Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 775: Like a different person

Chapter 775 is like a different person

After breakfast, Ji Yuno, led by Captain Awakening, went to see Quan Miu's body first.

The body was temporarily placed in the back hall of the small courtyard where Gong Lisen's body was located, covered with white cloth.

Forensic doctor Su Mian was performing an autopsy on Quan Miu's body.

Quan Miu's body is terrifying.

He didn't look at him, his body was stiff, his eyes were cracked, one arm was broken, he was shot again in the forehead, and his head blossomed, which was terrifying.

However, there seems to be no problem with his body.

He was shot dead. When he died, he hesitated and exercised violently, and his muscles were stiff, so he maintained his last-minute movements before his death, holding his arms high there, unable to let go.

However, during the period, Su Mian forensic doctor gave Ji Yuno and the others an electronic report that had just been sent from the Jinling Forensic Medical Center. The report contained the results of Lu Qingyun's autopsy.

"According to the degree of decay of the deceased Lu Qingyun, it took more than a month to die. But my brother investigated that Lu Qingyun appeared in a law firm half a month ago. At that time, she was still alive. Someone used an unexplained method to accelerate the corruption of her corpse. The real time of death should be about a week. The cause of death was a violent blow to the back of the head."

One week, they come to the palace’s ancestral house to participate in ancestor worship.

Lu Qingyun's death happened on the day they arrived.

"The back of the head was violently hit. Eliminate hard objects. It should have hit the wall, or the corner of the table, or other places. According to the shape and area of ​​the wound on the back of Lu Qingyun's head, in my personal experience, it is more like a hit. On the wall, not on sharp objects or corners."

Gong Youen stroked his chin, thoughtfully.

Hearing the sound, Yuno patted her face with one hand, and muttered to herself while looking at the gray sky.

"The back of the head hits the wall? This kind of thing mostly happens when two people argue and push, if it is Quan Miu who killed her, a subordinate of Donghuang Wuji? There was a dispute with a woman who had no power to bind a chicken. Don’t you think this is even more unreasonable? In my case, one blow is fatal. Why do I look at the cause of Lu Qingyun’s death like manslaughter?"

With all kinds of doubts in mind, it seems that there is a problem in waking up.

Ever since, they went directly to the courtyard where Gong Siyi currently lives.

The other courtyard where Gong Limin and his wife Pan Zhi lived.

Gong Siyi is really miserable.

He fired a shot into his thigh, but he was attacked by Quan Miu on his forehead last night, adding new injuries.

Fortunately, he is strong and physically strong. Although he has a lot of blood, it is not life-threatening.

Ji Yuno was holding Gong Siyu, behind him, Captain Awakening, Bai Feiran, Professor Bai, Liuyun, Gong Youen, they all followed together. In the morning, a group of people came to Gong Siyi, and the formation looked like "all the villains."

Gong Siyi was awake, half lying on the bed.

There are people talking and laughing in the wing. Gong Limin is talking to Gong Siyi, and the parents are short. His wife Pan Zhi is feeding Gong Siyi porridge. Even their daughter Gong Xiyan said in the room that they admire Gong Siyi for saving grandma. Courage, and also said that Shen Manqing was particularly moved, and I believe that his impression will be improved in the future.

It can be seen that when Miyajiyu and the others arrive, the atmosphere is destroyed.

"Why are you here?"

Gong Siyi's eyes flashed, seemingly surprised.

"Huh? What's the matter? You can suddenly be a filial grandson, so you don't allow us to be so caring for you all of a sudden?" Ji Yuno's face was like a peach blossom, smiling brilliantly, beautifully.

"You so many people, this battle, I think... how come you want to scare me?"

Gong Siyi was wearing a black sweater, and his facial features were three-pointed like Gong Siyu.

Ji Yuno exchanged a glance with him.

Inexplicably, there was a "thump" in my heart.

It feels strange.

Is it Gong Siyi's eyes? Ji Yuno took a deep look, and there was nothing wrong with it. She was still filthy, evil, not like a good person.

Is it Gong Siyi's attitude? Not welcome, as before.

At first glance, everything seems normal.

"Siyu, what are you doing with so many people here early in the morning? Your brother needs a rest."

Gong Limin frowned, seemingly unhappy that Gong Siyu suddenly appeared, and so many people came.

Feng's eyes were deep and gloomy. When he heard the word "brother", Gong Siyu suddenly sneered and sneered, wickedly and coldly, and curled his lips, "Brother? Second Uncle...When did you see me admit that I had a younger brother?"

"Then what are you doing!"

Because Gong Siyu was unwilling to give his life for his grandmother last night, Gong Limin successfully felt that Gong Siyu was too ruthless. Therefore, at this moment, Gong Siyu's attitude towards Gong Siyu is not as good as before.

"Oh, I came with Captain Su, just to ask Gong Siyi, did he forget his dead mother? That corpse that was thrown into the Jiayintang stove and burned... Gong Siyi, don't you know that I am here? Say what?"

Gong Siyu looked down at everything, looked down at Gong Siyi, sneered, his eyes gloomy.

"Indeed, Master Gong Er, we found a female corpse in Jiayintang that was thrown into the stove and burned. After taking it out, we identified it as your mother, Lu Qingyun. Excuse me, what's the matter?"

Yuno stared at Miyoshi's face, and any subtle expressions could be seen in full view.

I thought he would habitually see stunned, unnatural, and panic on his face.

But this time...

Gong Siyi closed his eyes with a sad expression, and involuntarily pinched the quilt with his hands.

It only took three seconds to organize the language instead of thinking about how to deal with it.

He looked angrily and said: "It's Quan Miu. I told you last night that I have been hiding in his room. When I went out, I was thinking about saving grandma. Quan Miu was probably there. When I was hiding under the bed, in order to destroy the body, I threw my mother's body into the stove."

"The second young master of the palace, according to the autopsy, your mother's death should have been a week ago. I heard... the day you went back to the palace’s ancestral house, you claimed that your mother had a brain hemorrhage and was inconvenient to move? It counts time. When you came, Your mother should be dead. Why did you lie? You should know that your mother is dead, and why did you hide it? On the second day of your mother’s corpse hospital, you knew that the murderer was Quan Miu, but you still slandered Master Gong. Is it a murderer? It stands to reason that Quan Miu is your assistant. You should be together, so why did you suddenly betray him? What caused you to do this?"

Su Xing held a recording pen in his hand and recorded every sentence of Gong Siyi.

Facing the awakened questions, Gong Limin was shocked, Pan Zhi and Gong Xiyan took a breath of air-conditioning in shock, took a step back, and looked at Gong Siyi in fear.

Ji Yuno looked at Gong Si Yi.

Finally felt something strange about Gong Siyi.

In the past, in the face of coercive questioning and identification, Gong Siyi was always uncomfortable, excited and incoherent.

But at this moment, the Gong Siyi in front of him is too calm, and there is grief in his calmness, but there is no sadness in his eyes, like...

It's like a different person?

(End of this chapter)

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