"Jun old."

Flowing light feathers quickly ran into the wing of the room, and at a glance saw the monk who was sitting on the knees, her sweat was rushing down: "The big thing is not good!"

"Miss, what happened?" Junyi stood up and asked him after seeing the anxious face of the light feathers. He asked quite puzzledly.

The face of Liu Yuyu has changed: "The man, who intends to go to the mainland in person, I can expect that the mainland will cause a disaster. You are going to inform us, let the master and she can hide far away!"

The strength of the father has reached the realm of the gods, no one can rival, if he really went to the mainland, no one can escape.

As a matter of urgency, let Bai Yan go to the demon world to take refuge.

At least, today, he still dare not blatantly go to the demon world to find trouble

"I understand, I will go to the mainland."

Junyi stood up and walked toward the door.

Flowing light feathers always felt a little uneasy, she followed them up, just waiting for them to go to the door, stopped by two guards.

"Jun elders, young ladies, and spiritual masters all stipulate that no one is allowed to go out in these days. Please ask the two to return."

Do not allow anyone to go out?

The light plume was cold and shouted: "Bold! I sent the old man to buy the same item for me. Why don't you allow us to go out?"

"Miss, this is the order of the lord, please forgive me."

The guards kneel on the ground, and the tone is not humble.

Flowing light feathers and sweating, she turned her head and looked at Junyi. After all, she gritted her teeth and looked at the guard again: "I said, I sent the old man to buy the goods for me, and I will come back soon. You immediately Give me away."

The guards are still at the door, not moving, and are not threatened by the flow of light feathers.

Although the spirit of the Lord has given power to the young lady recently, it is still the spiritual master who is the master of the spiritual territory. He only needs to obey the orders of the spiritual master.


Seeing the flow of light feathers will be unable to withstand the inner anger, Jun Hao hurriedly pulled her arm and whispered: "Not a gadget, we can't buy it, and buy it again."

His voice was low, but he was specially heard by the guards.

The guards did not squint, as if they had not heard the words of the two.

After saying that, Jun Hao made a look at the flow of light feathers, which means that it is better to think about it from a long time.

Indeed, if they force to leave, it will inevitably lead to doubts of the spiritual master, which is extremely unfavorable for the young lady.

"it is good."

The light plume took a deep breath and slowly turned: "Jun old, let's go."

Junyi blinked and swept the eyeguards, and immediately after the flow of light feathers, he quickly disappeared into the courtyard.

The guard looked at the direction in which the two left, and hired one by hand, whispering a few words in his ear.

The man nodded and immediately went to the direction of He Feixiang’s study.

Flowing light feathers rushed to the wing and pushed the door. She turned her back to the monarch behind her and asked, "Jun Lao, what do we do now? The master is our only hope now, if she has something, I am afraid no one can help us."

At the beginning, Liu Yu was very dissatisfied with Bai Yan, but now she has already understood that only Bai Yan can help her deal with the man of He Feixiang.

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