Chapter 2089

Gong Siyu didn't believe in evil. He felt that the horrible woman who was fatter than the sow described by Bai Wuyou was completely exaggerated, so, covering his face, he floated into the dark boudoir.

The boudoir was filled with fragrance. Although it looked dark, the moonlight coming through the window could still illuminate the layout of some rooms. Gong Siyu looked around and got familiar with the dimness before entering the inner room.

Vaguely, Gong Siyu saw the carved eight-step bed, lying on a large pile of huge unknown objects. The objects snored loudly and fell together, just like a giant sow...

Gong Siyu didn't look down on this body shape, but felt that it was a bit exaggerated. He approached and took a look...

It was a sloppy and sloppy woman. Taking a look at her face by the moonlight, the woman's face was somehow covered with purulent acne, densely packed parts in every part of her face. ...

When Gong Siyu came out, he was not as exaggerated as Bai Wuyou, but he was also a bit complicated.

"Is this one of the most beautiful Xixia beauties in your mouth?" Gong Siyu looked at Bai Wuyou with disgust, "Are you stupid studying history? Sometimes, history is not necessarily true!"

"Could it be that we made a mistake?" Bai Wuyou is still a little unacceptable. How could the legendary peerless beauty not Yishi be like this? Who is the princess who almost married Ning Lingge? Who is the new queen favored by Li Yuanhao?

Bai Wuyou and Gong Siyu don’t believe in evil. They looked for several maids and guards in the Mansion without moving. They cast spells unwittingly to explore their memories, but everyone’s memories point to them. Missy’s boudoir is the one they just went to...

In addition, Gong Siyu also learned from the memory of the housekeeper who did not move the mansion that there were four sons and three daughters in the mansion that did not move.

The biggest one is what they just saw.

But after that, Gong Siyu and Bai Wuyou went to take a look at the second and third young ladies in the house. These two, one is an eight-year-old child and the other is a twelve-year-old girl, they are not married yet. age……

Once I did not move the mansion, I thought that the owner of the butterfly jade pendant would be the eldest Miyishi named Zhen Shu, but it turned out to be dumbfounding, and there was no such person as Zhen Shu. Shi...

This oolong trouble is really speechless.


In a blink of an eye, another half month passed.

Nothing special happened during this period.

Ning Lingge, who was nine hundred years ago, still had a treasured yin-vacuum cauldron, and he carried him every day.

According to historical records, it was not long after Li Yuanhao, at the suggestion of Queen Yeli, decided to select a suitable candidate for the princess for Prince Ning Lingge, and finally finalized the historic day for the eldest daughter of the Mianyi family.

The day before this happened.

In broad daylight, the sun is just right, and the ice and snow have not melted.

Lingyu, Qin Yong and Ning Lingge were sitting on the stone benches in the deserted Prince’s Mansion, listening to Gong Siyu and Bai Wuyou telling about the terrible appearance of Wu Yishi, and her inconsistent history. shape.

"All in all! The historically recorded Miyashi who made Li Yuanhao rob his own son, the princess, was a terrible woman with a 300-jin face and puss!" Bai Wuyou drank and stole it from the kitchen. The horse milk wine, angrily said.

Lingsui put her cheek in one hand, looked lazy, and heard that Worry-free took her husband to spy on women in the middle of the night. Her eyes were cold, "Although history is not all correct, it will never be ugly. A woman is written as a great beauty who is astonished as a heavenly person. There must be something strange in this matter. Or, the Miya family knows that Miyashi is not qualified for the crown princess, let alone the fact that this kind of ugly thing was born in this kind of aristocratic home. So, it is possible to find a beautiful woman with a beautiful face to impostor, and this impostor woman is likely to be Zhen Shu."

Here, Linggui, Gong Siyu, and Bai Wuyou are discussing vigorously.

But Qin Yong and Ning Lingge themselves did not have much interest.

Ning Lingge even fell asleep on the stone table, a pair of Yazi who had no interest in this Wu Yishi.

It seems that the only person who can make him react is Zhen Shu, the owner of Butterfly Jade Pei.

After Qin Yong learned of the existence of Zhen Shu, he deliberately used the power of his King Chujiang to search for women who died within a thousand years of the underworld. As a result, no such person was found.

"Eh eh eh! Big man, wake up!"

Ling Yu kicked Ning Ling Ge and learned how to Shou Ding Yin Ling, also called Ning Ling Ge a big man.

Ning Lingge awakened from sleep, and looked at Ling Yu with a displeased expression, reluctant to speak: "What are you doing."

"Find Zhen Shu for you! You can't just sleep! Did you remember anything?"

Ning Lingge glanced at the sky and shook his head, "No."

Linggui: "Well then, you can continue to sleep."

After speaking, Ning Lingge knocked his forehead on the dirty stone table again.

At this moment, Qin Yong suddenly thought of something and said, "But have you noticed that in the past ten days, that Shouding Yinling no longer appeared. In the past, every night, she would appear to talk to us for a few words, and then look at Ning. Lingge looked like he was asleep, but in the past ten days, the aura of the Yinxiu Cauldron has declined sharply, which means..."

"Meaning that Shouding Yin Ling is not in the Yin Void Cauldron, she left the Cauldron?"

"That Yinling hasn't come back for some time..."


The fourteenth day of January in the thirty-sixth year of Jingzong in Xixia, winter.

This day is the day in history when Li Yuanhao officially issued an edict and canonized No Yishi as Princess Ninglinger.

Ning Lingge, who was nine hundred years ago, dressed in formal attire early in the morning and brought the Yin Void Ding. The heroic heroes rode on a black steed and led the Prince's Guard into the Xixia Palace.

Lingyu and the group of five also used invisibility techniques to hide their traces again and followed into the Xixia Palace.

They were curious. Who was this stunning and stunning princess wearing the name of Wu Yi, who fascinated Ning Lingge's father Li Yuanhao!

The canonization ceremony was held in the main hall of the Xixia Palace. Ning Lingge's mother, Queen Yeli, also attended.

Ning Lingge's prince Yingwu and handsome nine hundred years ago stood beside Li Yuanhao with cold eyes.

The courtiers were divided into civil and military ranks and stood in two rows. Under the eunuch's loud announcement, the father of Mo Yishi accompanied the princess Mo Yishi slowly into the palace.

Lingyu and his group of five people looked the same, hung above the palace beam, looking at the whole situation, overlooking everything that happened in the palace.

And when the woman dressed in a swanky red dress, sinking fish and flying wild geese, walking slowly on the red carpet in the middle of the palace, getting closer and closer to the spirits...

Lingsui Mei's eyes opened wide, thinking that she was dazzled.

"Wait! Isn't that Shouding Yinling? Am I blind?"

(End of this chapter)

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