black man who kept swearing and provoking, his right hand clenched his fist silently, his bones creaked, and he was about to punch the man away, but was stopped by the spirit.

"low profile."

After finishing speaking, Ling Yi pressed Gong Siyu's fist and shook his head.

The fat black man seemed to feel that Gong Siyu wanted to do something, and had already greeted the group of his own brothers gathered on the side of the road.

But the next second, the four people in front of him disappeared suddenly, leaving only a quick shadow, and disappeared completely.

This scene completely frightened a group of people and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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