After saying this, Yun Ruo’s gaze turned to Ling Zun and others behind him, and he smiled ironically twice.

"Whether or not I deliberately guided you, your shrine has already done something to hurt her. Don't forget, thousands of years ago, she was killed by Ling Zun, so that the children in the stomach did not survive, you Thought she can help you in the shrine? Funny, hahaha is too ridiculous!"

Ling Zun’s eyes provoked anger and shouted: "If you want to cloud, you shut up!"

If the cloud smiles coldly and slowly closes her eyes, her eyelashes are trembling in the breeze, and the poor look of the sorrow has disappeared. Instead, it is bitter and painful.

She knew that this time she lost everything.

Status, petting...and him...

"White face..."

Xuan Zun was a bit embarrassed, and his eyes turned to Bai Yan. He slammed for a while and then said: "We have done a lot of wrong things under the guidance of Yun Ruo. We are now asking you to forgive, hope. You can go back to the shrine with us."

His eyes are full of guilt, as long as he thinks about what Yun Ruo cherishes, he can't help but hate his teeth, but there is an impulse to want to smash the worms.

No, even if she smashed her body, it would be difficult to make up for her mistakes.

Bai Yan did not respond, her hand firmly held the amulet in her hand, and her face was covered with a warm glow.

Seeing that Bai Yan did not pay attention to him, Xuan Zun became more and more embarrassed. He supported the painful body and wanted to go up two steps. Bai Xiaochen’s small body was already in front of Bai Yan, extending his arms and protecting her. Behind me.

"You are not allowed to be close to my mother!"


"My mother hates you, I want to kill you too! The past life is not born in the morning, only to give you the opportunity to hurt the mother. In this world, I protect my mother, you don’t want to move anymore. she was!"

In this world, he has been working hard, and he has no longer allowed these people to hurt her!

The little guy's face was firm, and the bright eyes were filled with cold light, staring at Xuan Zun with vigilance.

Several of the gods of the shrine face each other and regret it. If they knew that Bai Yan was the master of the amulet, they would not stop her from combining with the gods, nor would they commit a big mistake.

It is even more so that God has hated them for thousands of years!

The heart of Xuan Zun is shaking, the pain is unbearable, and his pale old face turned to Bai Xiaochen.

At this moment, even if he is brazen, he can't say a word.

At that time, they not only had a good fight, but also planned to kill Bai Yan, causing the demon sacred beast to protect her. Her children were also dead, and the emperor Cang... because of her, her body was damaged, and she slept hundreds. Years old.

How many things happened, how can they pray for her forgiveness? These words simply cannot be said.

"White Yan," Ling Zun’s eyes were a few times dark. "I know that the Jingu Palace has brought you a lot of damage, but I hope that you can think about other people in the realm, as long as you resist the robbery, Let the gods be peaceful, a few of us... will be guilty!"

When the robbery is approaching, the realm of the gods will fall into a land of eternal annihilation, which he does not want to see.

Compared with the peace of the people in the world, what did he ask for his sin? Anyway, he had already set aside life and death.

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