"Not to mention" the flow of light feathers sounded, "If she dies, neither of us can live!"

After returning to the spiritual environment, Liu Yuyu did not try to detoxify herself, but she did not use any means to remove the toxins from her body.

This also proves that when Bai Yan is alive, they can live. If Bai Yan is dead, they will not live for long.


She must save her!

"Miss, wait until the evening we try to leave the spirit, but after this departure, we will never come back."

Jun Hao hangs down his throat and sighs and says.

If at this time, he and the young lady disappeared, the spirit master will surely think that they are the people who ventilate the letter. After returning, it must be a dead end!

Therefore, they can only never return to this place.

The light plume was shocked, and the scorpion was contemplative.

She doesn’t have much affection for the spiritual world, but she does not want to be spiritual, so she will perish.

This place has too many memories of her and her mother.

Now I have to leave, my heart is bursting out.

"Jun Lao," Liu Yuxiao smiled. "But in addition, we have no other choice. If the mother is alive, I hope that I can leave the spiritual world, and I will never be bound again."

She closed her eyes and her face was full of pain.

"Miss" Jun Hao’s expression was a bit sad. "Would you like to avoid the lady again?"

Flowing light feathers shaking his head: "No, these actions will only cause the man's suspicion, and we will leave when we leave at night."

She looked up at the blue sky outside the house.

Perhaps at this moment, I can’t see the sky again.

That night.

The night is like water.

The light feathers are dressed in night clothes and walk quickly in the courtyard.

Behind her is a black-haired old man, and the same black night dress is completely covered under the night.

Far away, the flow of light feathers saw the guards at the door, she gave a look to the old man, the old man immediately meeting, the body shape flashed to the front of the guard.

With a bang, his fists slammed down, and the guards did not even have time to send a sigh, and they fell to the ground.

Jun Jun wiped the sweat on his forehead. He just breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the light feather.

In this moment, countless torches lit up from the two sides and wrapped the two in the middle.

The body of the light plume froze, and she turned her head stiffly. Suddenly, the sullen face of He Feixiang fell into her eyes.


Her voice trembled, her face was white, her sweat soaked her clothes, and it was quite cool in the evening.

"My daughter, so late, where do you want to go?" He Feixiang asked with a calm face.

The flow of the plump mouth twitched: "I saw a Zhu Xi not long ago, but the silver money did not bring enough, I did not buy it, I want the old man to buy for me during the day, who knows that this guard does not let go, I I just want to sneak out and buy it at night."

"Would you like to buy Zhu Xi, or to ventilate those people in the mainland?" He Feixiang sneered and approached the flow of light feathers. "I thought about it last time, we have a traitor in the spiritual world, but this spirituality is not The average person can go out, so I already doubt you already."

"I didn't say it last time. It's just that you didn't show your feet. I have no evidence to blame what you did. But today, I deliberately tried again. I didn't expect you to take it out."

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