Chapter 1588 Explosion 2

Feng Jinxuan and the others came in a hurry, and they didn't know the names of the mountains and cliffs where they were located, but there were no roads and dense vegetation. At first glance, they looked like a mysterious land inaccessible.

In the depths of the narrow and deep mountain gap, the light is getting weaker and the dampness is getting bigger and bigger, and the vertical steep cliff wall is full of water vapor, and it is impossible to step on it.

After falling vertically for about a minute, the sky was gone and the rain and fog filled the floor.

The bottom of the vast abyss is a wide valley and gully covered by clouds. The sun can’t penetrate the clouds and can’t reach it. The water vapor is too heavy, the drizzle is like silk, the springs, rocks, plants and trees in the mountains are hidden in the mysterious valley. The scenery, as well as a large area of ​​moss covered with giant rocks resembling town tomb statues stand at the two ends of the bottom of the ravine.

The Qingquan brook flows gurglingly along the cracks in the surrounding rock walls, and slowly seeps into the rocks that Feng Jinxuan and the others step on.

Everyone tacitly took out the Langya high beam flashlight and started to observe.

Feng Jinxuan's right hand was illuminated, and the light cluster of glowing green light was held in the palm of his left hand, and the light was seen penetrating the deep cloud and fog in the gorge ahead, pointing to a place behind the fog.

Among the five of them, only Feng Jinxuan is the most familiar with tombs. After observing the surrounding megalithic statues that have been weathered for thousands of years, Feng Jinxuan categorically said: "It is very different from the known tombs in the Western and Eastern Zhou Dynasties. Weird, beware everyone."

"I open the way."

Eunan vomited the dog's tail grass and walked in the forefront. Following the green light, the first one penetrated the mist and walked forward.

It didn't take long for the group of them to walk before the mist gradually dispersed.

Lifting my head, I can see that on the cliffs on both sides of the bottom of the abyss and gully, there is a huge stone statue standing above the earth, looking down at them. The carving process of the statue is very rough, and the facial features only have eyes and mouth, similar to the carvings on bronzes of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. The pattern of the animal is very strange.

"What are the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty?"

Liu Yun trampled to death a red centipede that was more than one meter long, held it up for a long time, threw it away, and then followed the team's pace, walked to Feng Jinxuan's side, and asked suspiciously.

"The country, after the Xia Dynasty, was the Shang and Zhou dynasties. King Wu killed the Shang dynasty. Since then, the entire Great Zhou Dynasty has been glorious for 800 years. Since ancient times, there has not been a single dynasty that can exist like the Great Zhou led by the Emperor Zhou. For a hundred years, the doorway inside is extremely deep. Some people say that it was Jiang Ziya's blessing, and some people said that it was a treasure from the Zhou Dynasty."

"Then what is the difference between Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou?"

"The last king of the Western Zhou Dynasty was the prestigious King Zhou You. King Zhou You loved praise and played with the lords. He destroyed the Western Zhou Dynasty in one hand. Later, the abandoned prince of Zhou Youwang moved the capital and rebuilt the Zhou Dynasty, which was the beginning of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty." Feng Jinxuan said. Indifferently, he explained to Liu Yun concisely, "Didn't you study history with Syu's wife? You don't know this?"


The air at the bottom of the mountain is a bit cold and cold, and the cliffs and rocks are covered with wet green moss at the foot. The bottom of the mountain is full of chaotic rocks, pits, and sometimes high and low, making it difficult to walk.

Moyo walked for two hours on the bottom of the mountain. Suddenly, Eunuch stopped and there was no road ahead. The gully at the bottom of the gorge came to an end, a dead end, the vertical and steep cliffs were winding down with gurgling waterfall spring water, with thin wrists. The dense green vines almost cover the entire cliff.


Feng Jinxuan sees that the green light penetrates the dense green vine rhizomes and shines into the huge rock behind. After taking a step forward, after all the green vine plants covering the rock are pulled down, the huge boulder appears in front of him. , Is the one seen in the illusion.

The boulder is rectangular in shape and about five meters high. It should have been engraved with oracle bone inscriptions. However, due to the age, the humid air and the erosion of the water flowing down, most of the seal carving marks have been extremely blurred or even disappeared.

"This sealed tombstone should have been buried deep underground, and the fissures in this mountain should have been caused by frequent earthquakes in the Yunnan-Guizhou region, so this sealed tombstone appeared here."

"You mean, there is no such abyss in this mountain, which is like an axe split into two. This tomb is buried in the deep hinterland of the mountain. Later, it was shattered by an earthquake, and it was exposed?" Liu Yun Curiously looked at the lapis lazuli mountain stone engraved with ghost-like epitaphs glowing in the dim light.

"Well, that's what it means."

"Then you can get in if you chop this stone?"


Before Feng Jinxuan could say "OK", Liu Yun and Eunan glanced at each other, and the light group of condensed spiritual power in the palm of his hand was about to crush the huge tombstone in front of him, but fortunately it was stopped by Feng Jinxuan in time.

"Don't! There may be an anti-theft mechanism behind this tombstone. If you open it rashly, the consequences will be disastrous. Let me come!"

Feng Jinxuan twisted his brows lightly and said with cold eyes. Immediately, he took a step forward and stroked the icy lapis lazuli boulder. He watched the lines and cracks on the stone without making a sound, and then slowly squatted down and dug out The tomb soil around some of the sealed tombstones seems to have perspective eyes, look at the place, and cast the soil.

After a short time, he bypassed the Feng Tombstone, and Feng Jinxuan made a new way from the underground to enter the cave of the ancient tomb. This cave went deep underground, and then went around to the tomb passage behind the closed tombstone. He only needs to crawl into the cave with his waist. OK.

"When A Luo and I had nothing to do in the past, we often searched for tombs, looking for some weird gadgets to collect. Practice makes perfect, which makes you laugh."

Following Feng Jinxuan, the five of them finally entered the tomb passage through a separate entrance.

After the tombstone was sealed, the slabs on the ground in the tomb passage were pushed away by Feng Jinxuan, and they jumped onto the tomb passage from the cave.

The air is thin, filled with dust and musty that have been sealed by dust for thousands of years, and the acrid pungency can choke the nose.

It's just that Ling Shiyin is a ghost and god, and Adai is a nightmare. Feng Jinxuan, Ernan, and Liuyun are all very skilled and accomplished. This little problem is not in the eyes, and the four light sticks are turned on. , Feng Jinxuan quickly threw it toward the depths of the tomb.

The tomb passage is not beautifully built, and there are no painted reliefs on both sides, because the Zhou Dynasty is longer than the Han Dynasty. At that time, bronze and jade tools were popular, and painted murals in the underground tombs were not popular.

"Go, we continue to follow the green light, and as soon as we find the beads, we immediately withdraw."

After ensuring that there were no organs in the tomb passage, Feng Jinxuan led the way and walked quickly into the tomb.

The tomb path sometimes went downhill and sometimes uphill. When you reached the end of the tomb path, you passed through a weird square stone hall full of people, stone statues and horse warriors. The road was unobstructed, but suddenly, the one who came in when they came At the tomb passage, the huge stone gate weighing tens of thousands of pounds was smashed down, blocking their path.

Without warning, in the huge square stone hall, the two-meter-high real stone statues holding bronze swords, spears and shields cast their weird and gloomy eyes on the five of them...

(End of this chapter)

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