The low voice of the man, as if it came from hell, also made the beautiful woman's body froze.

Cold sweat came out from the back. She was cold and shuddered. She turned her head and looked at the man with his hands in his pocket.

"Two...two brothers?"

The lips of the emperor were sneer, and his eyes swept to the small face of Bai Xiaochen Tieqing, raising his hand and rubbing his little head.

In the past, Bai Yan liked to touch the head of Bai Xiaochen. Emperor Cang rarely did such an action, but now he has this action, which makes Bai Xiaochen's face gradually turn a little better, but his lips are tight and his face is tight.

He is angry!

And Bai Xiaochen is angry, the consequences are very serious!

"Who is your second brother?" Emperor Cang turned to look at the beautiful woman.

He just borrowed the body of the Shuijia Master, and he never admitted that he was the waterman.

After the dust that the white elephant wants to do is settled, then he will inevitably abandon this flesh and leave.

"Second brother, I am Mei Mei, the wife of Shui Longyun."

The beautiful woman trembled.

The Emperor's brow was lightly wrinkled, and after half a ring, it was loose.

"No impression."


The beautiful woman's body was awkward and almost couldn't stand still. She seemed to hear her heartbreaking voice.

In fact, she likes the water family and less, so a peerless beauty, who will not like who?

She had thought that she had to get the moon in the water, and she would definitely get the attention of the water master. It was just that the water family was too sluggish, and his eyes were never placed on her.

Even she talked to him, he ignored it.

Until eight years ago, when the Shuijia lesser was seriously ill, she was no longer as sluggish as before, but her heart was trembled. She didn’t even dare to look at him.

At that time, she had already married Shui Longyun, and the children were two years old.

That mind is gradually extinguished.

But now, this man said that he never had an impression of her?

This sentence shattered all her pride and made her feel uncomfortable.

"Morning," Emperor Cang looked down at the little guy standing next to him. "I said, my son has never been wronged."

My son, never being wronged -

Shen Mei looked up in shock, what he said... What do you mean?

Emperor Cangsen’s cold eyes turned to the bear child: “Let him kneel here and slap himself, and he still needs to insult himself while fanning himself until I am satisfied, and this is the end of his mouth!”


Shen Mei’s heart trembled. She just wanted to speak for the bear child, but she did not export it. She was scared by the Emperor Cang and swallowed the next words.

"Less Lord, Lin Lin is still a child, he really knows wrong, I beg you to let him go."

"Do you know what is wrong?"

Emperor Cang smiled and looked at the bear child who fell to the ground.

The bear child was scared and trembling. He was not afraid of him in his life. Even his father was not afraid. The only one who was afraid was the two uncles.

In particular, now that Emperor Cang looks at his eyes, he is deeply scared, and wow cries out.

"I vinegar, I know it is wrong..."

Emperor Cang coldly evoked the lips: "I said before, the morning is my son, who dares to bully him, I will not let go, since you can put my words behind your ear, now also It’s just that I’m scared of admittance, this kind of mistake... The morning does not need to be accepted.”

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