Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1459: So, did the plan succeed?

Chapter 1459 So, did the plan succeed?

Lingyu and Gong Siyu brought Qing Yaoji back, which made Lingtian breathe a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter?" Ling Tian Shen asked after hugging his beloved wife.

"Ah, there was a small problem, so it was solved." Qing Yaoji gracefully dusted the dust off her body and said casually.

Then Farid, who came back with them, noticed that Francis did not come back together.

He stood in front of the coffin of his father's remains, and looked at them faintly, "Francis."

"Oh, he is not coming back, I sent him away." Qing Yaoji replied lightly, "He wants to stay there, then let him stay."

In order to reassure Lingtian and make him no longer jealous, Qing Yaoji showed a gesture of no longer caring as much as possible.

After learning that Francis had not returned, Farrid's face suddenly became complicated and sad.

Spiritually, from the depths of his dark green eyes, he saw a trace of reluctance.

Without Francis.

So a total of 32 people came back.

"Now, the time has come to test the results..."

Linggui took a deep breath and exhaled, looking at the bright moonlight outside the window.

Will it succeed?

I have gone to destroy the headquarters and all the bases of the Sixth Reich and let so many people die.

So, will everything be reversed?

Gong Siyu walked to the front door of the bungalow in a stride, opened it, and walked out first.

The quiet rose garden is filled with the fragrance of roses, under the shade of green trees, among the mottled trees, on both sides of the spacious villa avenue, there are occasional vehicles parked there.

A large crowd of them quickly ran to the road.

It is early in the morning, and there are few vehicles on the road, neon flickering, and only one or two cars passing by from time to time.

As everyone dispersed and was walking around looking for any "resurrected" corpses around, a night patrol police car drove slowly past, and finally stopped in front of Lingyu, Gong Siyu and Feng Jinxuan.

"Several people, there is a spring bird flu outbreak across the country. It is very contagious. It's so late. Don't stay outside for too long to avoid catching the flu." The patrol police wore dust masks and got out of the car, heading towards Lingshu They said hello, checked their ID, and drove away.

"Avian Influenza?"

Lingyu was startled slightly, and in the next second, he faced Gong Siyu's eyes. After reacting, he immediately understood something.

Lingki jumped into Gong Siyu's arms with excitement, "It succeeded... It succeeded!"

Everything has changed.

The global outbreak of biochemical virus infection was completely corrected. The Sixth Reich was destroyed two months ago, so the infectious disease became avian flu...

Linggui used the Mingzhu to open the channel to transmit the temporary command base of the Imperial Capital Refuge.

Go with Miyajiyu and take a look.

There was no one there, and the shelter was closed.

A few lights are on in the National Defense Building, and there are well guarded posts at the door...

32 of them, after saying goodbye to each other, they dispersed in a rush.

Feng Jinxuan took A Luo, grandparents, and Lingyuan back to the Three Realms General Administration.

The Tiandao League was ordered by Bai Wuyou to disperse on the spot, and continue to go back to each house and do their own things.

Lingyu and Gong Siyu took the rest of the people back to the Rose Garden bungalow, packed their things, and returned to their big house courtyard.

Liuyun and Ji Ruchen are planning to let Lingyuan send Angelica and Bai Feiran back.

But as soon as they arrived at the gate of the courtyard, the door opened.

Bai Feiran sneezed, wiped his nose, and appeared at the door. When he saw flowing clouds, his brows became angry, "Why have you been out for so long, and you didn't answer the phone, thinking you were abducted."

Seeing Bai Feiran intact, Liu Yun was shocked and dumbfounded.

Behind Bai Feiran, another figure quickly rushed out of the door and crashed into Ji Ruchen's arms.

Angelica grieved her face and cried: "Ji Ruchen...You are not here, I dare not sleep, where did you go?"

Ji Ruchen was dumbfounded, looking at Lingyu in a strange way, and making silent eye contact.

So, really successful?

They used the time dagger to go back in time, killed all the core members of the Sixth Reich, and destroyed all laboratory bases...

Completely changed the node of time, changed everything that happened.

"What are you doing at the door? Go in and say if something happens!"

Gong Siyu was silent for a long time, and spoke coldly, so that Angelica flinched. He was picked up by Ji Ruchen, Bai Feiran was silent, holding Liuyun's hand, everyone entered the courtyard.

Everyone gathered together, looking at each other, never mentioning what happened or what they did.

Just assume that nothing happened, tacitly tell each other.

Among all the people, only Lingyu and Gong Siyu, a hanging heart, never failed.

Others thought the matter was resolved.

But Lingyu and Gong Siyu knew that they didn't.

The virtual image of the supercomputer at the Manchak Swamp base...

Always linger in their hearts, lingering.


The "Sixth Reich" incident temporarily came to an end when they returned to the past and destroyed the headquarters and annihilated the major bases.

The human world is like nothing happened, but because of the high incidence of spring flu, many people have caught a bad cold.

The people who died because of the virus created by the Sixth Reich completely changed the trajectory of their lives. The dead people lived, and the living people still lived.

Gong Mingyi, the grandfather of Gongsiyu, was one of the resurrection because of the change in time.

Traveling around the world, he returned to China with Grandma Shu Yun, and his wish to be "the wife" with Shu Yun may not be realized temporarily.

However, even though the human world was completely at peace because of their twists and turns.

But this does not mean that the underworld and the gods will also forget everything, just as if nothing happened.

Lingtian took the medicine **** Shennong and returned to the still-blocked God Realm. After canceling the ban order, he quietly returned to the Human Realm, returned to Qing Yaoji's side, and went to the courtyard next door. Heben is Lingtian. In order to Qing Yaoji, bought the residence.

Linggui called Jiang Ziwen and explained the whole story. After Jiang Ziwen reported to Emperor Ming, the ban on the underworld was also lifted. Because he had to go back to the underworld and make a report in front of Emperor Qingwu. Before dawn, I went to the underworld alone.

Before leaving, he instructed Gong Siyu and Farrid.

"Disi, don't forget our agreement, he will be your apprentice in the future."

Ling Gui pointed to Farrid, who was holding the coffin of his father's remains, and kissed Gong Siyu.

"Help him bury his father."

Gong Siyu put his hands in his trouser pockets, with an elegant posture and a gloomy complexion. He coldly replied, and Salou Ling gave a sly hug, "Well, go early and go back early. Remember to bring back the things you fostered in the underworld. I'm probably homesick too."

Gong Siyu refers to the fierce beasts raised in the family.

"it is good."


Underworld, underworld palace.

Lingki knelt in front of Qingwu above the throne, and truthfully reported a series of plans to annihilate the Sixth Empire headquarters to the Emperor Underworld.

"So, we used the time dagger, went back to the past, changed the overall trend, and ended everything."

(End of this chapter)

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