Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1496: Young master with children (1)

Wenshan looked at Bai Yan in a wrong way. He understood that after ten years, this daughter was no longer the daughter who relied on her. With {梦}小◢.1a

Her heart has long been hard and indifferent in repeated injuries.

Therefore, looking at the woman who had been very different from the past, Wenshan did not speak for a time, and stood in the same place.

"Do not!"

Chai Yue opened his arms in front of Wenfeifei, tears streaming, her voice was wronged: "I beg you to put Feifei, she is innocent, everything she does is for you..."

The sound has been cut off to this end. ..

Chai Yue’s horror raised her beauty, her neck was stunned by a hand, and the pain almost suffocated.

Bai Yan raised her hand and smashed her body out and fell on Wenshan's fat foot.

One was pale and the eyes were filled with tears.

Bai Yan ignored the few people behind him and leaned over to look at Wenfeifei, who was on the ground. He smiled and said: "I have never thought that the power of one person is abolished. It is the best punishment for her."

Wen Feifei trembled, and now Bai Yan is like a demon to her, and she is full of suffocation.

"And the best punishment is to let yourself ruin your strength in despair."

And the best punishment is to let yourself ruin your strength in despair -

This sentence is like a thunder, and it hurts the Wenfeifei ear mask.

What kind of despair is it that can make people lose their strength? Wen Feifei really can't think of this.

But then, Bai Yan’s behavior solved her doubts.

Her hands firmly tied Wenfeifei's chin, forcing her mouth to open, and then forced a black and black dying drug into her mouth.

After the entrance of the medicinal medicine, it turned into a liquid flowing into her body. The taste was really unpleasant, and Wenfeifei could not help but vomit.

"You...what did you give me?"

She was trembling and frightened.

Bai Yan lowered his throat and deliberately lowered his voice. He said in a voice that only two of them could hear: "This is not a poison, but a good medicine for your strength."

Hearing this, Wenfeifei is even more at a loss.

How can it be? How can Bai Yan’s woman be so kind?

However, the next words of Bai Yan made her feel like a hail.

"But this medicinal medicine will make you feel like your body is crushed after the early morning hours until noon. Right, the stone-heeled **** of the 18-story **** can be heard? Estimation and feeling It’s almost..."

"In addition, the stronger your strength, the more pain you will suffer. Unless you squander Dan Tian, ​​you will not be able to eliminate this pain. By the way, I will tell you that this medicine has no solution."

Wen Feifei’s heart is very cold.

What did she do wrong? Does this woman treat her like this? She is not just a waste of white clothes, don't forget, white clothes are just an outsider, she is her sister.

"You can also choose to tell Wenshan this thing, but he can't detoxify you, and you will be abandoned by the writer."

The voice of Bai Yan is like coming from hell, with a cold breath.

Wen Feifei bit his lip.

She is telling the truth. If the writer knows that she is poisoned like this, in the end... she will abandon her!

If she did not rely on the medicinal herbs to improve her strength, perhaps she and her mother did not have the opportunity to be respected by the writers.

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