"Isn't Di Xiaoyun telling you? Is it the place where she is looking for a way to get you? I know that the girl will tell you these things. After leaving here, the king has to interrupt the legs of the girl." !"

The anger in the heart of the Emperor is completely out of control.

That **** stinky head is not ignorant of the danger of this place, so Yan Yan came here, if Yaner lost a hair, he must interrupt her leg!

Bai Yan picked up his eyes: "The morning lost contact, you actually don't tell me? This is what Xiaoyun and I said? If it is not her, I am still in your drum!"

"Sure enough, that gimmick, this time going back, the king must hang her up and fight!"

The voice of Emperor Cang has the meaning of gnashing his teeth.

Bai Yan sneered and grabbed the clothes of Emperor Cang.

Yes, she caught the clothes of Emperor Cang.

All the monsters are scared

What a noble character is Wang? The heart is so hot, the love is incomparable, even the princess dare not let go in front of the king, this human woman, dare to be so king to them?

After all, these monsters have never left the secret, so they do not know what happened in the demon world.

They all secretly squeezed a cold sweat for the queen, for fear that the king would solve her under a wrath.

"Emperor Cang!" Bai Yan asked angrily. "You just said who will hang up?"

The anger of Emperor Cang has disappeared under the action of Bai Yan. He looks to the front of the edge of anger, he thinks for a moment, or replies truthfully.

"Emperor Xiaoyun."

Bai Yan smiled low, and the laughter was cold, and the heart of Emperor Cang began to worry.

"Yan Er, in this secret territory, there are many people above the **** level. I am also afraid that you are in danger in the east, if it is not the emperor Xiaoyun."

"shut up!"

Bai Yan’s angry drink made the Emperor Cang immediately close his red lips and carefully looked at the face of Bai Yan.

"I will ask you again, the last time you said that you want to hang up and fight?"

"This king wants to put the emperor"

The name of Emperor Xiaoyun has not been exported yet, and he sees the more cold face of Bai Yan. He suddenly changed his mouth: "This king wants to hang himself up and fight."

This sentence made Bai Yan look better, her lips raised a smile and patted the shoulders of Emperor Cang.

"This is what you are."

"In front of you, the husband has always been very embarrassed. I don't know if Yaner can reward her as a daughter?"

"Look at your performance." Bai Yan's smile is even worse.

Although she failed to keep her promise and the promise of Emperor Xiaoyun, let Emperor Cang know that Emperor Xiaoyun told her these things.


Isn’t it difficult to protect the girl?

"The performance for the husband has always been very good, Yaner will not know if he tries tonight?"

The beautiful face of the Emperor Cang raised a smile, his voice with a sly, ringing in the face of Bai Yan.

Bai Yan’s face is black, this guy is always playing for him without any occasion.

"When the things here are finished, let's talk."

Bai Yan squinted at the Emperor Cang, and the dawn turned to the East and the Skull.

The faces of the two men at the moment are extremely ugly, and they can't believe what they saw in their eyes.

The king of the demon world, in front of a human being, is so low to such a degree?

"Morning child, tell the king, what happened?" The Emperor Cang voice was low and asked coldly.

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