Thunder and lightning on the sky are getting more and more powerful.

His face was covered with blood, so that he could not see his face.

"You want to know the evil I have done, then I can tell you."

"Two hundred years ago, there was a **** in the shrine that refused to accept the cloud. If it was said in the dark, it was heard by Yun Ruoxi. He ordered me to kill the god. I also killed it as she wished. people."

"One hundred years ago, she saw a monster, the monster was not willing to obey her, she ordered me to help her, I also listened to her words, grabbed her, then the monster She was stripped by her cramps and thrown in the mountains to feed the dogs."

Every time I say a word, my voice trembles a bit.

The thunder sounded again and he could not cover his voice.

He thought that Yun Ruoxi would like to contract the monster, which helped her catch it back, but what he did not expect was that Yun Ruoxi only vented his anger to the monster, and he peeled and cramped him alive.

When he knew that the monster was dead, it was already late.

Even though he misunderstood that Yun Ruoxi was saved by his benefactor, he forgave her, but that incident was still a thorn in his heart, and he could not be unplugged until now.

"Fifty years ago, there were two crickets who talked about the gods in the shrine. They even claimed to be the priests of the gods. On the second day, the two cockroaches disappeared. In fact, they are not disappearing, but the clouds are ruthless. Tied them up."

"Thirty years ago..."

Whenever he said something, his momentum was a bit heavy, his expression was still cold, and his smoldering smoldering.

Until the end, his lips raised a sarcasm.

"Now tell me, I have done so many evil things. Are these sacred sins coming to chase me? And the evil things I have done are all related to Yun Ruo! She also ordered me to kill the demon princess and Prince, okay, I learned to refuse her request..."

Therefore, he did not make so many mistakes.

When he said these words, he did not stop the attack, and everyone except Ling Zun fell to the ground. He was trying to continue to shoot Ling Zun, and another thunder fell.

This time, he couldn't hold the power of the thunder, and snorted, a blood spurted out, and his body fell to the ground.

The expressions of Xuan Zun and others are very alarming.

They are willing to believe in the cloud. Yu Yu

If such a kind girl, how can we do such a bad thing?


There have been many things in the shrine in these years, but they have not found the culprit, but it is extremely difficult for them to believe that these are what Yun Ruxi has done.

His eyelids were heavy, and when he was about to close, he saw a white figure floating in front of him.

"Mrs. Bai Ning..."

He wants to say something, but he has no power.

The thunder and lightning in the sky are still going on, and Bai Ning, which is very close to the hustle and bustle, has also been affected by the thunder.

Only she did not leave, a pair of beautiful women filled with anxiety.

He smiled and closed his eyes.

He couldn't help but think that the last time he was attacked by lightning, the cloud did not return to the scene...

It’s ridiculous.

"Hey, how can I help you? Is there any way to stop these lightnings?" Bai Ning asked anxiously.

I nodded.

Those people have completely found him, he is not dead, lightning will not disperse.

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