Chapter 2088

"We are here because..." Bai Wuyou is honestly prepared to tell the truth.

But when I was half talking, I was interrupted by Ling Yu, and started to slap in a serious manner: "We feel that life is too boring, so let King Chu Jiang take us out for a trip, open our eyes, go back to the past, and learn about history... …"

"Then why do you stay in the big man's mansion every day? Do you travel in the mansion? You are so strange."

Shouding Yin Ling knelt down and wanted to play with snow, but she was just a ray of Yin Ling and couldn't feel the existence of snow.

"Why did you call him a big man?" Ling evasively did not answer, changing the subject.

Shou Ding Yin Ling smiled, innocent and simple, "Because he is very tall, he is like a fool, Yin Ding is the most powerful pill furnace in the world, but he used it as a hand warmer and went to the furnace. There were a lot of ambergris, sandalwood, and charcoal in the cauldron, which made the cauldron dirty and I had to clean it every day."

Without waiting for Ling Yu to continue to question, Shou Ding Yin Ling spoke first.

"Hey, hey, do you know how to touch the snow on the ground?"

Yinling is equal to the soul, it is naturally impossible to feel the snow. Is it possible to find someone to possess?

Lingyu almost uttered these words without any barriers, but she swallowed back the words at the crossing. She couldn't say such guiding words, otherwise they would not be able to go back if history was changed.

"do not know."

"Then you plan to stare at the big man in the middle of the night?"

Lingyu couldn't answer any leading questions, and endured the Yin Ling who hadn't told this. It was not Ning Lingge who was 900 years ago, but Yin Void Ding Bending.

Not long after, Shouding Yinling felt bored, so he returned to the Yinxiu Cauldron by himself without reappearing.

In the middle of the night, there is still some time before dawn, but Bai Wuyou suddenly has a whim and decides to leave. It is very risky to act alone. Gong Siyu decides to accompany Bai Wuyou to go together. Lingyu and Qin Yong continue to stay in Ning Ling. In Ge's mansion, Ning Lingge, who came with them, didn't know where he ran at this moment. Qin Yong planned to look for it, but Lingyu stayed in the room and continued to guard the Yinxu Cauldron.


Gong Siyu, who left the Prince's Mansion with Bai Wuyou, didn't understand where he wanted to go in the middle of the night and the cold weather.

"Where are you going?"

The empty capital city of Yinchuan is silent in the middle of the night. The snow is thick and cold. Gong Siyu is covered with his face, wearing a sable cap and Dangxiang people’s animal fur coat, like a rough hunter who survives in the wilderness. , Stepping on riding boots, Hebai Wuyou lifted the invisibility curse and walked on the quiet street.

"Master..." Bai Wuyou glanced at Gong Siyu and said truthfully, "You know, in the Xixia Dynasty, there are two famous women, they are all beautiful women outside the Great Wall. Xixia nobles."

Gong Siyu pondered for a moment and nodded, "I heard you said that one of them is Miyishi, which is similar to Li Longji and Concubine Yang of the Tang Dynasty. The emperor snatched his son and regarded it as his own queen. This was the case for the Wu Yi family. The Wu Yi family was supposed to be the prince of Ning Lingge, and there was another...should be the Queen Dowager of the Xixia Dynasty. After Li Yuanhao died, the brother who did not hide Heiyun was framed and killed. Ning Lingge, then assisted the son who did not hide the black cloud to ascend to the throne. Without hiding the black cloud, she became the queen dowager who listened to politics.

Bai Wuyou and Gong Siyu strolled in the ice and snow. After hearing the words, Wuyou nodded, and then said: "In historical materials, more records are about the fact that the Queen Mother of Black Cloud is not hidden, except for this Wu Yishi. After a brief summary, I lost the following. I promised Ning Lingge to find the owner of the Butterfly Jade Pei for him, the woman named Zhen Shu..."

Gong Siyu suddenly realized, and understood why Bai Wuyou suddenly left late at night, "Do you think that this is the Zhen Shu of Wu Yishi? Planning to go to the Wu Yi mansion to verify your thoughts?"

Bai Wuyou smiled apologetically, "Trouble the master to go with me."

After more than ten days of soaking in Yinchuan City, the Miyi clan is also a rare aristocrat in Xixia, so Bai Wuyou has already inquired clearly about the residence of the Miyi clan.

It’s just that he is strange that the two outstanding women in the history of the Xixia Dynasty, the Mianshi family and Micang Heiyun, have come to Xixia, but they have only heard of the name of Mian Heiyun. There was a woman who was astonished as a god. She only heard that there was a noble daughter who had not moved home and had a boudoir. She never showed up or went out of the house. She was very mysterious.

Xixia Kingdom is located in the northern desert outside the Great Wall, a wild land of yellow sand, so most of the architectural structures here are earth buildings made of loess, not Qionglou Yuyu made of blue bricks and glazed tiles.

Even if it is a noble residence, the surrounding earth walls are more than three meters high. Gong Siyu and Bai Wuyou can get in without even knowing it, avoiding the guards in the family mansion. Deep out.

Worry-by-bye caught a little maid who went to the latrine in the middle of the night in Wuyi's mansion. Through her memory, they finally locked the position of the boudoir where Miss Wuyi lived, and went all the way to find Gong Siyu.

However, in the middle of the journey, Gong Siyu frowned, and Hebai Wuyou said: "I must not be able to enter a woman's boudoir. I will guard the door for you, and you will go in and verify by yourself."

Enter the strange woman's boudoir in the middle of the night?

Gong Siyu couldn't do this kind of thing, let alone Lingyu knowing that he would be angry, he would feel sorry for himself.

"Hey! Master, I don’t want to enter either. After all, it’s necessary to be married to avoid suspicion, but you have to do what Ning Lingge promised. You remember to be a witness for me. When I look back, my wife knows it and helps me to say something nice. , I have no thoughts that I shouldn't have."


Soon, they arrived in the boudoir of Ms. Wu Yishi.

Seeing no one in the courtyard, but to be cautious, Gong Siyu and Bai Wuyou still used invisibility.

Gong Siyu is responsible for keeping the gate.

Worry-free, walk through the door in the middle of the night.

This place is the residence of Miss No Yishi, the future prince of Ning Lingge, and the new queen of Li Yuanhao.

But it took only 20 seconds for Wuyou to go in, and then he suddenly rushed out, with a strange look on his face, as if he had been frightened.

"What's the matter?" Gong Siyu inexplicably looked at Bai Wuyou, who was paralyzed in the snow, and he had never seen Bai Wuyou's demeanor. It was like seeing something that made him feel sick. , Did not get over for a long time.

"Master!" Bai Wuyou called Gong Siyu, "I just saw a fat woman in the house who looks like a sow... That woman weighs at least 300 kilograms, is burly and sturdy, and has a large face. Get up!"

"..." Gong Siyu was speechless, was silent for a while, and curled his eyebrows, "Did we find the wrong place?"

(End of this chapter)

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