Chapter 1587 Explosion 1

Linggui led everyone to escape.

In the dark night, the entire large compound courtyard complex was instantly razed to the ground by Emperor Killer. The courtyard terraces, garden ponds, white-walled rockery, and winding corridors were all turned into dust and ashes, scattered with the wind everywhere, The servants made by the puppets have also disappeared, and the whole courtyard is filled with the atmosphere of destruction and death.

Emperor Killing walked gloomily from the gate of the house in that alley.

The gate of the golden lacquered vermilion mansion collapsed. If you look down from the sky, the entire courtyard has disappeared, leaving no ruins.

A hundred meters away, the old man wearing a white vest, Qingwu, heard movement after the incident, so he climbed onto the roof of the yard with a ladder and lay there, using a telescope, sneaking. Looking at the direction of Linggui's house.

When he saw a familiar figure slowly walking out of the alley, Old Man Bao's eyes widened with anger!

Kill the emperor? How could it be him?

Seeing that the house of the spiritist was turned into nothingness, leaving only ashes, the whole house was razed to the ground, but no one was seen, Qingwu's heart sank, could it be...

Feeling the Emperor Killing a hundred meters away looking in his direction, Old Man Bao hurriedly retracted his head, jumped off the roof, moved the ladder, hid the house, locked the door, and held his breath. After waiting for five minutes and confirming that no one was outside, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After quietly returning to the bed, the old man Bao never fell asleep until dawn.


At this moment, thousands of miles away from the imperial capital, after Gong Siyu’s call to Feng Jinxuan failed to get through, he used a satellite phone to call Shen Tingjun, who is in the imperial capital, who is currently in charge of the Gong’s group. executive CEO.

In the bedroom on the third floor of the magnificent single-family lakefront villa, Shen Tingjun embraced the sleeping Yuan Xiaorou in his arms, and the dark night sky outside the window gradually turned light blue, a sign of dawn.

Awakened by the harsh phone ringing, Shen Tingjun's face was dark, he stretched out his hand strenuously, and picked up his phone.

It is an unknown number.

So hung up.

But then, one after another, this number kept calling, waking Yuan Xiaorou, and even making Shen Tingjun angry.

"Ting Jun... Why does the phone keep ringing? You won't answer?"

"Unfamiliar call." Shen Tingjun replied coldly, and wanted to get out of bed and walk to the French window to pick it up.

But the woman behind him wrapped his arms around his waist and asked in a muffled voice: "It's a woman? Isn't it convenient for me to listen?"

"..." Shen Tingjun sighed helplessly, lay back next to Yuan Xiaorou, pressed to answer, and turned on the PA by the way, then asked annoyedly: "Who!"

"Your parents."

On the other side of the phone, Gong Siyu's wicked and uncharacter voice suddenly rang.

"Why don't you call me with a strange number in the middle of the night?" Shen Tingjun hugged the relieved little woman in his arms, and yelled at the person on the other end of the phone.

"It's going to dawn, what's the middle of the night, do you talk to your parents like this?"

"Speak quickly!"

"Something happened to my house. Gui'er and they have already left. Now you take people there and see what the situation is. If it is demolished, the police will be brought in and dispatched for me, saying that it will be demolished and rebuilt. If it is not demolished, please close the door for me. Lock it, find someone to seal it up first."

"A hundred thousand urgent things?" Shen Tingjun listened for a while, and found that Gong Siyu's non-voicing didn't seem to be playing him.

"Well, if you find a strange person there when you go, leave immediately! Don't get out of the car, if not, just do as I said."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Tingjun did not hesitate, got up and finished dressing, and looked at Yuan Xiaorou and confessed: "You continue to sleep, I will go out."

"it is good……"


It was just one night and it was so thrilling.

On the sea, Gong Siyu has not found the shipwreck site, but the last satellite call between him and Feng Jinxuan learned that Feng Jinxuan had found the location of the Zhou Dynasty tomb. Obviously, Feng Jinxuan's progress would be faster than him. Much faster.

But at dawn, the faint green thread guiding the way faded a lot, and it was almost invisible.

Miyajiyu didn't know when to get to the shipwreck site.


Among the mountains of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Feng Jinxuan with Liuyun, Ernan, Nightmare and Ling Shiyin was sitting on the top of the mountain that reached deep above the top of the cloud in the early morning, sitting on the edge of the cliff, and eating what he brought with him. The energy bar is full, waiting for the sun to rise from the horizon.

At the end of last night, Feng Jinxuan didn't really let Adai go down to the bottom of the abyss to find his way, just let everyone sit on the top of the mountain and wait.

At dawn, the white clouds are like a fairyland, and the sky is thousands of golden clouds, re-illuminating the vast mountains and rivers.

During the day, he was full of yang energy. Standing on the top of the mountain, Ling Shiyin, who was a little uncomfortable to stay in the sun, held a black paper umbrella. He wore a ghost mask and stood beside Feng Jinxuan as if he were independent. Shrouded under a black umbrella.

The ghosts and gods of the underworld cannot stay in a place with sufficient yang for too long, or more than a day.

Therefore, the underworld has a rule that ghosts and gods other than Yin and Yang officials cannot stay in the human world for more than 24 hours.

"Don't worry, we will descend to the bottom of the abyss in a moment. After entering the tomb, we will feel comfortable with sufficient Yin Qi."

Feng Jinxuan looked back at Ling Shiyin with a cold and handsome look, and said with care.

"Director Xie is worried, but I am not in the way, just not happy."

The light is getting brighter and brighter, and gradually, I can clearly overlook the rolling snow-capped cliffs of the entire Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, as well as the dense forests and mountains nearby.

Feng Jinxuan surprisingly discovered that the abyss at the foot of the mountain where they were located was actually an extremely wide mountain crevice, just like a ghost axe falling from the sky to directly divide a mountain in two, and the gap between the mountains is in the abyss. The clouds are faint and bottomless. The extremely dangerous cliffs hang upside down with pine trees on both sides, extremely dangerous, and the cliffs are covered with moss and many extremely rare herbs, Ganoderma lucidum, poisonous flowers and poisonous insects.

The strange trees and strange rocks, the ancient cliffs were steep and vertical. Everyone stood on the top of the mountain and looked around for a long time. In the end, Feng Jinxuan neatly put on the uniform of the Director of the Three Realms General Administration and greeted everyone, "Get ready, Follow me."

After the words fell, he leaped towards the mysterious and unpredictable abyss and disappeared in the clouds.

With a dog's tail grass in his mouth, Ernan followed with a sinister sneer, came a fancy leap forward, laughed wildly up to the sky, suddenly disappeared, Liu Yun and Nightmare followed closely behind, holding on Ling Shiyin of the black umbrella was the last one to go down.

Holding the umbrella gracefully, as if taking the umbrella as a parachute, falling vertically, with one hand behind him, the wind whistling in the ears, the clouds and mist filling the mouth and nose, descending quickly and vertically, everyone looked up to see the sky at the top of the cliff, as they came Going deeper into the bottom of the cliff, it gradually turned into a white light. In the end, it disappeared and fell into a dark and humid environment.

(End of this chapter)

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