Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1269: Satellite monitoring, bad idea

Chapter 1269 Satellite Monitoring, a bad idea

"Don't let me out! Otherwise! You all have to die!"

Roaring like a beast, monstrous anger filled the entire sealed room filled with poisonous gas.

He has the ability to reach the sky, but now he is like a guinea pig to be slaughtered, with no room to fight back.

To the end of the painful roar, his throat was burned by mustard gas, and he was hoarse. At the end, he could not make a sound. A large dose of mustard gas had penetrated his skin, respiratory tract, and digestive tract, causing his whole body to be poisoned.

The last trace of weak self-healing ability left has no time to repair Liuyun's rotten skin.

Liu Yun understood that the reason why he had no room to fight back and no strength was because of the silver-white metallic liquid that was continuously injected into his body. Although this thing could not make him die, it could make him worse than death, and extremely weak!

Who are these people!

Liu Yun's eyeballs began to ooze blood and began to shed tears. It was not because he was crying, but because the irritating gas of mustard gas penetrated into the retina, his vision began to blur, and he was almost out of sight...

Suddenly, that disgusting cold female voice sounded again--

"The poison gas test is over, clear it."

It was like deliberately letting Liuyun understand what she was talking about, so the female voice spoke fluent and cold Chinese.

In the glass room full of thick yellow mustard gas, the poison gas was instantly removed as the exhaust vent opened.

Liuyun, covered in cuts and bruises and rotten skin, was imprisoned weakly, kneeling on the ground, head hanging weakly, breathing in pain.

——"Confirm survival, end of the poison gas test, causing extensive surface damage and serious signs of visceral poisoning. Observe for 24 hours, record whether it will self-heal, and continue with the second test."

With a "pop", the dazzling icy incandescent lamp dimmed, and the darkness regained its surroundings.

Like a trapped beast, Liuyun sneered sadly.

He never expected that he would be planted in a foreign country.

Where is Bai Feiran?

Is he okay?

If Agui and Disi knew that they hadn't been in contact for a long time, would they come out to find them?

He wants Bai Feiran... he misses home... can he go out?


Bai Feiran retired from the hotel, took everything, followed Gong Siyu and Linggui, and returned to the mansion apartment on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. On the way back, Linggui swiped his card to his master in a large department store and bought it at a high price. A Canon SLR camera, and three SLR lenses up to several hundred thousand.

The old man is playing with his new toys at home now, completely ignoring anyone.

Old man Hongjun saw that there was no heaven, he was jealous, and he was entangled in Gongsiyu and wanted to buy it. However, because all the money in Gongsiyu was controlled by the spirit and the spirit was warned by the godless, he had no choice but to ignore it. .

In the end, Bai Feiran used his credit card to buy two for the old man, so he didn't worry about it for the time being.

Not long after returning home, Yue Jianxun sent all the high-definition images taken by the surveillance satellite to the encrypted mailbox of Miyajiyu's mobile phone, and gave them the flight of his new subordinates. He will arrive in New York at noon tomorrow, but I don't know who is coming.

Yue Jianxun sent 50 clearly visible images of real-time satellite transmission.

They are all pictures of planes flying high above the Sahara Desert.

Many of them are civil airliners.

There are only four photos, marked with a red stamp, and the plane above is a privately-made black luxury airliner.

Lingyu took two of them and was comparing them.

The pictures of Miyajiyu and Bai Feiran were taken by the surveillance satellites after being continuously zoomed in at high altitude. They were said to be high-definition. In fact, they had been cleared to the utmost, but they were still somewhat blurred.

"This private passenger plane entered the Sahara Desert twice on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. The route disappeared after entering the desert and did not go to other places. However, the plane should have calculated accurate satellite orbits, so avoid After monitoring the final landing location, Bai Feiran and Liuyun had an accident on the fifth day of the day, and the sixth day just counted the time and was able to go over the desert."

The earth is a body of rotation. The monitoring satellites of various countries orbiting outside the earth have blind spots and visible areas every day due to the rotation of the earth. This black plane happened to be very smart and disappeared in the blind zone time. The airspace of the Sahara Desert.

"Look at the totem Peugeot on the fuselage of this airplane." Ling pointedly pointed to a snapped photo in his hand, slightly blurred, "I can't remember wrong. In the library of the Metropolitan Museum, this totem is an empire. The logo of the Meyer Group under the industry, the totem of the Sixth Reich is Anubis in the center, a vulture on the left, and a skeleton on the right, surrounded by irises and black roses. With this logo, the vulture has become the snake demon Medusa, the skeleton It has become a dagger spike. Although the letters under the logo are blurred, the initial letter M can still be seen clearly, and a Y can be vaguely discerned behind."

"The place where Yue Liuyun was suspected of being imprisoned was deep in the Sahara Desert, and the plane entered the area and disappeared. This is enough to prove that the Meyer Group and a certain factory in the depths of the desert have a close connection. It’s the Sixth Empire, but the Meyer Group is probably involved in the delivery."

Yuno can probably sort out a clear line.

Liuyun was captured by the sixth empire, a mysterious ghost organization, with an unknown purpose.

The Imperial Industrial Manufacturing, which occupies 70% of the world’s weapons production, and the Meyer Group under its umbrella, have a certain close connection with the Sixth Empire.

Flowing clouds are in the depths of the desert.

How to enter this place, what place it is, how to find a breakthrough.

Lingyu didn't dare to act rashly, because the silver-white unidentified liquid Bai Feiran said made Liuyun instantly lose any resistance. This kind of thing was extremely dangerous to them.

She can't take the risk, but she must also find a way to secure the victory, be foolproof, and sneak into the rescue as quickly as possible.

"The big brother of Liuyun sent a message that this kind of base built in the depths of the desert is generally used for military purposes or as a test site for weapon manufacturing. Any satellite cannot be monitored and is very mysterious, unless it is accurate to the north latitude. The coordinates of the southern latitude, otherwise, there is no specific location at all, and this kind of deep underground building structure is extremely complicated. Unless you can get a map or scan a 3D omni-directional view, you will get lost even if you go in."

Lingsui sat on the ground, resting his cheeks, as if thinking about any strategy, thoughtfully.

Suddenly, she patted the table and seemed to think of a wonderful way to enter that secret location directly.

"How about this, let's throw in the trap? First bluff and attract their attention. Tomorrow, I am not going to cooperate with West Hades to eliminate the remaining forces of Donghuang Wuji? Since Donghuang Wuji is behind this Sixth Empire , Then, if I let them suffer a huge loss tomorrow and turn the world upside down, they will definitely look at me? If they look at me, they will want to catch me..."

As long as you can get in, are you afraid you can't rescue Liuyun?

The 10w update has been blocked for 2 chapters, and it is estimated that it will be released in a few days...

(End of this chapter)

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