"First, my name is Bai Yan! Second... In my mind, my father has already died. You and I are just strangers. If you bother me, then I really don't mind my uncle. !"


"To shut up!"

This time, Wenshan really closed his mouth.

Because... he really felt murderous in Bai Yan’s body.

He can be sure that if he says more, this woman will really kill him!

What scares him more than murder is that the woman in front of her has a feeling that makes him feel scared.

Her strength has reached a point of horror and horror?

Wenshan trembled back a few steps, until this moment, he suddenly realized that this woman is no longer a delicate girl ten years ago, she is so strong that he must be a step back!

Wen Feifei did not notice the difference, and she was delighted to see the murderous white face.

She actually said... want to be a father?

Is Bai Yan stupid? This sentence has already cut off her hope of inheriting the writer! After that, the entire writer will only have the presence of her a big lady!

However, when Bai Yan's eyes turned, she eagerly took back the joy on her face and then looked at her with an angry look.

"White Yan, you are too big to be wrong, he is your father, you still want to kill him? The daughter should be filial, what should God listen to, how can there be resistance?"

Her tone is like being awkward for Wenshan. In fact, she told Wenshan that she is more than Bai Yanxiaoshun. This writer still leaves her more reliable...

Bai Yan did not answer her words, faintly asked, "clothing, tell me, who has ruined your strength?"

The white clothes clenched his lips: "Yes... Wenfei Fei, she broke my Dantian, so that I can no longer practice..."

"Break the dantian, is the means to punish the thief? I am very recognized by this means."

Bai Yan walked slowly toward Wenfeifei: "Then you stole my things, what should I use... Punish you?"

"You are nonsense, I have not stolen!"

Wen Feifei is furious and angry. She just doesn't admit it. There is no evidence that she stole the drug.

Bai Yan sneered: "I haven't told you that the white clothes have not told you that my medicinal herbs can't be taken too diligently? You are now imaginary, the body's infuriating is often constantly moving, and even... sometimes it is impossible to practice. ......"

Upon hearing this, Wen Feifei had a white face and panicked and raised his small head to look at Bai Yan.

She... How could she know so clearly?

"Fifi!" Chai Yue saw Wen Feifei's expression, for fear that she would be exposed, and hurriedly screamed, "She is threatening you, your physical condition, you still don't know?"

Wen Feifei responded and bite his teeth: "When did I vain? I am very good, don't want to lie to me! I have not eaten any medicine!"

After saying this, she turned to look at Wenshan, and her eyes were red: "Dad, she hates me, I can go, but my life is clear, I have not done anything against my conscience, and I am not willing to be People are so framed."


Bai Yan’s foot was on the top of Wenfeifei’s chest, and her body flew out again, and she fell to the ground with great embarrassment.

"You stole my medicinal medicine, and sooner or later it will spit it out. This is not anxious beforehand. Let's count the things that you have ruined your clothes." Bai Yan sneered and walked over to Wenfeifei, smiling and leaning over. , stepped on her chest.

"You don't let Wenshan save you. I said, I don't mind my uncle. If he is not afraid of death, he can try it."

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