Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1460: Looking for the next Hades

Chapter 1460: Finding the Next Underworld Emperor

"Linggui, you have made a great contribution this time. You can't forget it. Let's talk! What do you want to reward you alone!"

Ming Emperor Qingwu sat domineeringly on the throne, his sharp eyes looked down on the spirits who were "obediently" kneeling on the ground in the court. Although his expression was serious, his eyes were filled with relief.

"Removed the one-year ban on brother Jiang Wang."

Lingyu smirked, lowered his head, and quickly glanced back at Jiang Ziwen who was standing behind her and accompanying her.

"Change one!" Qingwu dismissed coldly.

"How is this! You let me choose by myself, and the reward I want is to lift the one-year ban on brother Jiang Wang! You bad old man can't go back."

At a stalemate, Qingwu slapped off the armrest of the throne and snorted coldly: "Let's go! Revoke Ziwen's ban! However, all the flowers and plants in the lonely garden are dead! Dead girl, you let Wutian give it again Let’s get some new ones here!"

"Good talk!"

I thought that this was the end of the matter, and I could also follow Jiang Ziwen to leave the Mingdi Palace.

But when Lingyu walked to the gate of Mingdi Palace, he was suddenly called back by Qingwu. This time, Qingwu only called her alone, and did not let Jiang Ziwen go with him, but let him leave first.

Back in the palace, Ling was surprised to find that the Azure Crow God mysteriously rejected all the ghost generals in the Underworld Palace, leaving her alone.

After ensuring that all the ghost generals left, Qingwu's figure flickered and suddenly appeared in front of Linggui.

"Silly girl, I want you to help me do something." Qingwu's eyes were deep and unclear, standing in front of Linggui with his hand holding his hand, and said mysteriously, "But this matter, only you know and I know. You can't tell anyone, you man can't, Jiang Ziwen, let alone."

"..." Ling was speechless, squinting her eyes coldly, and met the unfathomable cold eyes of Qingwu.

"Gu want you, help Gu find the next master of the underworld."

For a moment, the beautiful eyes shrank, and the spirit looked at Mingdi Qingwu in horror, and couldn't believe that he actually entrusted such an important matter to her.

"Why me." Isn't the next Underworld Lord the next Underworld Emperor? "You bad old man Mingdi, what are you doing? Are you ready to give in? Tired?"

"The will know soon, little girl."

Qingwu gave Lingkui a cold look of unknown meaning, and the complex and dark light in that eyes made Lingkui a little bit unable to understand.

It was as if Qingwu had a premonition about what would happen in the future, and she needed to prepare in advance.

"Find? How to find? Just find one for you, or do you already have a candidate?"

Mingdi Qingwu had a rare human touch, pulling Lingyu to sit down on the high-level, one old and one young, and talked.

"It's true that there was a lone woman, just because she rebelled against loneliness, fell in love with the demons, was expelled from the underworld by loneliness, and disappeared from now on. I want you to find her because she is the only person who has the right to inherit the Emperor... However, in this world, all those who knew that they had a daughter were killed alone, and they no longer exist, so it might be difficult to find her."

"..." This is a difficult and tiring job.

"The lone daughter's name is Youlan..." As he said, Mingdi Qingwu showed a painting illusory in front of Lingyu, "This is what she looks like, she should be a thousand older than you. year old."

In the virtual image, is a beautiful woman wearing a black gauze dress that symbolizes death, with cold eyebrows and no temperature.

The person is as its name, cold as blue, noble, a pair of narrow and upturned unique ecstasy eyes, smudged with black eyeliner, lips are black, and a scarlet gem is hanging on the forehead. It is definitely a vicious and ruthless one. woman.

No wonder, Ming Emperor Qingwu's daughter would never be that weak type.

"Don't you find it yourself..."

"If I can find it, please, please? Remember, Lingyu, any conventional means, can't find her, because she is a person with very strong spiritual power and very good at hiding."

"You won't just give me such a portrait, just let me find it? This is a needle in a haystack, can you give me more clues?"

"On the upper left of Lan'er's back, there is a birthmark, it is Nether Flower, and this..." Qingwu said, Qingwu wrapped a piece of shattered jade pendant carefully wrapped in sheepskin. The whole body of the jade pendant seemed to be blackened by dye. Inferior black jade, but in fact it is the only ghost jade in the underworld, which was handed over to Linggui, "There is only this..."

Lingkui accepted all but bit the bullet and agreed.

When leaving Mingdi Palace, Jiang Ziwen was still waiting outside.

Lingyu walked side by side with him, ready to pick up the fierce beasts, hellhounds, and Tiehan Chiyou who temporarily lived in her private residence.

"Shang'er is going with me, or do you want him to stay in the underworld?"

As he walked, Linggui suddenly stopped and looked at Jiang Ziwen with a meaningful smile.

Although everything in the human world was back on track, the disaster that broke out ended because of their turnaround.

However, when Jiang Ziwen first saved Lingshang in New York, the seal of Hades that was quietly printed on Lingshang did not disappear.

That is the mark engraved in the soul, and it cannot be erased.

"What do I think? Let him be happy." Jiang Ziwen said in a cold and cold voice, "What did Qingwu say to you."

Lingsui smiled and squinted, thinking that Qingwu warned her not to tell anyone to look for the daughter of the Emperor Underworld, so she could only change her words: "The old man is so bad, the lion opened his mouth and gave me a list. I have to let me Master personally sent him fairy flowers and grasses from the God Realm. He didn't need seeds but finished products. He also prevented me from telling others. Of course, Brother Jiang Wang is not someone else."

Jiang Ziwen condensed Lingsui with his side eyes, and narrowed his cold eyes, seeing through and not telling the truth. He knew Lingsui did not tell the truth, but did not say anything.

"That's right..." Lingyu took the initiative to change the subject immediately, "Could you not show that you are indifferent to our family? He has been planted with the Hell King's order, so are you still pretending?"

"It's a pity, I can't get it back."

"Well, yes, I can't take it back. Who doesn't know the usefulness of the order of the Hades? Each Hades can only be used once. This order of the Hades is of a fetter nature. Once planted, it is equivalent to being branded, which means that my brother became you. People who belong to you are your belongings. Don’t think I can’t see it. I’m afraid the underworld knows that Jiang Yan has left a mark on the son of the emperor, but because of the iron fist of the first king, no one dares to talk."


"I remember that Rong Qian also used Yan Wangling with Li Sihan? Later, I asked Master Fan quietly. He told me that Yan Wangling was used by the top ten Yan Wangs on the princess." Lingshui smiled, "Brother Jiang, are you right?" Responsible?"

"I won't marry a wife. This thing is like a waste product. At that time, you let me guard and take care of your brother. He was playful and almost killed. If I don't do this, how can I protect him?" Jiang Ziwen Deeply refuted Lingyu, disapprovingly indifferent.

"Do you know this?"

"I don't know, and I won't know." Jiang Ziwen narrowed his eyes, and said again in a very low and cold voice, "Let's take it back, since the crisis has been resolved."

(End of this chapter)

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