"What do you want me to do?"

"Help me find someone."

Bai Yan was light and light. When she saw this man, she already knew his identity.

Even though she has never been to this place in China for several years, she has always practiced breakthroughs outside, but it does not mean that she does not know these people in the capital...

Ling Lang, grandfather is the founding general Ling Kaiyuan, but his mother is the daughter of the white family.

It is also the only person in Bai’s family who has married into the secular world.

It stands to reason that Bai Yan should call Ling Lang's mother a small beggar, but this small marriage was early, when the four small families did not move to the capital, so the number of times that Bai Yan had seen Ling Lang's mother was very few.

Later, when Bai Jia overturned and Bai Yan left the family, he never saw them again.

In her impression, Ling Lang's mother is a gentle woman, and her relationship with her own mother is also very good, but unfortunately, when the white house was destroyed, she was sick and did not have time to rush back.

Therefore, when I saw Ling Lang, Bai Yan planned to use the identity of Ling Lang to find someone.

"If you ask me to find someone for you, then you have to give me the photo, I will help you check his information."

Ling Lang was amazed. He didn't think that this beauty would let him help find someone.

Moreover, how does she know she can find someone?

Bai Yan shook his head: "I don't have his photo. He didn't enter any information, but I can provide his portrait. According to his characteristics, I should find it very well..."

In a place like China, the appearance of the morning is so outstanding, and with the help of Ling Lang, it should be easy to find him.

No message?

Ling Lang stunned, and looked suspiciously.

What she is looking for will not be the family of the warriors?

Those practitioners are already out of the ordinary, so their confidence will not be entered.

"Beauty, who do you ask me to help you find?" Ling Lang thought he was very handsome and licked his hair, and the charming electric eye kept discharging toward the white face.

"Oh, my son."

Oh my son...


Ling Lang’s movements froze, and at this moment, he could hear his heartbreaking voice.

It’s hard to see a woman who makes his heart move. As a result, this woman has even her son?

Did God see him too much, so deliberately punish him?

Ling Lang has an urge to cry.

If he knows that Bai Yan and his relationship are cousins, it is estimated that he will collapse even more.

Ling Lang wiped the tears that did not exist at all, and stroked the chest with a pair of deeply attacked appearances.

"You give me your son's portrait, I will help you find someone..."

This girl is so young, how can she even have her son? It’s a pity, it’s a pity...

"I don't have a portrait now. I will paint it for you later," Bai Yan frowned and thought for a while. "In addition, you give me some money."

Ling Lang mouth pumped: "You are not saying that only one condition is raised?"

It is true that he has a good impression of Bai Yan, but he is also a businessman, and he must pay attention to the interests.

"When did I say that there was only one condition?" Bai Yan swept Ling Lang. "Not to mention, I am going to auction this jade, at least two hundred million, I don't want much, you give me ten million."

No matter where you live, money is always indispensable, even for those hidden families, they need money.

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