"You..." The beautiful woman pointed to Bai Xiaochen, and after thinking of Bai Xiaochen’s identity, she pressed her anger and tried to use the voice of prayer. "In the morning, this is your cousin, he is not intentional, you Let him go, is it good?"

Bai Xiaochen looked at his little head and seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, he showed a row of white teeth.

"not good."

The cry of the water forest is called: "Mom, help me to play this little cockroach. He is just an illegitimate child. Even the mother who knows nothing, why come to my water house?" Help me beat him!"

He just couldn't get used to this little trick, obviously he was the young master of the water family. Why do so many people compliment him? Even grandparents let him let a little bit of it.

But he listened to his parents, this little breed is just an unknown mother's existence, and it must be that his mother's identity is so low that the second uncle did not pick her up!

How can such a person with a low status be compared with his young master of the water family?

The beautiful woman’s face was white, and there was a panic in her eyes.

These words are all said in the back, how dare you say it in person?

Since the second brother of his family has been awakened eight years ago, his temperament has changed greatly and he has become sinister and cruel. If this word is passed to his ears, they will definitely be finished!

"Lin Lin, you shut up!" The beautiful woman gritted her teeth and shouted.

After drinking again, she turned to Bai Xiaochen, and her face was extremely ugly. "In the morning, why is it so cruel to fight between children? In addition, Lin Lin is not intentional."

Bai Xiaochen’s light sank and sneered: “He told me to plant it.”

His hands are deep, and the beautiful woman can even hear the sound of bones.

Looking at the water forest again, I have already been so painful that I can’t even say a word.

"So, I want him to apologize to me, and to blame myself for a hundred words, and, at this moment, not allowed to appear in front of me!"

The beautiful woman’s face is whiter.

It is a small matter to apologize for him. He can swear by one hundred sentences. What did she and Lin Lin become?

I have been seen by so many people, how can I survive in the water home in the future?

"In the morning, your father and your uncle are always in love with each other. Their feelings are good. Lin Lin is also a favorite of your father. If you do this, your father will be very angry and may drive you out. Water home."

It is said that the child was only found two days ago, so he must have never been with him before. Such children are generally the least insecure and easily intimidated.

The bear child has a beautiful woman and hurriedly lifted his chin: "That is, the second uncle likes me very much. You bully me so much. The second uncle will drive you out of the water home, let you and your kneeling mother." Come together again."

Bai Xiaochen was able to endure the bear child at the beginning. Now when he heard that he insulted the white face, he suddenly had a cold in his eyes, and immediately slammed the ball and flew out the bear child.

Damn, dare to marry his mother, find death!

The beautiful woman was stunned. She didn't expect Bai Xiaochen to dare to kneel in this situation. She suddenly became furious and wanted to speak. A voice of sinister voice came, and she was like a handcuff that caught her. neck.

"I never knew, when did I have a good relationship with Shui Longyun? I don't know, when will I not like my son, but I like other children?"

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