Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 776: The flaw in the details, the disaster has just begun

Chapter 776 The vulnerability details disaster has just begun

In the wing room, there was no sound.

They were all waiting for Gong Siyi to explain how.

"Captain Su is afraid that he has listened to the slander of some people and mistakenly thought that I killed my mother, and then blamed Quan Miu? Indeed, in the eyes of Gong Siyu, I will always be such a heinous person. But the real situation is not what you think."

When the words were over, Gong Siyi looked at Gong Siyu complainingly.

"How did Quan Miu come here? Don’t you know, Brother? Last night’s recording, it’s clear that it’s because you got involved with someone named Donghuang Wuji, that’s why you brought such a big deal to the Gong family. The disaster, my mother, was indeed killed by Quan Miu, but my mother was to protect me..."

He wanted to speak and stopped, Gong Siyi shook his head sadly, and then said again.

"On the day I came to the ancestral house, I actually didn't want to come, but my mother was in a bad state, so she packed her bags and said that she wanted to come to see my father anyway. When we were about to leave, the door of the house was suddenly seen from outside. It's opened, and the one who comes in is Quan Miu."

"As soon as Quan Miu broke in, I was going to call the police, but this man suddenly held a dagger against my neck and asked me to do what he said, otherwise he would kill our palace. Old and young."

"I had a conflict with him, but, indeed, I couldn't beat Quan Miu. My mother blocked me in order to protect me and told me to run fast. However, in the meantime, Quan Miu was pushed by the wrong hand and hit the back of the head. At the wall, he died on the spot."

"I wanted to fight hard with him, but... Quan Miu threatened me that my mother's death was just the beginning. If I didn't do what he said, more people would die. Really, after my father, too. If I die, it’s like Quan Miu’s double warning to me. If I don’t do what he says and slander my eldest brother, more people will die. Until last night, I heard that he was going to kill grandma. I can't bear it anymore... It's just that Quan Miu is dead now, and everything I said has no evidence. You may feel that I have passed the responsibility to a dead person. Believe it or not, I'm sorry, I have to rest. , Please go back."

Is there any logical loophole in Gong Siyi's explanation?

Ji Yuno thought about it and realized that there was no.

It's like rounding a perfect lie, seamless.

He explained all the doubts with the excuse that "Quan Miu threatened me to kill all the young and old in the palace".

Gong Siyi issued an order to evict the guests. He was depressed, and he needed to rest because of his physical ailment. In the end, Yuno, Gong Siyu, and Wake had to leave.

On the way back to Yunge.

Yuno murmured suspiciously: "Strange, why do I think Gongjiyi's brain has become brighter?"

"Ms. Ji wanted to say that Young Master Gong Er is not like the original Young Master Gong Er?"

Bai Feiran said abruptly.

"Huh, do you think?"

"Following the young master for several years, fighting with Gong Siyi more than dozens of times, empty heart, harmless strategy, if this person hadn't had a mother planning behind him, he would have been a fight."

With Miyajiyu's ten fingers clasped tightly, Yuno shook his arm.

"Gong Siyu, what do you think?"

Since this servant had just left Gong Si Yi's room, his face was always gloomy and unpredictable, and Ji Yuno could not see what Gong Siyu was thinking.

"He has a problem."

Suddenly, Gong Siyu's meaning is unknown, and the words are like gold, and said in a low voice.

"We know he has a problem, what's the specific one?"


There was no expression on Miyajiyu's handsome face.

Just habitually squeezed Yuno's soft white cheeks, bowed her head slightly, and kissed her forehead, "Darling, think about it, you are very smart, there is a detail that reveals his problem. ."

"He is too calm, Gong Siyi is not a calm and rational person at all."

"This is not enough detail."

"..." Ji Yuno couldn't think of it.

"Cousin sister, it's called." Suddenly, Gong Youen proudly jumped to the side of Gong Siyu, asking for credit, "Cousin, am I correct?"

"Yeah." Gong Siyu hooked his lips and sneered.

"Huh? Title?" Ji Yuno looked confused, what happened to the title?

"Just now Gong Siyi repeatedly called Lu Qingyun'my mother' instead of'my mother'."


"A person's name for his closest person will not change suddenly. Gong Siyi rarely calls Lu Qingyun's mother. Most of the time, he will call mother. This is a habit of appellation. Gong Siyi and I are 20 After many years of getting along with each other, I know it well, but the Gong Siyi just now, from start to finish, only called Lu Qingyun's mother and my dad as his father. If the details are not enough, there is one more."

Not only Ji Yuno, but even waking up, stopped and listened carefully to Miyajiyu's analysis.


"Flaws." Gong Siyu's meaning was unclear, and the dark eyes suddenly appeared.


"Quan Miu's right hand was cut off by you, and Bai Feiran was shot in the left shoulder. But according to the words of awakening, when Gong Siyi was rescued last night, Quan Miu held a fruit knife in his hand. Even if the fruit knife is very light, Quan Miu I barely lifted it up, but when we saw Gong Siyi just now, we found that he was wrapped in gauze on his head, which was caused by being hit by a heavy object. When I entered the room, I found a blood-stained glazed ceramic piece in the corner of the bed. It was missed by the cleaning. If I recognize it well, the glazed ceramic piece should be an antique vase in the room."

"This is the flaw. The vase is very heavy. How did Quan Miu, who was shot in the left shoulder, lift such a heavy vase to smash Gong Siyi? The second uncle and second aunt lived next to the room. Gong Siyi did not go to the next door for help last night. , I just ran so far and ran near the rockery Yunge? This is unreasonable, it seems to be seen deliberately, too deliberate."

"So... Young Master Gong is trying to say, this Second Young Master is not the Second Young Master?" Su Xing felt strange, "How is it possible?"

Ji Yuno was silent, and Bai Feiran and the others were also silent.

Liu Yun and Ji Ruchen glanced at each other and didn't speak.

It seems impossible for an ordinary criminal policeman to wake up, but in their eyes, it is completely possible.

Just when a group of them looked at each other, tacitly, secretly making plans.

But suddenly met Zhuge Qingyun and Zhugexian passing by.

"Mr. Zhuge? It's a coincidence, where is this going?"

Ji Yuno raised his eyebrows, stopped not far away, turned back, and greeted Zhuge Qingyun, who was walking in their direction.

Zhuge Qingyun, a hundred-year-old psychic elder, can see Ji Yuno, but he can only hold in awe. Although he complains about Ji Yuno, he dare not say anything.

"Go visit her at the old lady."

"Oh, then what are you doing back to us?"

Zhuge Qingyun seemed to be worried.

"The old man just wanted to tell Ms. Ji that he thought the murderer had been caught and died, and the crisis in the palace was lifted, but I made a fortune in the morning and found out..."


"The Great Tribulation of the Palace Family has just begun."

(End of this chapter)

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