He Feixiang stopped his footsteps and looked disappointingly at the light feathers.

"I hope that these things are not what you do. Your brother is killed by the demon world. Your sister is also killed by the demon world. You are already my only daughter!"

"In the future, the whole spiritual environment is yours. Do you have any dissatisfaction, do you have to betray me for those who are low-lying?"

He Feixiang’s heart has an indescribable disappointment. At noon, the guard told him that after the light feathers had to leave the house, his heart had already reached a low point.

Even if he is sorry for the mother of the light feathers, and ignores this gimmick, but he has not scolded her, beat her, why did she make such a thing that is contrary to morality?

The face of the light feathers eased from the initial stiffness, and her lips evoked a smile.

This smile is a bit bleak and painful.

"You forgot how my mother died? He was killed by your life! If it is not your unrequited love that makes her unhappy, she will not die!"

The voice of the light feathers was accompanied by a complaint, and there was a tear in the middle: "She has died, you have never looked at her, because I am her daughter, you are not allowed to follow my surname, all this is because of My mother has an incurable disease, her face is ugly, so you treat her like this?"

He Feixiang's face is extremely ugly.

Yes, he does look at people with a look of beauty. If the woman’s face is ugly, he will not treat her like this.

But she has become so ugly, and often goes to his eyes, how can he not hate it?

"So, do you want to betray me? Don't you hurt your brother to die?"

At the thought of what this gimmick had done to his son, He Feixiang’s eyes became red and bloody, staring at the woman in front of him.

The flow of light feathers sneered: "Brother? Such a person, the mate is my brother? From small to large, he no longer bullies me, if not I can not fight against you, I have already killed this **** brother!"

He Feixiang slightly closed his eyes. After half a ring, he opened his eyes. The sharp eyes of the knife fell on the body of the light feathers and the monarch.

That look is like cutting their flesh.

"Since this is your choice, then don't blame me for being ruthless, come! Give me these two people, I want them to pay a painful price for their actions!"

He Feixiang clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were angry.

He admitted that he did not suffer from a light feather, except that she was not allowed to follow his surname! But this girl, but betrayed the spirit.

"In addition, the reason why I was so mad to her mother was that part of it was ugly, and there was a part." He Feixiang smiled sarcastically. "This woman is too strong, killing me too much, and usually seeing her." I don’t care about her when it’s beautiful.”

"As for not allowing you to follow my last name, I don't want you to enter the genealogy. I don't believe that a woman who is so hearty can give birth to a good daughter!"

He Feixiang’s smile is getting colder. He looks at the pale face of the light feathers and continues to say: “Sure enough, my hunch is not wrong. You are even hurting your brothers and sisters. What else is it, it’s your vicious woman. Not coming out?"

The light plume took a deep breath, and she tried to make her expression look calm: "I am more jealous, but it is better than your heart. We are only each other. What about my brother? You even hurt your wife." The same is true."

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