So... this time, he will die.

In this moment, a cute and smart little face emerged in my mind, and I was saddened by the cold eyes.

My Royal Highness, I am afraid that in the future... I will never be with you again.

"Be careful!"

Long Yan saw a thunder and rushed toward the direction of Bai Ning. He rushed forward and pulled Bai Ning from the side of the beggar, and then he looked at him with a horrified look.


This time, the thunder and lightning were more violent than before, and the sly body instantly gave off a blackened atmosphere.

He loosened Bai Ning and flew away toward the cockroach. However, Long Yan had not yet reached the front of the cockroach, and his body had gradually turned into a huge wind-eroded bird, lying silently on the ground.

At this moment, Long Yan’s heart was stunned by the shackles. His face was white, and he looked desperately and painfully to the wind-eroded bird on the ground...

"Hey?" He tentatively called for a sentence.

The wind eclipse on the ground did not respond to him.

The eyelids are tightly closed, and blood oozes from the body and stains the ground.

Long Yan’s body froze, and he held his fist tightly and slowly closed his eyes.

If it is not these people in the realm of God... you will not die! Therefore, it is the fault of this group of **** bastards!

"Long Yan, you go to deal with those people, I want to save him."

Bai Ning gripped her fist tightly, her eyes cold as a knife, and directed to the sky, those lightning that had not stopped.

Although he was only a guard, it was because Yan had saved him and he came to repay him.

But he sacrificed his life for the demon world, she must not let him fly away!

Because if the mine is not leaving, the soul of the dragon will disappear...

Just in the moment when Bai Ning is going to go forward.

A sigh of relief came from the void, drifting into the wind, falling into her ears.


After hearing this voice, Bai Ning slowly looked up. When she saw Bai Yan, her face changed slightly: "Yan, how come you are back?"

She used to be able to see Bai Yan, but at this moment, she did not want to see her at all.

She did not want to let her daughter be injured in this battle...

Bai Yan did not answer Bai Ning's words. He took Bai Xiaochen's hand and fell from the void. His brows were lightly wrinkled, his eyes swept to the wind-eroded birds on the ground, and the group of strong people who could not move.

"Mother, what happened."

Bai Ning has no reason to pay attention to Bai Yan...

Because she found that since the arrival of Bai Yan and Bai Xiaochen, the power of those thunder and lightning has suddenly increased.


Those mines don’t know what to do, but they are attacking them...

With the power of destroying the earth.

"Yan, be careful!"

Bai Ning eagerly raised his hand and pulled Bai Yan and Bai Xiaochen down.

Thunder then blew in front of them and left a deep crater on the ground...

Bai Yan stunned.

She only knows people in the realm of the world to come to trouble, but these thunders... Why do you want to kill her?

"Mother, are you okay?" Bai Yan frowned, turned his head and looked at Bai Ning, and then searched around, but did not see Emperor Cang.

It stands to reason that the gods come to trouble, the Emperor Cang will not appear, then why did he not come out?

Her heart stunned, it would not be an accident in Emperor Cang?

"What about Emperor Cang?"

Her eyes narrowed and she asked.

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