Otherwise, in this crowded capital, she is walking in the street wearing antique clothes, quite strange.


"Mom, that sister looks so good, and wears it differently from us. Is she the star of this filming?"

"When you wear this, it’s not the filming of the costumes. Is it difficult to get through?"

After seeing the conversation between a mother and daughter behind her, Bai Yan’s footsteps paused, and her mouth showed a helpless smile.

I don't know if Bai Xiaochen is alone in this place. Can you adapt?

It seems that she has to find him as soon as possible...

After a moment of indulging, Bai Yan walked again to a clothing store nearest to her.

The clothes in this clothing store are not expensive, but Bai Yan completely ignores one thing. She just came back from the realm and did not carry the Chinese yuan!

This time, her face showed a sly color, her hand reached into her pocket, and sneaked out a piece of jade from the storage bag.

Don't look at her being poor in China, she is rich when she is on the mainland.

The three masters all loved her. Not only did she give her countless precious herbs, but even the treasures of gold and silver under the sun, jewelry and jade were also moved to her.

Therefore, in addition to not having a renminbi, she can be regarded as a rich enemy.

"I didn't bring any money, can I use this jade to pay off the debt?" She took the jade in her hand and handed it to the salesperson.

The saleswoman snorted and her face still had a decent smile: "Miss, you didn't bring cash, we can swipe here, we can transfer money, you pay with jadeite... Is this teasing me?"

In fact, Bai Yan also thought that jade could not be repaid, but if I found a place to sell jade, I am afraid I could not sell it in a short time.

She was anxious to change her clothes and had to go to the morning, so I decided to pay directly with the jade.

After all, this piece of clothing is also a thousand, her jade... worth the price.

"and many more!"

Seeing that Bai Yan was about to turn away, a drink suddenly came from behind.

Bai Yan raised her eyebrows and turned her head to look at it. For a time, a handsome face was reflected in her eyes.


After seeing the man appear, the eyes of the female salespersons were all bright, standing in the same place.

The man's lips had a handsome smile, and his slightly sullen eyes swept to the jade in the hands of Bai Yan, and his eyes flashed: "I agree to use it to mortgage cash."

Bai Yan squinted her eyes. She looked at the man's smile and suddenly closed the jade.

"You changed my clothes for a piece of jade, this business... looks like a good deal?"

The man’s mouth is stiff: "Beauty, you just said that you want to change clothes with jade, what, now you have to repent?"

"Repentance is not enough, just that I am too disadvantaged," Bai Yan's lips raised a smile, smiled and said, "If you are willing to help me a favor, I can promise you to give you jade."

Her smile is very bright, I do not know why the eyes of Ling Lang.

He has always been in the flowers, the leaves are not stained, the women around him have changed a batch, but they have never seen a woman who looks like her, so she can easily touch her. soul.

At this moment, Ling Lang actually had a feeling of moving heart.

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