Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1268: King of Mustard Gas Agents, Trial

Chapter 1268, the king of mustard gas poison, experiment

On the balcony outside the hotel’s floor-to-ceiling windows.

In front of Lingyu, Gong Siyu, and Bai Feiran, a virtual image in the boundless desert appeared vaguely.

"Where is the desert?"

Ling looked at Gongsiyu blankly.

"There is no desert zone in America... to the northwest..." Gong Siyu frowned, pondered for a moment, and asked, "How far?"

"Ten thousand kilometers."

"Arab Sahara Desert." Gong Siyu came to the result.

"In the desert? But there is nothing in the desert... What do you do to catch Liuyun? The Quest for Ten Thousand Miles curse seems to point Xiaoyun's final position to the ground, but the distance is too far, I can not penetrate the desert layer, see Deeper."

"Many mysterious arsenals, bases, and weapons manufacturing plants are mostly built in places with a small population and hard to find. There are also laboratories or secret institutions, which are built deep in the desert, or underwater or glaciers. Waiting for places off the beaten track." Bai Feiran said worriedly, and looked at Linggui again, "Madam holds the Mingzhu, can I go there now? Try to find the specific location of Xiaoyun?"

Linggui didn't eliminate the Pursuit Curse, so the direction of the beam was still northwest.

Hearing this, she nodded, took out the Mingzhu she had been carrying with her all along, silently recited the curse, and opened a transmission channel directly leading to the Sahara Desert.

"Master, you and your ancestor will stay in the room for a while, and we will be back soon."

Lingyu yelled at Wutian and Hongjun in the room, and immediately disappeared on the balcony along with Gong Siyu and Bai Feiran, without a trace.

Mingzhu is like any door, can go to any known place, known.

In the vast Sahara Desert, there are too many unreached death zones.

Lingyu took Gong Siyu and Bai Feiran into the desert, and within a few minutes, he used Mingzhu to teleport back.

Because the beam of the Pursuit Curse finally pointed at a depth of hundreds of meters in the entire desert.

This is not easy to enter with the power of the three of them.

In addition, it seems like a barren land where birds don’t lay eggs, the sun is scorching, and the high temperature is more than 50 degrees. If there are secret factories or base laboratories deep underground, their appearance will inevitably be monitored by surrounding radars. The location has never been exposed, so Lingyu and Gong Siyu intend to leave temporarily.

After returning to the hotel, Lingyu directly used the encrypted cell phone to call General Yue Jianxun, who was also Liuyun's eldest brother, who was far away in China.

"General Yue, Liuyun has news. Bai Feiran has found it, but something very difficult has happened. I can't explain it in a few words. I want you to adjust the satellite image of the surveillance satellite over the Saha Desert in the past half month. , Have any aircraft ever entered, or entered or exited."

"Yes, but you must first tell me where Liuyun is."

"In the depths of the Sahara Desert, unknown areas, which may be military bases, arsenals, or other secret places, cannot be determined at this time, so I would like to ask you to adjust satellite monitoring to see if any suspicious planes have entered or exited. His life will not be in danger for the time being." Because Liuyun is inherently immortal, "Don't worry, none of us will let him have an accident."

"You should understand that my identity is special, so I can't directly intervene. The only thing I can do is to provide you with a reliable source of information. I will assign a retired subordinate I can trust to go to your country immediately to join you. Assist in finding Xiaoyun, when he gets there, he will contact you."

Lingkui wanted to refuse, but think about it, forget it.

Yue Jianxun said he was looking for a trusted retiree to help, but in fact he might want to know what happened and what happened to his brother.

After confessing a few words with Yue Jianxun, after letting him rest assured, Linggui hung up the phone.

Because of Yue Jianxun’s special status, even if his relatives encounter unexpected events in a foreign country, he can’t use his power to let his hands search for it in a foreign country, because this is a diplomatic issue between national borders and national borders. , It is likely to cause serious diplomatic conflicts.


Liuyun woke up again.

There was a feeling of vomiting in the throat, and with a "wow", the gurgling silvery metal liquid mixed with blood was spit out.

He couldn't use spiritual power. To be precise, he didn't have the strength. He even moved his fingers and felt extremely painful even with a slight breath. It was an extreme pain that constantly tortured his spirit and constantly destroyed his will.

He didn't know where he was, or how long it had passed.

White dazzling light shone from the top of the head.

It was dark all around, as if he was locked in a huge transparent glass room.

Just like an animal that is about to be dissected, he is comically shackled with space alloy metal shackles, and his limbs are confined. He can only kneel on the ground, hanging his head weakly, allowing the disgusting silver-white metallic liquid to be mixed with himself and he has been diluted. The almost transparent blood constantly pouring from his own mouth.

There are about fifty transparent rubber tubes filled with silver-white metallic liquid in his body.

A steady stream of silver-white metallic liquid was transported into his body.

At this moment, Liu Yun even felt like a guinea pig. This silver-white liquid made him extremely weak.

The color of his skin turned dead white, and the veins all over his body turned into a clearly visible blue-purple, thin to almost skinny, and his scarlet pupils were unusually cold, hard to hide the pain, no longer handsome, almost like a monster.

Suddenly, in the strangely quiet space, there was a harsh electric current.

The dark space all around suddenly lit up!

Liu Yun opened his red eyes in resentment, and he was locked in a square glass test room!

All around are all foreign races wearing white coats and masks with a cold complexion and profound features!

A cold woman's voice suddenly sounded from the radio----

"Anti-God Experiment No. 134, the first test, the first test, mustard gas, toxic gas."

Mustard gas?

Liu Yun blinked weakly, a little familiar...He seemed to have heard such things somewhere.

With a "heap", a heavy choking nose, the irritating and poisonous gas leading the mustard smell quickly filled the entire glass room.

Mustard gas is a representative of erosive agents and the king of poisons. The intravenous lethal dose for rats is 0.7 mg/kg.

Liuyun coughed again and again, and his heart and lungs were painful. The painful experience of dying but unable to die caused him to roar with heart-piercing roars that echoed throughout the closed room.

However, the people outside still looked cold, gloomy, and ruthless.

The skin is one of the most important target organs of poisoning. Liuyun is eroded by mustard gas. After the skin is poisoned, terrible erythema, edema, blistering, erosion, rapid necrosis of the skin occur all over the body...

(End of this chapter)

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