Bai Xiaochen was very clever and nodded. Standing behind Bai Yan’s body, he did not move. A pair of bright, star-like eyes always looked at the white back.

The East was trembling, and she stepped back a few steps under the white-eyed eyes.

But behind it is already a white wall, so that she can not retreat.

However, at this time

Dongfang saw the embarrassment that rushed from the door. Her dawn suddenly brightened and said quickly: "Hey, save me, this kid is in the memory, he has no plan at all?"


As soon as he trembled, he almost fell to the ground. He looked up in panic and his eyes fell on the small face of Bai Xiaochen's pink powder.

Bai Xiaochen raised his small head. When he was young, he was already domineering. The tender voice was sounded and returned to the courtyard.

"You idiots, can you count me based on your strength? I just plan to count, but fortunately my strategy is very useful, and my mother finally came to me."

Bai Xiaochen’s smile was splendid. In front of Bai Yan’s, he did not set fire to the little demon of the government, but he was like a little angel.

Desperate to go backwards: "How could this happen? After all, it's all over!"

I knew that he should obey his father's words and stay in this secret place safely, instead of thinking about things that don't belong to him.

Otherwise, this time, it will not ruin the entire family, with himself.


The feet of Bai Yan fell heavily on the shoulders of the East, and this foot made the body of the East slammed forward and fell to the ground.

The eastern screaming screamed, his face was paler than the one he had just now, and his lips were pressed and his tears were coming out of his eyes.

Seeing that the East is so miserable, he did not intend to save her, but turned and wanted to escape.


Just as he turned around, Bai Yan suddenly turned back, brushing, a force rushed away, hitting the ankle's ankle.

He slammed down to the ground and wanted to stand up and stand up. At this moment, a few strong breaths came in front of him, pressing his body like a mountain.

Bai Xiaochen looked at the place where the breath came. In a moment, a silver-haired purple man smashed into his bright eyes.

The man is fascinating, such as the demon **** that reverses the sentient beings. The beautiful world has lost the color in this moment.

The silver hair and the wind are flying, the domineering is not evil, and the purple dress is proud and proud. His powerful gas field is like a heaven and earth, perfect for people to dump.

Bai Yan’s gaze also looked at the past. At that moment, the two eyes were opposite, and the man’s phoenix flashed a sigh of relief. Immediately, an anger emerged from his shackles.


At this moment, everyone can see that the high man above the sky is madly walking towards the woman in red underneath.

He was swaying around the wind, so that everyone could feel his anger.

I am happy with the heart of the East, and it seems that the feelings of the king and the queen are not very good, otherwise they will not be so angry.

In this way, maybe they have a chance to save their lives?

"Is it a small cloud?" The man walked to the front of Bai Yan, and his anger cloud came out constantly. His eyes were sprayed with flames and he gnashed his teeth.

White face: "What?"

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