Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 774: The brain thief

Chapter 774

Another thrilling night in the palace house.

Quan Miu was completely exposed. Although there were casualties, he finally settled down.

Everyone thinks so.


Early in the morning, half past one.

In the dead of night, most of the palace family members were asleep, but the inspector was still searching for Quan Miu everywhere in the ancestral house, but he was never found.

Just as there was no progress in finding someone after waking up, and planning to go to the back mountain graveyard of the palace family ancestor's house to search, the end of the deep and winding corridor suddenly heard a hoarse call for help.

"Help! Don't kill me! Mr. Quan, have something to say!"

Thick bandages were wrapped around his thighs and gauze was tied to many burns on his body. The man in pajamas crawled around, embarrassed and afraid, limping to avoid the attack of the man with the knife behind him.

Suxing and a dozen of his subordinates left in search of voice.

On the edge of a rockery next to a lotus pond, I saw Quan Miu who was about to pierce Gong Siyi's chest with a knife.

This lotus pond happens to be very close to the Yun Pavilion where Ki Yuno and Miyajiyu live.

Therefore, this cry for help successfully awakened Yuki who was sleeping soundly and very tired in Miyajiyu's arms.

In the past two days, she basically did not sleep.

Miyajiyu fell ill and was seriously injured. She worked hard and managed to get a good night's sleep, but was awakened.

The slender arms resting on Miyajiyu's waist tightened tightly. Yuno, who was buried in Miyajiyu's arms, squinted, drowsy and aggrieved, and muffled: "Why is someone calling for help again, all day long, endless? "

Miyajiyu's light sleep, naturally heard it too.

Soothing and lovingly patted Ji Yuno on the back, tucked the quilt for her, and covered her ears with the palm of her intimate hand, and muttered slightly: "Keep sleeping, I will let Mo Hei go and see what's going on. ."

After the words were over, Gong Siyu glanced at the Mingrui beast sleeping on the canopy bedside table.

Hearing the sound, I lazily opened the blue cat’s pupils, stretched out his claws, stretched his waist, and then leaped out of the half-open window like a **** wild cat, looking for help, and jumped on The red wall jumped over the eaves.


Mo Hei was squatting on an ancient locust tree, looking towards the rockery, licking his paws, and yelling "meow" several times.

There was a gunshot in the air.

The ink black was so frightened that he exploded his hair.

The blue cat's pupils shrank suddenly, staring at the man who was shot to death not far away. He had fallen to the ground and died. Many policemen swarmed up and rescued another man in pajamas.

Mo Hei was picked up by Ji Yuno halfway through the palace's ancestor house.

I learned tonight that a running dog from Donghuang Wuji had entered.

The one who was killed seemed to be Quan Miu as Yuno said.

And the one calling for help... who is it?

It can't remember, it seems to be the brother of Miyajiyu?

Mo Hei yawned, jumped from the ancient locust tree to a rockery, approached closer, eavesdropping on what the group of detectives and the man were talking about.

"Master Gong Er, Quan Miu is dead, you don't need to panic."

"Thank you! Thank you Inspector Su for saving me! My wound was so painful that I couldn't fall asleep. Suddenly I saw Quan Miu appear next to my bed. He wanted to kill me, but he didn't want me to resist and escape. I was seriously injured, and you rescued it in time. I am afraid I am really a corpse now!"

"Your old injury has not healed and you have added a new one. It's still the head. I think it's better to find a private doctor to see the situation, or send it to the hospital."

Just some conversations that sound boring in the black.

Mo Hei was also very sleepy. It yawned, and took a deep look at the shot that was killed, and fell to the ground, not looking at Quan Miu.

Mingrui Beast's black eyes grew more intent, and at first glance, it only seemed strange.

People die, what about the soul? Why didn't the soul leave the body?

Forget it, it's dead anyway, it's better to go back to sleep.


The next day, morning.

Professor Bai started in Yunge and made a hearty breakfast.

Just when Su woke up and told them the good news that Quan Miu had been killed, the big guy sat in the hall, had breakfast together, and had a few words along the way.

Waking up early in the morning, he was preparing to take away Lu Qingyun's burnt bones.

"By the way, at the scene of the fire in the old lady's wing last night, a charred female body was also found. According to preliminary identification, it was a woman named Yichun, a native of Hualong Village, who had been serving with the old lady in the palace recently. She did not escape from the fire and was burned to death."

Wake up and took a bite of cooking wheat, marveling at how good Professor Bai's cooking skills are, and ate a few more unceremoniously.

"Also, it's very strange that Donghuang Wuji mentioned in Quan Miu's phone recording, I went to check it, and there is no such person, but listening to the recording yesterday, it seems that this person has trouble with you? Do you know?"

"I'm not familiar with it, just because of a little personal matter." Yuno only eats skin and doesn't like meat when eating Xiaolongbao, so Miyajiyu carefully picked the meat out and fed the skin to Yuno's mouth. , How did Quan Miu be killed by you? Where did you find him?"

"We didn't find it. He turned back to kill the second young master of the Gong family last night. We heard the call for help and shot and killed the second master of the Gong family."

Hearing that, Yuki Yuno's little greasy mouth, her chewing motion stopped, and she frowned, and asked:

"He broke his arm and was shot again. The old mansion was full of people from the Metropolitan Police Headquarters looking for him. They didn't run, but turned back to kill Gong Siyi? That's not right... Even if he is going to have a fish to die, he will hurt both. The person who should be killed should also be Gong Siyu. How did Gong Siyi kill Gong Siyi? Contradictory... This is not logical."

In the hall, there are little troubles, very cheerful.

Xiaoxuan and Taotie are robbing them, while Liuyun and Ji Ruchen are bullying Angelica.

Bai Feiran stole the antique late Qing Western gun in the old palace house and wondered how to shoot it accurately.

Gong Youen was sitting at the dining table, not holding chopsticks, but Lu Qingyun's half-scorched head. He was wearing gloves and was still studying the wound on his head.

The black is biting the black hair.

But when Yuno's doubts exited, Miyajiyu coughed coldly.

The entire front hall was suddenly silent, looking at Ji Yuno together.

"What does Miss Ji mean? You think things are weird?"

"Otherwise? Captain Su, think about it yourself. If you change your position... Do you choose to run, or choose to turn back and kill someone who is not so important? It makes no sense for him to do so, does it? ?"

At this moment, Gong Youen, who was holding Lu Qingyun's head in his hand, seemed to have discovered the suspicion again, and curled his eyebrows and said: "This head has a problem. I mean the wound. This wound is not a hard blow. It was caused by a strong impact. What did Gong Siyi say before? He said... His mother was killed by Quan Miu? If so, why did he lie that his mother had a brain hemorrhage? If so, again Why do you want to destroy the corpse? Many things are not right, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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