Unfortunately, the answer to them is still calm...

Since getting the days, Bai Yan did not give them any more response, as if they could not hear their voices.

In fact, they guessed that there was nothing wrong with it. Bai Yan couldn’t hear a single voice at the moment. Her whole surroundings were in a darkness. In that darkness, she could not reach her fingers, and the blackness was like an abyss.

at this time……

Suddenly a light came from the front, and she followed the light and quickly entered the light.

However... among the light, it is a high-rise building.

The woman on the road is wearing a cool, laughter can't stop.

This is... China?

Bai Yanyi, this place is the road to China?

It’s hard to be done, the days want to let her go to China?

When Bai Yan’s brain was awkward, a voice of nothingness sounded in her mind.

The voice is telling her that if she wants to open the amulet, she must get something, and that thing is left behind by her in China...

"Why is it China? Since I was originally a god, why did I reincarnate in China? Can I reincarnate to China in the past, because of the sake of the gods? It was only that time that I could not get back the things that opened the heavens." So you have to go back to China again?"

Just as the white face was indulging, a ray of light came from the front, and the warmth covered her entire body...


Demon city.

Outside the city gate.

When Bai Xiaochen turned his head, he saw that Bai Yan’s body became transparent and imaginary under the light, as if it would disappear at any time. He was so scared that his face was pale and rushed to hug the waist of Bai Yan.

"Yan, morning!"

Bai Ning also saw this scene, and she was shocked. She wanted to enter the light, but the days seemed to contradict anyone except Bai Yan and Bai Xiaochen.

Even if she was the mother of Bai Yan, she was stopped outside.

Just facing Bai Ning, the days are relatively mild, and did not hurt her, nor let her enter this aperture...

"Grandma," Bai Xiaochen turned his head and looked at Bai Ning. "The days seem to take me and my mother to a place. We can't come back in a short time. You have to take care of Linger and every day, and... don't. Let go of these bad guys, don't help them!"

"Do not!"

Bai Ning’s eyes were terrified, and she wanted to enter the light several times, and she was all sorted out by the light.

Tears blurred her beauty and made her body tremble.

"Where are you going? Don't go! Don't go!"

Her voice was exhausted and she wanted to reach out and grasp the white face and the white morning. The figure of these two people gradually disappeared in her eyes...

In the night sky, peace is restored again.

The purple thunder disappeared.

White Yan disappeared...

Bai Xiaochen also left.

Bai Ning's body gradually softened on the ground, tightly rubbing the dust on the ground, and her eyes gradually appeared red-red light, and the angry and cold eyes turned to the shrines...

Just then, a painful roar came out of the city, and then a purple figure quickly emerged from the city.

A man is like a demon god, a demon and a noble, his phoenix is ​​looking around in a panic: "Yan Er, where did Yan Er go? You told me, where did Yan Er go? The king felt that she was back, but It disappeared again. Where did she go?"

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